The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1990, Image 1

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Thursday, 40 percent chance of light rain, high in News.2
the mid-50s, northeast wind 5-15 miles per hour Editorial.4
Thursday night, 40 percent chance of light rain, Diversions.5
low in the mid-40s Friday, decreasing cloudi- Sports .17
ness, high in the mid-60s. Classifieds.18
May 3, 1950_____University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 89 No. 146
’ 8Rk. JHKyBt —__J
Al Schaben/Daily Nebraskan
A natural break
Tony Briganti, a senior natural resources major, and Jill Mumfford, a junior natural
resources major, take a break from studying for finals Wednesday afternoon at East
Campus’ Maxwell Arboretum.
Student leaders pass
two bills to support
S. Africa divestment
By Jennifer O’Cilka
Staff Reporter
Student leaders Wednesday
night passed two bills dealing
with divestment from South
Africa by the University of Nebraska
The Association of Students of the
University of Nebraska voted to urge
the NU Foundation to establish a
divestment policy toward South Af
rica and 10 full scholarships sponsor
ing black South African students, and
to inform its current donors that their
donations can be divested.
Arts & Sciences Sen. Andy Mas
sey said senate bill 3, addressed to the
foundation, urges members to “ac
cept their moral responsibility” to
divest from South African compa
nies. This is a step toward the founda
tion following suit with the NU Board
of Regents’ divestment under Nebraska
state law, Massey said.
Arts & Sciences Sen. Chris Potter
said legitimate concerns exist about
whether divestment could hurt the
people it set out to help, the oppressed
of South Africa. But he said, leaders
of the oppressed, like Nelson Man
dela, continue to urge other countries
to divest.
General Studies Sen. Andy Siger
son introduced senate bill 6, which
urges the foundation to inform donors
about divestment.
Sigcrson said that under current
policy, donors to the NU Foundation
can specify that they don’t want their
donations invested in South Africa.
But, he said, these people may be
unaware of that option.
Business Sen. Dave Gale said he
thinks the passage of both bills sends
conflicting messages because donors
would not have the choice to invest in
South Africa if the provisions of the
first bill were carried out.
“I don’t think we want to compro
mise on apartheid,” Gale said.
Sigerson said that because he thinks
the NU Foundation will not divest
soon, addressing the donors is a
Sometimes it is necessary to com
promise until the final goal can be
reached, he said.
Agriculture Sen. Enc Thurber said
Sigerson’s bill gives AS UN “another
avenue” to urge the foundation’s
“This bill gets us between where
we are now and where we want to
be,” Thurber said.
Arts & Sciences Sen. Chris Potter
said senate bill 3 docs nothing be
cause donors already have the power
to divest their donations.
In other action, A SUN passed a
bill urging the passage of the revised
Student Code of Conduct without the
fighting words clause.
AS UN Speaker Brad Brunz said
-4 4
This bill gets us be
tween where we are
now and where we
want to be.
ASUN senator
y y
the fighting words clause as proposed
left questions concerning free speech
rights unanswered and was not ready
ifor passage.
Law Sen. Steve Mossman said the
rest of the revisions were needed to
update an “archaic” code.
The revisions to the student code
will go before the NU Board of Re
gents for consideration in June and
action in July.
In the first election by the full
senate of the Government Liaison
Chairman, senators elected Shawn
Burnham, 21-5-0. Other candidates
were Tami Lindau, GLC federal liai
son, and David Olson.
In a speech before clecuons,
Burnham said she feels she is quali
fied for the posiuon because she served
as a legislative page this year.
Burnham said the GLC chair doesn’t
have time to establish a relationship
with the Legislature, but she has seen
“what works and what doesn’t” in
terms of lobbying efforts.
“I’d have a step ahead of the other
two candidates because 1 know the
process” and the Nebraska senators,
she said.
Holocaust commemorated at State Capitol
By Victoria Ayotte
Senior Reporter
Remembering and following the lesson
of the Holocaust is especially impor
tant in light of an apparent rise in anti
Semitism, Attorney General Robert Spire said
The lesson from the slaughter of an esti
mated six million Jews: “You cannot allow
bigotry to take hold in any way, shape or
form,” Spire told about 2(X) people at a Holo
causl Commemoration Observance at the State
Spire said the recent rise of democracy in
Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union has given
rise to freedom for bigotry and anti-Semitism.
He referred to a May 7 Newsweek article
chronicling a rise in anti-Semitic activities.
The article spoke of neo-Nazi supporters
celebrating Adolf Hitler’s birthday and send
ing hate mail to Jews. One letter, according to
the Newsweek article, said, “Dirty stinking
Jews. We missed you the first time. But now we
are coming back.”
While the ‘ ‘ugly slogans” of anti-Semitists
have resurfaced, Spire said, the angry denun
ciations of them ‘‘have yet to be heard.”
The biggest defeat of the Holocaust lesson is
when people remain silent, he said.
‘‘Each time we take no action ...” Spire
said, people arc ‘‘dishonoring the respect we
had for the Holocaust victims.”
Spire said he felt respect and awe during the
Officials plan search lor firm to study parking
By Emily Rosenbaum
Semor Reporter
Parking officials arc planning a nation
wide search for a consulting firm to
conduct a parking study at the Univer
sity of Nebraska-Lincoln, an official said.
* Ll. John Burke, UNL parking administrator,
said his office is pulling together a list of
consulting firms that have conducted similar
studies at other colleges.
Officials will take bids from the firms and
then select one to perform the study, he said.
The firm will conduct an overall study of
City Campus and East Campus. At the end of
the summer, it will offer a report containing
suggestions for improvements, he said.
Parking officials will study the report and
pul into place suggestions that arc feasible,
Burke said.
Because of revenue limitations, not all sug
gestions will be able to be implemented, he
Burke said the idea is for the firm to “look
at the entire parking as it is,” based on little
information from UNL officials.
“You don’t want them to have so much
information that they just come in and confirm
all that you’ve given them,” he said.
Burke said the firm probably will look at
congested areas, overall trai l ic How patterns
and a shuttle system.
Shuttle systems at other colleges have worked
well, and the firm might be able to offer sug
gestions for a successful system at UNL, he
The feasibility of a high-rise parking garage
probably will be studied, he said.
See PARKING on 3
Languages floor adds
two student assistants
to meet growing need
By Jennifer O’Ciika
Staff Reporter
In efforts to meet demands, the
Modem Languages Floor in
Ncihardt Residence Hall will add
two more student assistants to its pro
Denita Stcinbach, director of the floor,
said the Office of University Housing
next year will provide free rooms for
student assistants who speak Japanese
and Russian.
Stcinbach said the additions will meet
the increasing student demands of the
past two years, increased enrollment in
Japanese and Russian courses and the
university’s increased awareness that
students should be educated in dif ferent
cultures and languages.
In the past, the languages floor, a joint
program between housing and the De
partment of Modem Languages & Lit