The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 19, 1990, Summer, Page 15, Image 14

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    Beretta driver Tommy Kendall celebrates after crossing the finish line to win the Ruan Greater
Des Moines Grand Prix.
2 Appliances
3 Bicycle#
4 Books
5 Clothing
6 Computers
8 Furniture
9 Garage Sales
10 Wise F0r Sale
12 W «.cai Instrument!
]4 Photo Equipment
'6 Sporting Goods
18 Stereov TVs
19 Tchet Exchange
20 Vehicles
22 Adoption
25 Automotive
?8 Beauty Ads
30 Bridal
32 Counseling
34 Floral
36 Health & Fitness
38 Insurance
40 Instruction
42 Job Placement
44 legal
60 Wise Services
62 Pregnancy
164 Printing
70 Religious
72 Rentals
74 Social Services
76 Travel
76 Tutoring
80 Typing & Resumes
100 Rides
110 Announcements
120 Greek Affairs
130 Student Government
136 Meeting Others
140 Personals
145 Lost A Found
1148 Wanted
ISO Child Care Needed
160 Help Wanted
162 Work Study Jobs
164 Summer Jobs
170 Roommates
176 Rooms For Rent
180 Houses For Rent
190 Apartments For Reni
194 Homes For Sale
196 Vacation Rentals
I*L£Iigg<>s/TVs _
r?« '.5 ^••dy Cotof TV w'emota Jutt ifca
0593 PC,U'* 9'*a,p',c*' $15° Call lorer .1474
i!i_jjcket Exchange
wwf" Aufl
20 Vehicles ForSale
1980 Grand Pru, 69.000 miles $1000. 4 76 9649
22 Adoption_
We long to adopt vour precious newborn and provide the
opportunities and love that every mother dreams of for
her child. Call Jim and Debbie collect: 716-621 7652.
evenings (EST) and weekends Expenses paid Legai/
Adoption Loving, secure, professional Califonan couple
longs to adopt infant. Promises pets, caring family, fine
education Legal, confidential, expenses paid. Call
Agnes and Phil colled 213 828 7572 or attorney at 800
242 8770.
A baby will be well loved in our family, with full-time
mother, loving engineer father Call our attorney colled
(406) 288-7100. ask about Sandy and DelRae (A-102)
Happily married couple desiretogive infant allthe advan
tages of and stable home Legal, confidential. Call
us colled weekdays after 7 p.m or weekends anytime.
212 226 7006
Loving childless couple wish to adopt vour precious
rtemfcorn. We promise a beautiful home filled with love,
hugs, laughter and security. A large sxtended family
await your special child Please make our dreams come
true Expenses paid. Call colled Leqal and Confidential
914 268 5561
Pediatrician and loving wife will embrace, cherish and
adopt special nevrtior n Grandparents and cousins wait
with open arms and teddy bears Expenses paid Call
colled. 719 347 5020
E xplore the protedion and benefits of adoption which are
only provided by a licensed agency No tee for our
confidential services Contact
Nebraska Children's Home Society
4600 Valley Road
Your precious baby deserves a chanoe We look forward
to hoanng from you so we can tak to you about the love
and life we have to offer A full lime mom end devoted
dad awaits your baby Please help yourself, your baby,
and us have a happier life Call Becky and Serge collect
yfter 6 PM (516)243 6239 Legal, confidential, ex
penses paid
60 Misc. Services__
Rentals Sales Service
1001 Garfield 474-4136
62 Pregnancy _
Confidential counseling available Call for an
941 0 Street. Suite B 1
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping
4632^9fln*r,Cy ,**1' 0411 u* ,0f NVomt
78 Tutoring ""
Tutor wanted for Corporate Finance 361.57/hour during
Second 5 week Session. 453-7148
80 Typing & Resumes
“Laser WP and Desktop Publishing Editing and tran
scrtoing 467-2801.
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers Over 10 years
experience, proven result!. 464 -0775
Professionally typeset or laser printed 515 plus lax
Daily Nebraskan
basement of the Nebraska Union
Typing and Word Processing Resumes Papers Call
All-Types. 477 0445.
110 Announcements
Appearing at the Pla Mor Ballroom, July 12, 9 12
Rumbles 6600 West O.
I4.-V V-V/lYlUIlini lV/iT IIVAVilCJ | miCL/lUIVl 1 CIYI ri^XrA m
2 CHIPS & i,(h,n 1 47c17AA it 1-QT. PEPSI I
| 1QT. OF PEPSI 14th'r^Superior 435^000 »„,*
A 95 4344 O St 475-4070 rT 95
I or Call for Delivery 4***" 745 So. 11th 477-6661 / #*tiu forCMIvtry I
Kr Enhance your summer tan at J|V
R The Pink Flamingo. R
O 10 Tans for $25 R
P& Receive a free 8oz. bottle of Supre Dl
O Tanning Accelerator with purchase. n
<6 "
of Quality Diamond Bridal Sets
Reduced 20-40%
The A.T. Thomas Guarantee Assures you of...
• Diamond Quality • Lifetime trade-in value
• Precise modern cut • Lifetime cleaning and
for maximum brilliance inspection
Stop In NOW 467-5402 East Park Plaza
Open Sundays 220 No. 66th