The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1990, Page 20, Image 19
HERM’S LIQUOR 17TH&‘P’St. 474-6592 offer good thru 5-9-90 WARM BEER BOTTLES Budweiser Longneck $Q99 (Reg.-Light) Non-Returnable Btl». w WARM BEER CANS Miller $Q49 (Reg.-LIght-Draft) Cs. W Keystone $ A39 Regular Cs. w# $799 Light Cs. f Old Style $fi49 (Reg.-Llght) Cs. W Milwaukee’s Best $f£49 (Reg. Light) C». w Zonin Asti Spumante SC 49 (Warm) 750 mi w Seagram’s Wine Coolers Franzia White Srifandei Wine Coolers Bartles & Jaymes Wine Coolers All Flavors (warm) g gg , 4 pk. £*> cBmBwuwsniaBnBaHSiiiHMnmHMmffinsiM Question: What can one do for fun in the sun with no money? Answer: Solve your problem with a part- time summer job for the Nebraska Republican Party. Evening telephone positions are available immediately. We offer: ‘Flexible Schedules. ‘No late nights. ‘Salary plus bonus. '12- 24 hours per week 'Relaxed working environment. Don't miss outl Call 475-2122, Sunday- Thurs day, 7-9pm for a phone interview. Retail sales, part-time, Husker Heaven, call for appoint ment, 476-2354. _ Shiner Food Mart Full and part-time cashiers wanted for a fast growing 24 hour convenient store Excellent starting wages, insur ance benefits both day and night shift positions open. Apply in person at any of the Shiner Food Mart locations, 600 West A, 10th and Charleston, 14th and High. ★★ EXTRA CASH ★★ NEW DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! RETURN DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! your first time back in over 2 months when you bring a new donor with you Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure (Bonuses subject to change.) (Mon. - Sat.) Free parking at any Park & Shop. University Plasma Center Associated Blosclence, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$$ | NEED CASH? j Highest $ paid for used records, i cassettes A compact discs! f jf 1401 -O" St. East Park 6105 "O" St. ■ j 434-2500 434-2510 ___434-2520__g Wet T-Shirt Contest Tonight! Thursday and Friday - May 3 & 4 800 O St.OSCAR'S Haymarket The Office of Campus Recreation is now hiring lifeguards for the summer. Morning, afternoon, evening, ana week end hours available. Apply in person, Room 55, Campus Recreation Center. _ Wanted: Self-motivated person to sell Duck Head Ap parel through catalog sales. Set your own hours, work out of your home, get great marketing experience. Couldn't be easier- work and go to school. Send resu mes or interests to: O'Bryan Bros. Catalog Sales, P.0. Box 688, Winder, GA 30680_ YMCA is hiring youth softball umpires. Will train new officials. Apply at YMCA Youth Sports office, 1039 "P' St. 475-9622 for more informa-' tion. 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS. Male/female. Outstanding Slim down camps: tennis, dance, slimnastics, WSI, athletics, nutrition/dietetics. Age: 20+. Seven weeks. CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massa ohusettes, Pennsylvania, California C-ontact: Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive, North Wood mere, NY 11581. 1 -800-421 -432 i, _._ CAMP COUNSELORS wanted tor private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, walerskiing, gymnastics, riflery, arcnery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR nding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $900 or more plus R4B. Marc Seeger, 1765 Maple, NfId., IL 60093 708-446-2444. HARD WORK, good pay. High wages for quality work have made O-Team detasseTmg crews #1 across the midwest. Find out more, call 1-800-333-8275 or 402 643 2532. Age 14+. Oetting's Detasseling. Inc. NOW HIRING WSI’S For summer swim lessons in Lincoln, June 23-August 3. $4.25 per hour. Apply at Lancaster County Red Cross, 1701 E Street. 471-7997.^_ _ _ STILL LOOKING FOR SUMMER WORK THAT WILL PAY YOU WHAT YOU’RE WORTH? EARN $5,000 TRAVEL TO SOUTH WORK WITH MOTIVATED STUDENTS BUILD UP RESUME CHALLENGING WORK CALL TOOAY FOR AN INTERVIEW _475-2315 _ Summer life guards and some instructors needed. Lots of flexible hours. Great job for college students. Must have current lifesaving and CPR. Apply Northeast YMCA 2601 N. 70th. __ __ TIRED OF USING BRA WN AND NOT BRAINS? We still have a few positions available for hardworking, motivated students who would iike to gain some "real world" experience. Earn $5,000+. college credit travel, advancement. CALL TOOAY FOR AN INT ERV1EW 435-6301 Aekfor Row Univerelty of Nabraeka Foundation is taking applications for summer phonathon positions Hours will be 6-10 pm Mon-Thurs. Call for an appointment between 8-5 472-2151. 170 Roommates _ Female roommate needed for summer. 2 bedroom, own bathroom, washer/dryer, furnished, $200 rronih. Kathy 467-2455._ Female roommate needed. Own room with loft tor sum mer only. Call Robyn or Andrea 469-4131. Large, ncely furnished basement for rent, male or fe male Available 5/15. S2S0 utilities included. Karon, 4/7-4406-days, 423 0265 evenings. Male roommate needed A.S A P Prefer Senior or Graduate Student Great East Campus location: 4221 Holdrege St. Rent: $174.50 + utilities Call 467-479* and ask for Ron. Need 1 or 2 non-smoking male roommates, to share targe, newer 4-bedroom house with air conditioning and laundry. $150 ♦ utilities. 476-9691. Need one roommate, male/femalo. Start now or June. $125/month plus 1/4 utilities (large house). Call 477 9058. Need roommate to share apartment for 1st 5 wk. session. Call 476-3829. Needed roommate-great location--$115/month plus 1/3 utilities. Call 476-8115. Non-smoking female needed to look for and share 2 bedroom apartment. 477-5548 ask for Doreen. Responsible, male non-smoker to share large split-level furnished apartment. Prefer junior-senior-grad student. Convenient location. Own room with lots of spacel Only $136 plus 1/2 utilities. Available immediately. Call Ken, 475-2058, leave message Three, four and five bedroom houses near city campus. Central air, showers, Washer/ Dryer, range, refrigerator, 477-5049. 175 Rooms For Rent Best Co-ed Summer Housing! Summer housing at Triangle Fraternity. Laundry facili ties, air conditioning, spacious rooms and more. For information, call Scott at 436-0134 or Chris at 436-8783. Better Summer Housing Co-ed Reasonable rates. A/C, laundry, large rooms, live the good life at the Chi Phi Fraterntiy. Call Rob, Tom or Brett at 436-6065. Co-Ed Summer Housing On campus. Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity, 436-0118, ask for Phil Free Summertime Room and Board. See ad under Child Care. __ Share house 1, 2 or 3 boys, close, W/D. Call Herold Freese 308-237 2585. 180 Houses For Rent 1428 N 14th. Very close to campus and Devaney Sports Center. Nice* bedroom. Parking. $475. 475-1579, 488 0061, _ 2301 Vine. Walking distance to campus. Very nice lour bedroom. 1 and 1/2 baths. Available May 15. $650. 475 1579, 486-0061. ___ Between campuses. 3 and 4 bed rooms, laundry, parking, available May. 488-5446. Close to Campus Summer or Longer: 702 N. 30th, 6 Bdr/2 Rstrms . $625 823 N. 26th, 4 Bdr/A-C/Dshwsher...$525 2904 Q, 4 Bdr/A-C'Dshwsher, $495 3020 T, 5 Bdr/2 Rstrms/A-C. . .$635 Beginning in Fall: « 817 N. 26th 4 Bdr/2 Rstrms/ A-C/Wshr-Dryr...$565 3095 S, 4Bdr/2 Rslrms/A C/Wshr-Dryr/Dsnwshr...$635 Act NOW and Relaxl 423-1535. Near University. Four or five bedroom house. 476-7774. One bedroom house, close to campus. 745 Newharrp shire. 477 6021.___ Three and four bedroom. 10, 12 month tease. 435-5565 eve rungs. 190 Apartments For Rent SUMMER LEASE Ilf I must rent thw apt. at 1626 0 St. by the 5th. Cozy, clean and conveniently located. One bedroom w/laundry facilities. $230/mo. Come & see this one at Heather Ridge Apartment*. That super reporter, Jerry Guenther aatd,' Thi* te THE apartment for you. Call 476 3867 to chock >t out. ‘“Brand New*** Pine Tree Apartments Available May t. Two bedroom $390-410, three bedroom with two baths S640 Garages, security building, microwavs, refrigerator, dishwasher, range, ceding fan. no pels, minutes to UNL. Firal and Adants 483-6057,483 1130 _ •Newer 2 Bedroom* Minutes to UNL. security building, balcony, ceiling tan, microwave, no pets 535 W Saunders $390. 483-6057 o» 483 1130 •PRICE REDUCTION* 640 S. 20th Splash and tan yourself poolside Summer Spcecial. Two bedrooms, $300 and up One bedroom, new carpet 475-7262. (Fall leases also available). ‘Special* Half off firs' month's rent. Efficiency and one bedrooms starling af S179/month. Call 488-7368 or 435 3320 1 and 2 Bedroom Available May 15th, $240 340, 539 N 24th, *23-1029 1-2 bedroom apartments lor rent. Great locations. S325 and up. Call Jan at 435-7233. Mon. through Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m._ 1821 F. Sharp one bedroom, second floor, very clean, $235,423-4000. 1910Knox~Takeoversummer lease. One year confracf alsoavailable. Great location and value Call and leave message, 434-7567. __ 1922 K and 1230 D. Two bedroom, central air, laundry, } summer leases available. 477-2728. 2 nioe, 3 bedroom units. 545 N. 25th, $475, available now. 2440 Lynn, $450, available June 1. Call Brian, 477 7406 or 423-1371.__ 2276 Orchard. Nicer, 2-bedroom, appliances, air, laun dry, parking. $325. 488-6738. 2736 0. Large two bedroom. Central Air, fireplace, appli ances, dishwasher, laundry. $390 plus deposit. 464 1484 2740 R St Nicer 1 bedroom, at $225 and 2 bedroom at ! $295. Laundry, air, garage. 408-6738._ 3525 Baldwin Two bedroom, central air, appliances, laundry. Available June 1st, $320. 464-4701 or 489-9916. 4103 Normal #17. Summer sublease. New Large one bedroom. All appliances, air. laundry, pool, clubhouse, parking. $380. Call 488-8015 BASK IN THE SUN BY WILLOWHAVEN’S POOL! Air conditioned; balconies; super clean. One and two bedroom apartments. Quiet, relaxing atmosphere. Close to campus; summer leases 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 Between Campuses Shod- term lease possible on this well- deoorated one bedroom. Unique floor plan with breakfast bar, glass doors to private patio. Large rooms, double closets, central air I POOL I Starling at $315. Cherry Hill Manage ment 489-3387. __ Cloee to Campue 2333 Lynn, 1 bedroom all appliances 2343 W. 2 bedroom, washer and dryer hook-ups Summer leases available. Zimmer Management 475-0180. _ Cloee to Campue Three bedroom, C/A, redecorated, $425'month, 489 1938. __ Cloee to Campue Newer, 2 bdrm, AC, free cable, $345, 521 N. 25. 435 7928. __ _ Efficiency apartment. $300/month, all utilities paid. 1133 D St. 475-5275. __ HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS 3300 Huntington Ave 486-8811 Great 1 and 2 bedroom apartments available with sum mer leases Patio or balcony and air conditioning. CALL TODAY Managed b> Joseph E Kean Co. 474-1666^ Large 3-Bedroom 1042 F, top floor, no pe4s, $450. 423-4000._ Nice,large,2bedroom, 2bath. We'removing. Takeover remainder of lease. June 1 through August 31. $410 ♦ $200 deposit 421-1589._ One bedroom apartment at 743 New Hampshire. 477 6021.___ STUDIO APARTMENT Hardwood Moors, large kitchen, blinds, a/c, $270 + (cheap) utilities. 477-9645 Studio Professionally done in mauve, plush carpeting, vertical blinds, glass doors to private patio, close to campus. Summer lease possible $285 Cherry Hi# Manangement. 4893387.______ Summer Leeeee 2 bedroom. 619 S. 20th, $300 up to $380. 2 bedroom. 36th and Huntington. $319/$339 Two bed ream, 2935 Q. $410 Century Properly Management 476 3403 _ Summer Lease possible on apartments close to campus and capital Large efficiencies with balcony $230 per monthplus deposit. 476-1911.464-6324 Summer Rates Nice 2 bedroom with balconies from $325 per month. 1 bedrooms Irom $275 477-0837 or 474-0483 Two-bedroom apartment at 5203 Huntington *7, for Sumner only, $369rmonth. 467-5836. 194 Homes For Sale One bedroom Georgian Place condo, 534 square teet, taxes S602/year, $44,600 488-1765 i——— Last Train ,__ To Saginaw v W'1 THI6 FRie^ Nawet) BRiaw,st£,ANt \ When w*mem loo* at 1 HIM I CAH TEll THJT nMey’RC tjHDRES^lrtti ^HiM With their eyf;. j n ^ a ACROSS 1 Jargon • Smack 10 Erase 14 Instrument Dudley Moore plays 15 Fury 15 X-rated material 17 Derby locale 10 Kind ot table or hall 20 Frolic 21 Barbara Bush, -Pierce 22 Catch sight of 23 Fast plane 25 Gazes intently 27 Daredevil driver 31 Tax org 33 Circle part 34 Upon 35 Departs 37 Cow food 41 Pronto 44 Machine-shop tool 45 Laurel or Musial 46 Astound 47 Before, to the Bard 49 Emulate Phil Mahre 50 Domesticated 51 Recessed space 54 Leghorn's largess 54 Calumny 57 Exist 59 Damp 63 Sharpen 64 Destitute 67 The Gloomy Dean 66 Paradise 69 Orb 70 Humbly patient 71 Withered 72 Feel DOWN Edited by Eugene T. Maleska1 Mimic ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 2 Tears I—|—|—r—i—|—I—t—i- i i | I | 3 Exhibit surprise i1n±t]1a;,1eT oJeEaS 4 me.seltQ B|E M E MbT? R T H eH* phrase) A|Mi£^By.l0lTlElBWMl 'Twj 5 volumes f—'LiiLJ*—■ 6 Smash-hit sign 7 Common suburban sight 8 "-of God,” Broadway play 9 Spanish money 10 The 400 11 Lariat part 12 Lozenges 13 Merely T WILL NOT UNDRtSS YoU WITH MV EYES? 18 Plan 24 Moves briskly 26 Jason's ship 27 Prison 28 Volcano in Sicily 29 Father of the bride, often 30 Behind the eight ball 32 Chairs 36 Moccasin or racer 38 Movie dog 39 Kind Of lord 40 "Auld Lang 42 Plane preceder 43 Riddle 48 Dodges 51 Unaccompanied 52 Fencer's thrust 53 Wear down 55 Loud bulls 56 Wedge-shaped piece 56 Pitcher 60 Run in neutral 61 Shortly 62 Vats 65 ~ positeof W 66 Golf mound ‘•DEAD WEEK BLOWOUT!*! •California Coolers.4Pk.$1.99 j * (While Supplies Last!) I l Tosti Asti Spumante 750 mi.$4.99 l • Hat ties & Jaymes.4pk.2 for : ••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••••••• MILL! R BLACK LABEL 1Q MICHELOB «tii 10 PABST BLUE RIBBON^ 7Q Reg or Light, loose case warm.^O. / Zr GOODBYE-ADIOS- LATER-FAREWELL SO LONG-GOOD UJCK-SEE YA IN THE FALL ...and much more thru 5/9/90 A 27th & Vine