The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 05, 1990, Summer, Image 1
Nebra^kaN_ Bereuter introduces loan deferment bill By Jennifer Dods jr* Staff Reporter Q tudenls paying for medical jf* school with student loans may be allowed deferments on their loan repayments if a congressional bill sponsored by Nebraska Rep. Doug Bcrculer passes. Introduced on May 1, HR 4690 would increase the lime of loan re payment from two years after the completion of medical school to the time students finish their residencies or internships. Medical students are usually in residency for about three years, said Marilyn McLaughlin, associate di rector of financial aid at the Univer sity of Nebraska Medical Center. Medical students usually have seven to eight years of schooling before they start their internships or resi dency training, McLaughlin said. Bereuter said that since all train ing programs last longer than the current two year deferment policies, physicians may be forced out of their training early and into the work force to make money for repayments. Making loan payments after the physicians finish their training will reduce fears and pressures about leav ing their residency before training is completed, he said. The bill is in response to the 1989 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, which requires medical students’ to repay their loans two years after school ing ends, said Carol Lawrence, press secretary for Bereuter. The bill has 51 co-signers, but has yet to have public hearings on it, she said. Faculty group seeks divestment From staff reports A University of Ncbraska-Lincoln English professor said he is amazed at the amount of atten tion his group of faculty members is getting. Paul Olson said the group, formed to encourage the NU Foundation to divest from South Africa, is informal and doesn’t do much except sit around and talk about how nice it would be if the foundation followed the state’s example and divested. He attributed the group’s notori ety to Nelson Mandela’s recent visit to the United States. Nebraska people aren't sympathetic to Apartheid, but he said they usually aren’t involved with international issues. Olson said he is ‘‘very surprised with the enthusiasm and concern” about the divestment issue and with what the group is doing. ‘‘If you’re onto something that’s important, you can sec it in people’s and your friends’ faces,” he said. The group started when one of Olson’s colleagues told him she was concerned about receiving money from the foundation, which has investments in South Africa. Olson then said he also was concerned about the founda tion’s investments, because hfc is a foundation professor and much of his salary comes from the NU Founda tion. The two decided to get together and share insights about what could be done to get the foundation to di vest, he said. The group now has about 6-8 members, Olson said. Michelle Paulman/Dally Nebraskan Bryan Bell, a senior business major, heads for home on his motorcycle Monday afternoon after getting out of summer classes. —■ ■ ■■ ■ — ■ - — _ Satellite transponder allows vast expansion By Christine Pillard Staff Reporter Nebraska is the first state to lease a full-unie satellite transponder for educational and public service purposes, ac cording to Kathryn Stephens, net work information director for the Nebraska Educational Television Network. -JL Other states transmit via satel lite, Stephens said, but Nebraska is the first to have 24-hour capabili ties. The new telecommunications network, called NEB*SAT, re placed the 25-year-old microwave system Feb. 1. The primary advan tage of NEB*S AT, Stephens said, See T.V. on 2 Tuck receives journalism award By Kara Wells Staff Reporter As a journalism professor al the University of Nebraska-Lin coln, George Tuck tries not to get loo serious about his job. Being a teacher forces you into a strange personality.” he laughs. “It’s easy to get too deadly serious.” The recipient of the Robin F. Gar land Award for outstanding service as a photojournalism educator, Tuck hasn t lost the enthusiasm he brought to the university 20 years ago. “I like the job I’ve got_There’s enough flexibility,” he said. For the award, Tuck credits his students. “It’s really the student’s award,” he said. “... I’m blessed with a lot of good students.” Tuck said he has a wide variety of “top notch students” who do well in the professional world. He said he leaches his classes dif ferently each semester to avoid repe ution. And projects and freelance work also help make his job worthwhile, he said. Tuck said he puls in about 60 hours -4 4 As a photographer, you have to get inside people's mind, you have to pull out the salient elements. Unless you're alert and have a vision, you don't see it all. Tuck journalism professor -f f a week on both teaching in the Col lege of Journalism and working on outside projects. He said he currently is writing reports for the Associated Press Managing Editors on graphics and photography. He also is doing freelance design and photography work, work ing on two book projects and leaching a typography class this summer, he said. As the president-elect of the UNL Academic Senate, Tuck also is in volved heavily in faculty affairs. Even with his hectic schedule, Tuck said he still has time for his students. “The students arc the first prior ity,” he said. Tuck said he tries to keep in touch with his former students,4 ‘to see how they re doing.” He said he also hears from students out on internships who are looking for advice. With an undergraduate degree in clinical psychology. Tuck said he sees himself as a counselor when he ad vises students. “I try to make the student inde pendent but still provide them with a support system_It’s like kicking them out of the nest,” he said. See TUCK on 2