The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1990, Page 18, Image 17
Classified 472-2588 164 Printing 70 Religious 72 Rentals 2 Appliances 74 Social Services 3 Bicycles 76 Travel 4 Books 78 Tutoring 5 Clothing 80 Typings Resumes 6 Computers - 8 Furniture 9 Garage Sales - 10 Misc. For Sale 100 Rides 12 Musical Instruments 110 Announcements 14 Photo Equipment 120 Greek AWairs 16 Sporting Goods 130 Student Government 18 Stereos/TVs 135 Meeting Others 19 Ticket Exchange 140 Personals 20 Vehicles 145 Lost S Found 146 Wanted ■■■■■■■■I 25 Automotive 150 Child Care Needed 28 Beauty Aids 160 Help Wanted 30 Bridal 162 Work Study Jobs 32 Counseling 164 Summer Jobs 34 Floral ■nHpaQNnHHM 36 Health S Fitness 38 Insurance 40 Instruction 170 Roommates 42 Job Placement 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Legal 180 Houses For Rent 60 Misc. Services 190 Apartments For Rent ao 194 Homos For Sale 62 Pregnancy 19B Vacation Rentals $2.50 per day for 10 words on individual student and student organization ads. $3.00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any ciaim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. 2 Appliances Full size refrigerator. $125. Call 476-9036 after 5 p.m. 3 Bicycles Bianchi Touring Bike, 25". Shimano Aero SIS, $170. 423-9268. Cannondale. Exoellent condition, must sell, $320 obo. 475-1418. DIAMOND BACK, 18 speed Mountain Bike, $285o.b.o./ PUCH- AUSTRO DAIMLER, 12 speed touring bike, $165,435-8111 Schwinn Eurosport 19", girl's 10-speed, brand new, aqua color, $215. 423-1993. daytime, 475-7983 after 5pm. 8 Furniture Newqueensize waterbed, $250w/headboard. 489-7707. 10 Misc. For Sale 86 Casio CZ-1000 Digital Synthesizer. Excellent condi tion. $550 obo. 475-3590. _ 12-piece drum set with 4 cymbals including 2 crashes, ride and high hats, nice black finish, $800 o.b.o. 475 0803 after 5pm. _ Cliffs for Beer Steinsl 140 N. ' 2th. CONDOMS. Qualify Tro|an-Enz, lubricated condoms mailed discreetly. Avoid hassle/embarrassment. 5 $3.95, 10-S5.95, 20- $9.95. Check'Money Order, Post paid' Quality Resources, Box 2195, Secaucus, N.J., 07094. _ For Sale: Super Single WaterPed, includes: liner, pad ded rails, heater, bookcase headboard and sheets $100.00. Antique dining room table with matching buffet and4 chairs, veneered, needs some work, $150.00. Call 489-6450 after 6 p.m. Must see short, four poster, king size waterbed witn drawers. $250. 489-1152 evenings. Stop at One More Time for Formals -both vintage and current styles. We also have lovely 'wedding dresses, bridesmaid s dresses. 850 N. 27th, 474-2065 Open every day. Two year Mademoiselle membership. Call Michelle after 5,421-6015. 18 Stereos/TVs ___ For Sale: Stereo console. $40. 435-1638. 19 Ticket Exchange Airline ticket on sale, from/to Omaha Cheapest in town guaranteed! 477-1649. 20 Vehicles For Sale _ ’85 Nissan King Cab Pickup, auto, air, AM/FM. super clean, S4250 oners; '83 Nissan Sentra, 2-door, 5-speed, AM/FM, clean, $1950 offers. Baer's Automotive Sates, 1647 S. 3rd St., 477-6442 1983 Suzuki 450 automatic, 1500 actual miles. $500. 794-5715.794-5821 _ 1982 750 Maxim. First $400 takes it. _ 1982 YAMAHA VIRAGO 750cc. Nice bike. Must sell. 435-4554. 1976 Plymouth Town S Country Station Wagon, S300 obo. Call 435-0991 or 476-9724. Convertible, 1981 X1/9 Fiat, 85,000 miles, black, runs great, $2000 o.b.o. 475-0803 after 5pm. Honda 450 Custom. 1982, great shape good for getting to and from school, $550 o.b.o., 488-0131, call after 5pm and leave message 22 Adoption _ Adopt-young loving professional California couple with home of their own, unable to have children, seeks to share their life and happiness with newborn baby. Ex penses paid; fully legal Please call Freddie or Scott collect at 818-981-6745. Adoption Do you want to chose a family for your baby yourself? We are a happy family wanting to adopt. Please call our attorney 408-288-7100, collect 24 hours. (A-10?) Adoption Loving couple unable to have our own child wan! to channel our love and devotion into raising your baby. Please let us help you through this difficult time. Call Ruth or Mark collect, evenings and weekends. 212-243-2621. Nurse and loving husband wish to adopt newborn. Will provide warm, secure home and lots of love. Expenses paid. Call collect after 4:00pm, 201-228-3641. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency No fee for our confidon'ial services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 433-7879. 40 Instruction PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of guitar Zager Studio 423-2709. 60 Misc. Services Responsible male available to house sil for family taking intended sabbatical (6 months or longer). Will care for animals/yard work in exchange for rent Will pay tor utilities. Call Mark at 472-5904 TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street 474-4138 62 Pregnancy__ FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available Call for an appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street, Suite B-1 _475-2501_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT t$ a confidential helping hand Free pregnancy test, piease call us for appoint ment, 483 2609 80 Typing £ Resumes America's Oldest and Largeat PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE "Consulting 'Writing "Typing "Printing Competn/e Price ‘Student Discounts RESUMES 10% off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating 475-6738 3701 O Street, SB 7 AVIS PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Term papers/masters/doclorates. copier, dictaphones Near UNl campus. 435-AVIS Call Rose tor your typing needs today 433-5162 12:00 800, it no answer leave message. Papers, thesis, dissertations, any word processing needs. Reasonable 488 5475 Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing Resumos-Papers Call All-Types. 477 0445 Will do typmg. school papers, term papers. Call Mary aft 483-4010. 100 Rides__ 2 people looking tor a nde to Bellingham. WA Will help W'th gas and driving Please call 435 8860 or 489-6140 Nursing student traveling northern route to Vakima, Washington. Woulo li.e someone to help with driving part or lull trip- will pay for gas Call Rae 3t 345-4161 in Omaha. 110 Announcements ~ Same Place/Same Time Marvin Hamlisch and the Omaha Symphony Sunday night at the Lied! F« pres so afterward at the Coffee House, 1324 "P?" P-K ‘Attention Seniors* Senior gift phonathon this week April 30 May 4 Help make improvements around the Mueller Bell tower m the name of YOUR class. 1990-91 Campus Recreation Advisory Council Greek. Deidre Goodsell. Chris Podraza, Jay Schubert Off Campus: Susan Humiston, Dawn Mertz, Jirn Murray Residence Hall Pam Mueller. Shelly Schmitt INTRAMURAL OFFICIALS Intramural officials that chocked out a referee's shirt must return the shirt to avoid a hold being placed on their records Be sure to return the shirt before the end of the semester 472 3467. Be ready to teach by fall. Aerobic Instructors Training Course beginning June 9. Call Kris, 423-7171. Distribute First Down Magazines Do you want to earn money for your organization? We are looking for groups to provide 20people on football Satur days to distribute First Down Magazines for two hours. Each group will be paid $l00-$125/game. If interested, see Dan at the Daily Nebraskan, basement of the Ne braska Union, or calf 472-1769. Ge! Involved! Join the fun and exciting UPC Homecom ing commitlee. Meeting Thursday, May 3, City Union. Everyone welcome. HEY SAA’ERS! You all looked great this morning! Don't forget our last meeting and Senior Recognition today at 5:00pm. INTRAMURAL FORFEIT FEES The last day to pick up intramural forfeit fees is June 22,1990. After this date, unclaimed forfeit fees cannot be refunded. Forfeit fees can be claimed at 55 Campus Recreation Center dur ing office hours (7:30am-5:30pm, M-F). 472 3467. IS YOUR PROFESSOR VIOLATING THE DEAD WEEK POLICY? Complaint forms and information available at the ASUN offioe, 115 Nebr. Union. Last Chance To put personals in the Daily Nebraskan. Deadline for tho finals issue Is 2 p.m., Friday, May 4. STUDENT FOUNDATION Pictures end meeting) Thursday, May 3, 500pm at Lied Be early! The Federal Government's new college entry-level hiring program. Administrative Careers With America, will be open May 1 to May 31. 1990 Contact Career Planning and Placement, Room 230 NU for information and test application forms. UNL Weightlifting Club Year end get together Sunday. May 6 Call Mike 474 7710, leave message 120 Greek Affairs AGS Softball Studs. Roses are red, grass is green. We had a great time, let s do it again next springl Thanks for the great season, it was a lot of funl Your AZD teammates Becky Berons (Tn-Delt). Congratulations on being selected to A-Boardl Lowe, The Tri-Delts Best Fundraisers On Campus! Is your fraternity, sorority or club mteieSted in earning $1,000.00+ for a one-week, on-campus marketing proj ect? You must be well-organized and hard working. Call Co’ine or Myra at (800)592 2121 Congratulations! Pam Shanahan on becoming Sigma Nu Chapter Sweetheart Love. Sigma Nu Little Sisters Congratulations to Leah S. on being our new Health Aide and Staooy 8. for receiving a Gamma Gamma Award for Outstanding Senior. Love, the Kappas Congratulations to Grant G and Dave P (DT0) for being accepted into the DisneyWorld College Program. _ Vour Delt Brothers Congratulations to B Munn and D. Warday for IFC Gamma Gamma awards The Men of AGS Congratulations to Beth L. and Jom A on being elected to Phi Beta Kappal Love, your Gamma Phi sisters Congratulation to Ellen B (Gamma Phi) on your engage ment to Joel D Good Luckll ________ Love, your sisters Congratulations to Sarah Kirklm, Deb Fiddelke, Laurie Hokom and Sheila Tallmon - four out of fifteen honored at the Ail Campus Leadership Banquetl We re very proud of you. _ Love. Alpha Chi Omega Congratulations Steve (Chi Phi) and Kelly (A-Phi) on your engagement _The Men of Chi Phi Congratulations to the 1990-91 Towne Club officers President: Andra V. Vice-President: Jill S Secretary. Angie S Treasurer: Tami G. Alum Coordinator: Jaci J. Historian: Michelle B Socials: Tonya J & Sue L Pledge Educator: Amy S Standards Board: Beth T Eric M (DTD). Congratulations on your engagement! We wish you happiness in Ihe future. Your Delt Brothers Gina (A-Phi), Congratulation* on your Disney World Internship. We will miss you so muchl _Love, your Alpha Phi Sisters Greg N. (DTD), Congratulations on making Greek Arbitration Board. We're all very proud of youl Your Dell Brothers Jana S. (AOPi) Congratulation* on receiving the Gamma Gamma Award I Love, your AOPi sisters Jim 0,, Chad P„ Britt 0. (Sig Ep), YOU HULE! Julie M (AOPi) Congratulations on getting the Stuart Award and Leader ship Amencal We re so proud of youl Alpha Love, your sisters KAPPA DEL TAS. Good L uck on Finals You will all do GREA Tl Kelly F (A-Phi) and Steve M (Chi Phi), Congratulations on your engagement! Love, the A-Phi’s Kim Wnuk (Tn-Delt), Congratulations on your Jeanne Remmenga Scholar shipT Love, The Tri-Delts Laura W (AXO), Congratulation* on winning the Big Eight soccer championship-way to be a sportl Love. Alpha Chi Laurie H. (AXO). Congratulations on receiving the Madeline Gerard scholarship. Way to go, Hok! Love, Alpha Chi Phi Mu and AGR, Thanks tor your particpation, time, and effort during Green Week It was a lot of funl Let's do it again. The Men of Beta Sigma Psi