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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1990)
WERE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE # American Heart it M Association i|Jf Nebraska Affiliate EXTRA CASH NEW AND RETURNING DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! your first lime back in over 2 months when you bring a nc* donor with you. Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to change.) Monday-Saturday Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc 1442 O St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$$ $2.60 per day tor 10 words on individual student and student organization ads. $3.00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads. $ 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE Noon, Wednesdays. The Daily Nebraskan will no! print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin ' The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper 1 he advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made agamst the Daily Nebras kan. 18 Stereos/TVs ror Sale: 13‘Cable Ready Color TV w/remote. Juetlike new. Great picture, great price! $150 Call Loren at 474 0593 20 Vehicles For Sale_ 1980 Grand Pnx, 69,000 rrole* $1000. 476-9649' IW.C.'s W.C.'si i ■ IP TAKE A STUDY BREAK! \ j I ^ $2.30 Pitchers ^ V I $1.00 Well Drinks i j\ W.C. S Downtown (Jj I22K 'I" Sired I IW.C.'s Coupon Not (iootl N\ ill) \nj Other Offer W.C.'si k mm m mm mm mm mm mmm mmm — — — *m* mm mm mm mm mm mam — — Haymarket Oscar's 8(X) "0” St. "Omaha's Funnest Party Band" Finest Hour Friday - Saturday July 13, 14 Come Enjoy Our Drink Specials Busy Summer? Start Your Day Right With Continental Breakfast From 120 No. 14th 22 Adoption _ ADOPT: We long to adopt your precious newborn and provide the opportunities and love that every mother dreams of for her child. Call Jim and Debbie collect: 716-621-/652. evenings (EST) and weekends. Expenses paid. Legal/ confidential. Adoption- Loving, secure, professional Calitorian couple longs to adopt infant. Promises pets, caring family, fine education. Legal, confidential, expenses paid. Call Agnes and Phil collect 213-828 7572 or attorney at 800 242-8770. Adoption: A baby will be well loved in our family, with full-time mother, loving engineer father. Call our attorney collect (408) 288-7100, ask about Sandy and Delflae. (A-102) Happily married couple desire to give infant all the advan tages of loving and stable home. Legal, oonfxJential. Call us collect weekdays after 7 p.m. or weekends anytime. 212-226-7006. _ Loving childless couple wish to adopt your precious newborn. We promise a beautiful home filled with love, hugs, laughter and security. A large extended family await your special child. Please make our dreams come true. Expenses paid. Call collect . Legal and Confidential. 914 268 5561. Pediatrician and loving wife will embrace, cherish and adopt special newtoorn. Grandparents and cousins wrait with open arms and teddy bears. Expenses paid. Call collect. 718-347-5020 PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits o( adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No lee for our confidential services Contact. Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7878. Your precious baby deserves a chance We look lorward to hearing from you so wre can tak to you about the love and life we have to offer. A full lime mom and devoted ded awaits your baby. Please help yourself, your baby, and us have a happier life. Can Becky and Serge colect after 6 P.M. (516)243-6239. Legal, confidential, ex penses paid. 60 Misc. Services TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS Rentals Sales Service Rent-To-Own BLOOMS 1001 Garfield 474-4136 62 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Cal for an appointmen* LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 9410 Street Suite B-1 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy tesl. please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609, 78 Tutoring_ ~~ Tutor wanted for Corporate Finance 361, $7/hour during Second 5-week Session. 453-7148. 80 Typing & Resumes _ "Laser WP and Desktop Publishing. Editing and tran scribing 467-2801. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Profess tonally typeset or laser printed *15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes Papers. Call All-Types. 477-0445 110 Announcements Appearing at the Pla- Mor Ballroom, July 12.9-12:30. The Rumbles. 6600 West O. _ BANKRUPTCY Discharge recent student loans under certain circum stance* Statmore Law Offices. 474 1842. Enjoy a tree hour of tubbing on your birthday. Call The Tubbery. 475-0989 _ PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of Zager Studio 423-2708 or 489 2430. 160 Help Wanted _ Cashiers wanted for convenience store. Part time and full time postions available. Honest, dependable, friendly people appply at Woods Park Amoco, 33rd & "O". _ Engineering student w/draftmg experience and 2-3yeart college remaining. Part-time during school, full time in summer. Call 476-7545. Ask for Tom or Rob Minilab and camera sales help needed. Darkroom and camera experience necessary. Apply immediately at East Park Photo Quick. 466- 8761. Qualified lifeguards needed at AbeLSandoz pool. Come pick up an application or call 472-1009 for more informa tion. Positions available immediately. 170 Roommates Need a fun responsible roomate9 H so, call Kevin 436 0131 evenings. Nonsmoking roomate to share nice 2 bedroom apt. in 29th 4 L neighborhood. Only $175 plus utilities. Okay to call late. 477-2845 175 Rooms For Rent2 Co-ed Summer Housing At Triangle Fraternity. Rooms available lor first and seoond 5-week sessions. Call Scott, 436-0134 or Chris, 436-9444 for more information. 180 Houses For Rent' 2301 Vine. Nice four bedroom two baths. Very close to campus. Parking. $650,475-1579 488-0061 Sixbodroom house waking distancetoUNL. Half utilities paid. 489-4393. _ Student’s Dream! 2331 U Street Seven bedroom/5 bedroom plus loft, four blocks from UNI. $800/month. Call Kim. 489-0621. Victorian ootlage. three bedrooms. Full. 3/4 and 1/2 baths. Heat oomp, built-in dishwasher. First flooywasher/ dryer. Hardwood fioors, Irench doors. Available mid July or August 1. $495 plus utilities. 435-3871. 190 Apartments For Rent $180 & Up. Downtown furnished efficiencies & 1 bed room*. 477-3648 "Jones Apartments" 20th and G. Swimming pool. On* bedroom $289 and up. Two bedroom*. $339 and up. 2301 A On# bedroom, $265 475-7262 1 Bedrm. Apt., S225/month. Low util., wood floors Pleat* call 476-2436. 1717JStr*et Large two bedroom apartment Heat, water and garbage paid $320/month To see. call 483-2034 2252 W 2343 W 2412 W New two bedroom* dose to campus Zimmer Manage ment, 475-0180. 2736 0. Two bedroom four plex. Central air. Fireplace, applianoes. dishwasher, laundry. $390 plus deposit. 464-1484. _ 3501 Baldwin Available in August. Newer, large, clean two bedrooms. C/A, all-electnc kitchens, parking. $360 plus deposit. 4834600 Efficiency Apartments 648 South 12th $230 255 North 25«h $200476-1911 467-5386_ Near campus. Near new. Two bedroom units for $350/ month. 474-6048, 477-0637. __ Phoenix Properties One and two bedroom apartments near campus and southeast $230 $370 Call Kim at 489-0621. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Jazz style 5 Plays the horses 9 Fallen angel 14 This may be pointed 15 Egress 16 Solo 17 Cowardly Lion portrayer 18 Pro 19 Timid one 20 He who tears - "(with 51 Across, state ment by Napoleon) 23 Things to stand on 24 Tipped rod 25 They're nearly grads 26 Wickerwork necessity 29 Tot 31 Lagoon enclosure 32 Mizzen royal, eg 33 Porcine lingo 37 Speck 38 City in N D 39 Neb Indian 40 Singing brothers 41 Ruler of Asgard 42 Move stealthily 43 Sabots or secques I ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 45 Acid neutralizer 46 Chinese pagoda 49 Poetical eye 50 Writer of "Polly of Hollywood"' 51 See 20 Across 56 Subway payment 57 Ireland's Islands 58 Conspiracy 60 Anoint, old style 61 Inveigh 62 Lugs of |ugs 63 More up-to-date 64 Singing pairs 65 M Lacoste DOWN I 1 trie Lanai mule 2 Complamer 3 Steady pain 4 Wasteful 5 Actress Candice 6 Methodical 7 Josip Broz 8 Upright bar or beam 0 Hebrew |udge of old 10 Lily plant 11 Where Martel was victorious A D 732 12 Goose genus 13 Requirements 21 “Hud1' Oscar winner 22 This could be crazy 26 Hero of Hindu epics 27 Tiny particle 20 Bag or board preceder 29-Ma|or or Minor 30 Portal guardian 32 Furniture piece 34 Virginia willow 35 Carol 36 Military cap 36 007 portrayer 42 Treble or bass 44 Plum puller 45 Some are chemical 46 Cronus was one 47 Altogether 4* Crookedly 50 "A Bell for-*• Hersey 52 Central African river 53 Munich Mrs 54 Wings ontalaria 55 Ripped 59 Monogram of Prufrock's creator