The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 28, 1990, Summer, Page 10, Image 9

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NATA inducts
physical trainer
to Hall of Fame
By Darran Fowler
Senior Editor
The chief physical therapist at the
University of Nebraska-Liricoln Stu
dent Health Center was inducted into
the National Athletic Trainers’ Asso
ciation Hall of Fame at this year’s
annual banquet in Indianapolis.
Roland E. “Duke” LaRue, who
also is director of the UNL athletic
training curriculum, was one of four
inductees this year. He has been at
UNL for 12 years.
Lamic, wno nas oeen a memoer ot
the NATA for 33 years, said he was
“thrilled to death” to be chosen by
his peers as a recipient of the honor.
He said he knew six weeks in
advance that he would receive the
award. He spent that time “thinking
about what worthy,choice words” he
would use for his acceptance speech,
he said.
“It’s always something you dream
about,” LaRuc said. “To a guy who
always goes to the annual banquet
and sees others being awarded and
saying, ‘Those are great people,’...
someday you hope you’ll be there.
It’s quite an honor, I feel.”
LaRuc, who has served as a trainer
atthc 1972and 1980Olympic Games,
said he placed the plaque where he
can stare at it, the award that recog
nizes him for his distinction and
commitments, every time he uses his
tie is the third UNL physical trainer
to get the award. George F. Sullivan,
the athletic department’s head trainer,
and the late Paul J. Schneider also
received the award.
State game cte
The deadline for individual
events for the sixth-annual Com
husker State Games, which run July
16 to 22, is July 2.
The individual sports include:
aquatics, archery, badminton, box
ing, chess, cycling, equestrian, fenc
ing, golf, gymnastics, horseshoe
pitching, martial arts, pocket bil
liards, racquetball, road race, roller
skating, sailing, shooting, table
tennis, track and field, triathlon.
$2 50 per day for 10 words on Individual student
and student organization ads.
$3.00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads.
$.15 each additional word
$ 75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge
DEADLINE: Noon, Wednesdays
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, mantai status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper
The advertisers agree to assume liability for all
contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim
arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras
3 Bicycles _
^Mif*hFu,.mdatounngb*.. 10-apaed Call Kelly,
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King mx* watadw) lor tal* with captain * p*da*ta!
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19 Ticket Exchange_
:adline nears
volkswalfc and wrestling.
Each sport has its own entry fee
requirements with entrants receiv
ing official Comhusker Games T
shirts and passes to the opening
ceremonies and Athletes’ Party,
which includes a barbecue and prize
drawings. No late entries accepted.
Entry information for the Teach
Run and other events can be ob
tained by calling the games office
at 471-2544.
Ply United roundtrip to Chicago. $100. 475-6940.
H you have Paul McCartnoy tickots and don't want ti
driva.tako an air-oonditionod dolutto motor coach to
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20 Vehicles For Sale
1987 Toyota Supra, turbo, white exterior, blue doth
intanor. Targa top. Loaded 421-3357.
1085 Nissan Centra wagon deluxe 5-speed. Air AM/FM
cassatts. Power steering Tilt wheal. Excellent through
out. $3750 or offers Baer's Automotive Sales. 1647 S
Third, 477 6442.
1980 Honda Accord LX Hatchback. 5-speed. A/C. Good
school car. Call after 6: 470-2706.
1968 Ford Ranger had ton. Very good oondition. 93,000
actual miles Cargo lights, hitch and wired for trailer. $700
or will accept $400 down and finance to right person.
Contact Elmer at 477-1921.
22 Adoption
Happily married couple desire to give infant all the advan -
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