The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1990, Image 1
WEATHER INDEX Wednesday, partly cloudy, 20 percent chance of News.2 light rain, high 55-60, southeast wind 5-15 miles Editorial.4 per hour. Wednesday night, 50 percent chance of Sports.5 light rain, low in the mid 40s Thursday, cloudy, Arts & Entertainment 6 continued 50 percent chance of light rain, high in classifieds.6 the mid- to upper-50s. May 2,1990 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 89 No. 145 t Members say resolutions strengthen UNL’s commitment to minorities Academic Senate votes to encourage divestment By Pat Dinslage Staff Reporter The University of Nebraska-Lin coln Academic Senate, meet ing Tuesday in the Nebraska Union, overwhelmingly approved two proposals members said will strengthen the university’s commitment to mi norities. One of the resolutions proposes creating academic scholarships to match certain athletic scholarships. The other resolution, presented by economics Professor Gregory Hayden, encourages the University of Nebraska Foundation to divest itself of compa nies that do business in South Africa. Hayden said divestment would be easy, and the foundation would expe rience little economic impact. The number of corporations proscribed would not be large because many companies have pulled out of South Africa, he said. His resolution also stated that the Nebraska Legislature has passed a law preventing the investment of stale funds in South Africa, so a precedent for divestment has been established. The foundation is a private fund raising organization affiliated with the university, but the senate included a statement saying Nebraskans see the foundation and the university to be closely related. ‘ ‘Therefore the image of the foun dation reflects on the image of the faculty,” the resolution states. Hayden said he expects the NU Board of Regents to support divest -4 4 This is an effective way to convey the beliefs of the commu nity on apartheid. Hayden economics professor -f 9~ ment because all four of the current candidates for positions on the board support such a policy, Hayden said. Hayden said South African econo mists told him the refusal to invest in such companies hurts the country’s economy. A divestment policy also sends a strong message, he said. “This is an effective way to con vey the beliefs of the community on apartheid,” Hayden said. A statement basing the resolution on questions about “the university’s commitment to recruiting and hiring minorities because of the dispropor tionately low number of minorities on the UNL campus” was removed and included in a subsequent motion by Jack Siegman, professor of sociol ogy. The Academic Senate unanimously passed Siegman’s motion, which calls for creation of a senate committee to study linking certain academic schol arships to athletic scholarships. Under the proposal, schools would be offered an equal amount of aca demic scholarship money for minor ity and low-income students as they receive for minority and low-income athletic scholarships. The matching scholarship plan would reinforce UNL’s commiunent to the recruitment of minority stu dents and faculty members, Siegman said. “This is a complex issue,” he said, “but one worthy of study.” Department offers new math programs to attract students By Roger Price Staff Reporter To counter a national trend, the Univer sity of Nebraska-Lincoln is starting several new programs to draw attention to the mathematics field. Jim Lewis, chairman of the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, said the department is offering new scholarships, beginning a new testing program and expanding its honors pro gram to attract and keep students’ interest in mathematics. Lewis said the department has just received a SI.5 million endowment from UNL alumni Dean and Florence Eastman to offer scholar ships to math majors. This year, the department will award five four-year, $3,(XX) scholarships and 15 to 20 $1,000 scholarships, he said. Lewis said the scholarships are helping at tract students to mathematics because students tend to go where the scholarship money is. “Students recognize there are scholarships for engineering,” Lewis said, “Now, they’re recognizing there arc scholarships for math.” In addition to the new scholarships, Lewis said, incoming freshman will face a new place ment test as part of New Student Enrollment. The test, he said, will be given to all incom ing freshmen. FYcvious tests were given only to students enrolling in calculus. By testing everyone, Lew is said, math stu flpnls u/ill hi' nlaf'rvt in VL/hr»r*» ihi'v an equal chance to succeed based on their mathematics background. “It will lead to a more homogeneous class room,” he said. Freshmen also will be offered more honors classes within the department, he said. Lewis said the honors program is being expanded from the one class that currently is offered to five. The new courses arc being offered to keep students interested in math, he said. Lewis said he hopes all the new programs within the department will help produce more math majors and doctorates. UNL is not alone in its shortage of math students, he said. The shortage extends nation wide. “There arc simply not enough Ph.Ds being produced,’ ’ he said. Lewis said there arc as few as one-eighth as many incoming freshmen who want to major in mathematics as there were in 1960. Although the numbers are down dramati cally , he said, “the Eastman scholarship proves that with the right support you can turn that around ” Lewis said 61 incoming freshman have applied for the scholarships. The department also is trying to sell math to students who still arc in high school, he said. Next fall, Lewis said, the department will have a “Math Day” competition similar to a “college bowl” where high school teams will come to campus and compete in a double elimination math tournament._ See MATH on 3 I III —_/ MLt. -_-a. ■>>- - . • m W-_1 . . . . . j William Lauer/Daily Nebraskan No man is an island But men can build one. From left, Craig Johnson, Paul Tlamka and Ray Krumme lay cement for the island-curb on 12th Street in front of the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Landscaping for the project, which will include brick sidewalks and six or seven trees, should be finished in about eight weeks, Johnson said. Psychology classes turn students away By Jerry Guenther Staff Reporter A sharp increase in psychology majors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has caused scheduling headaches for many students trying to get into psychology courses next semester. John Berman, chairman of the psychology department, said more than 250 students who tried to register for psychology classes next semester have been turned away. Introductory Psychology has had the most students turned away with 131, he said. Those 131 students don’t even include in coming freshmen, who traditionally make up the largest group of students in Introductory Psychology, Berman said. Another psychology course. Research, Methods and Analysis I, has had 42 students turned away, he said. Out of nine senior-level psychology courses, two have openings, three arc lull with no wait ing lists and four arc full with waiting lists, he said. “We are pursuing funding to get more openings for those courses,” Berman said. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to get at least an other course available.” Berman said more students began majoring in psychology at UNL about five years ago. See PSYCHOLOGY on 3 Fewer Dead Week pol icy violations reported By Emily Rosenbaum Senior Reporter UNL students arc reporting fewer com plaints this semester on violations of Dead Week policy, according to the ombudsman and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska. Stacy Mohling, ASUN first vice president, said that in past semesters ASUN has received up to 40 complaints. So far this semester the office has received about 10, she said. She said she thinks pari of the reason for the lower number of complaints is that many stu dents arc unfamiliar with Dead Week policy, and therefore arc not aware of violations com mitted by instructors. “I think a lot of students don’t know they can complain,” she said. Students can file complaints with the ASUN office or with the ombudman’s office. Other students arc afraid to complain be cause of possible repercussions from their in structors, Mohling said. Several students who have filed complaints this semester have requested only that the in structor be informed of the violation and that no further action be taken, she said. She said students don’t need to fear filing complaints because their names arc kept confi dential throughout the follow-up process. Violations can be brought before the Grade Appeals Committee and the Professional Con duct Committee. Osmund Gilbertson, UNL ombudsman, said the number of complaints “has been minimal this semester.” See DEAD WEEK on 3