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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1990)
— PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 463-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes _ “Laser WP and Desktop Publishing. Editing and tran scribing. 467-2801. All yourtyping needs. Saved until final edit and printing. Spell-check, proot copy with grammar check available. Extra style featuies available. Reasonable rates with fast service. Computer Type and Services 1630 Q3treet. 476-8973 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years expenenoe, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call All Typea, 477-0445, 110 Announcements Appearing at the Pta-Mor Ballroom, Friday, July 27th, Sinus, 9-12:30, 6600 West O St'eet. BANKRUPTCY Discharge recent student loans under certain circum stances. Statmore Law Offices, 474-1842. Enjoy a free hour of tubbing on your birthday. Call The Tubbery. 475-A969 PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of guaar. Zager Studio 423 2709 or 489 2430 140 Personals May Son Fan I'M roatfy miaa you. That KC. Nut 150 Child Care Needed Babysitter for infant in my home on Mondays and Fri days, B a m.-2 p.m. Excellent pay 421-7670. Dart time position available at Care Bear Daycare 720 Westgate Blvd Experience or education preferred Apply .a person. Teaching oouple needs responsible, loving person to care for our two children (ages 3 and 5) in our home for four days/week, daytimes Must be non-smoker with car Job begins in August Please call Anne or Sim at 475 4831. 160 Help Wanted Centennial Mall Child Care is seeking part time A M and P.M teachers Apply Federal Building 15th & O room 140 Draft person needed to draw house plans, garages, etc. Full or part time Must have completed construction drawing oourse Applv Lmooln Lumber Company,932 North 23rd EDITORIAL PRODUCTION Person to paste up editorial parts of paper 7:30 pm to completion Sunday through Thursday Apply to Kitty, 34 Nebiaska Union Information 472-1762. Flexible scheduhng Knowledge of newspaper construction re quired. EoE EXTRA CASH " NEW AND RETURNING DONORS RECEIVE S2S.00H your first time back in over 2 months when you bring a new donor w ith you. Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to chanyc.) Monday-Salurday Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bloscience, Inc 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$$ EXPERIENCED FITNESS INSTRUCTOR NEEDED' FOR OLDER ADULT FITNESS CLASSES CALL LIFE TIME HEALTH 471-7575. Fitness/ Aerobic Instructor* Apply Now! Men and women inteestested in teachng fitness classes apply now for openings next fall. Excellent benefits include: Work On campus PGood Student Salaries Stay In Shape While you Work! Apply at the Office of Campus Recreation, (Room 55 Campus Recreation Center or Room 32 East Campus Activities Building) or call Vicki Highstreet or Dawn Merz for information (4/2-3467). Deadline to apply is August 3rd UNL is an Affirmative Acton/Equal Opportunity Instition. Minilab and camera sales help needed. Darkroom and camera experience necessary. Apply immediately at East Park.Photo Quick. 466-8761. PIZZA BAKERY Now Hiring For Fall Earn up to $!x25 per hour $4.00 minimum to start (week-day noon-hour shift) 1/2 price on duty meals 1/2 price off duty meals for you and a friend Frequent pedormanoe/salary reviews Paid vacations for all employees Flexible schedule Payroll savings plan Retirement program Free uniforms We are seeking fast-paced individuals to work as res taurant co-workers as well as delivery drivers. If you are someone that likes to work in a fun environment, please contact us. Apply in person at the PIZZA BAKERY University of Nebraska 14th & R Streets City Campus Union Lincoln, Nebraska Reclaving/Dietribution Clerk Ideal lor students to work varied hours as needed in Lincoln Generals' store room. Will recieve and verily merchandise from outside vendors and fill and delivery supply orders. Work involves continous standing and walking and requires lilting ol heavy objects Must posess current N£ drivers license with a good driving record Apply in person with abstract ol driving record Personnel Department Lincoln General Hospital 2300 S. 16th, Lincoln, Ne, Twisters Muse S Gifts now taking applications Apply at any location Broad music knowledge preferred. U.S. Sprint Network 2000 has sever*! opening* for independent marketing rep* statewide, full time or perl time. Complete training. Exceptional commiaeiona and bonuses. Presentation and interview* 7:00 pm, Tues day, July 31 et e! the Airport Holiday Inn. No appoint ment needed. Wanted. 2 people to do telemarketing lor St. Paul United Methodist Church. 3 hours each Monday and Tuesday evenings from August 27 - October 30. S5/hour. Call 477 6951. 162 VVorkStudyjg^|____ Attention: Biology. Psychology, Physics Majors Get the teaching experience you ne*d Contact the ASC lor information. 472-1481 170 Roommates C'ean, non-smoking tomato needed to share large throe bedroom apart —wrt dose to campus $159 & 1/3 utili ties Call *75 0876 or leave message Need immediately' Female, non-smoking roommate Two bedrooms Dishwasher Clean. Close to campus. $167 50/month Deposit plus 1/2 electricity *35-7357. Leave message Need two roommates tor a 3 bedroom apartment, seven blocks from campus. $95 rent I 477-5712. ---■— The Dougs Good Old Rock ft Rod C ' S 25# Schnapps Shots 9-10 p.m. 50# Hurricane Shooters 10-11 .m. tjmSt" Don’t Forget ■SraRSTT THURSDAY 00$ Pitchers, Wells and Bottles 826 T* Street in the Haymarket Non-smoking male to share 2 bedroom apt. close to campus. $152.50 plus half of utiNies Call Steve, leave message. 477-7833. Responsible female to share house close to campus. Own bedroom available August 1. $131.25/month plus deposit plus 1/4 utilities. 475-0799. Roommate-Two bedroom apartment, about $160/ month. Near 20th & A. Prefer older, mature, quiet graduate student. John 476-7940. Roommated wanted. Responsible, non-smoking female for large 2-bedroom, 2-bath apartment. $247.50 plus 1/2 utilities. Call 464-2109. Wanted roommate for spacious apartment. Great older building near Capitol'campus. Wood floors, porch, cen tral air, lots of room. Must be responsible non-smoker, and be at least semi-intelligent, semi-quiet, semi-clean, andsemi-tun. $200 plus utilities. Call 477-4450. Leave message. Wanted: 1 or 2 female roommates ASAP. Prefer non smokers. 435-4259 mornings Campus close 180 Houses For Rent 322 S 27th. Five bedroom, two baths. Air. No pets. $675. 488-6738 Between Campuses 1602 N. 28th. Four bedrooms. Wit. $525 plus deposit and utilities. 488-5446. Student s Dream! 2331 II Street Seven bedroom/5 bedroom plus loft, four blocks from UNI. $800/month. Call Kim, 489-0621. 190 Apartments For Rent ••Jones Apartments** 20th and G. Swimming pool. One bedroom $289 and up. Two bedrooms, $339 and up. 2301 A. One bedroom, $265. 475-7262. Beat the Rush! Acroea from Governor'* Mansion Newer Brick Building. •Parking •Laundry •Storage Unite •Quiet Building $255/month plus deposit, gas and •••<**$£.■ 1c**>rto1 Vsta Apartments, 14th and G Streets. 488-6889. CAMPUS CLOSE 2740 H 2 Bedrooms at $295. Laundry, air, garage. 1735 N 29th, 5 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, Appliances. Parking, $675. 488-6738. Efficiency Apartments. 648 South 12th, $230. 255 North 25th, $200. 476-1911 467-5986. Modern townhouse available mid-August. Three-four bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Washer dryer, garage. Near cam pus. $650. 2024 S. 17th Call 1-333-3612 after 6. Near campus. Near new. Two bedroom units for $350/ month 474-6048, 477-0837. Phoenix Properties One and two bedroom apartments near campus and southeast. $230-$370. Call Kim at 489-0621 iw.C?” W.C.’si I , i lA TAKE A STUDY BREAK! \j Jr ^ $2.30 Pitchers \ « $1.00 Well Drinks 4) I j\ ^ W.C. 'S Downtown Q\ 122<S 'l>* Street I •W.C.'s • Coupon Not timid W ith All) Other Ofler • W.C.'s* ■__ _ ___ _ _ mmm mam —m *— mmr M mmm J Campus Notes by Brian Shellito I Pear Stupent - '^■'WEEiTbut ^LDN1T BE ^TM VOU this B oTwei1 &TS7UC>; iw cH,aGo 7 ^^B B g^14^ ^ ^ TC *®P MYSEIF H with ah op V*“E ^IW class fcjSfi M SlNfESfLU, a BSmi SHEU.IT5 WBm 4 Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 A language of Sri Lanka 6-del Sol, Spam 11 Haig and Hirt 14 "No bigger than an-stone ", Shak 15 Actress in 'The Maltese Falcon 16 -Dolorosa 17 Tightrope walker 19 Pismire 20 Greenish blue 21 Olfactory stimuli 22 Climax preceder 23 Kipling s Nag, eg 25 Toulouse Lautrec creation 27 Black gold 29 Cat fancier 32 Stems' opposites 34 Celebrated 35 Syrian leader 36 King topper 37 -ark 41-Carta 43 Pandemonium 44 Bad speller 46 Actor Erwin 49 One of the du Ponts 50 Mohammed s favorite wife 52 A Doll's House'' heroine 53 Avowed 56 Elevator man 59 Neighbor of Ont 60 Lover of women 62 Dos Passos trilogy 63 Hackneyed 64 City in S Turkey 65 Moray 66 Alter 67 -Python DOWN 1 Chief Justice 1921-30 2 Chills and fever 3 Restraints 4 Writer Calvino 5 Pt of the Apollo spacecraft 6 Taillike 7 Frogner Park locale • The slammer • Tippler 10 Garfunke! or Linkletter 11 Lemmon film 1972 12 Support above a door 13 “Candide," e g 18 King of Bulgaria: 1918-43 22 City nW Israel • . I 1 t > » ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Ic|o|s|t«s|t|e|a|mBi |m|p'TT1 Ip11 c aHa r a[g|fBd!a|r|n1 IailieIcMr e si i InMBoIn f. s 24 First-aid item 26 A pair of lacks, maybe 27 Explorer Johnson 28 -a Wonderful Life" 30 Open, in a way 31 Anonymous Richard 33 Helen Hunt Jackson heroine 36 Santa-, Calif 38 Strasbourg native 39 Cloche or toque 40 Dallas mst 42 Moneyman Sir Thomas 43 “-There," Sellers film 44 The five, at dice 46 Incite 46Pablitm ( 47 Playwright Pmtei 51 Wayne film 1953 54 Pino! or M6doc 55 “The Good Earth" wife 57“.. as amt": T uuaoHIaHap I VVUvviiOuVv 55 Nautical rope 60 Police org . f 1 Qixie veggie