The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1990, Image 1

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m 'll | 1 I jclfl?...,_mg testimony over a students Diaror an
_ ^ H Jr II s jki -a* ASUN seat, Sandy Haughton’s name was spelled incorrectly. The Daily Nebraskan
Ik T *1 L'alAJ f P“ WEATHER
1 I .gtffoiiijjjk B JP Monday, partly sunny and cool, high in the mid- News.2
m Jif la» Mm ^*3 MF- ■ bH ■ H| ^ bSF W 50s, north wind 5-10 miles per hour. Monday Editorial 4
YHak 8 jMwadHB Wm S H nrrHKff^HPP K ffi| night, 20 percent chance of rain, low around 40 Sports.7
a 3 3 3 mg' 3 ^*50* fai 3 3 Tuesday, mostly cloudy, 40 percent chance of Arts & Entertainment.9
3L W B^JF m 3L B L W SB nftii X "iff Em, Bt rain, high in the upper-50s. Classifieds.13
April 30,1990 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 89 No. 144
ASUN president helps Haughton fight for senate seat
Student court refuses to amend constitution
By Emily Rosenbaum
Senior Reporter
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Stu
dent Court decided there is no room for
interpretation in the ASUN Constitution
to allow Sandy Haughton to serve as a senator
for the Division of Continuing Studies.
Haughton was elected Association of Stu
dents of the University of Nebraska senator for
the division, but later was informed she could
not serve because of a rule requiring senators to
carry at least 12 credit hours. She carries six.
Haughton said she decided to fight the rule,
and ASUN President Phil Gosch drafted a
request for a student court judgment.
In his request, Gosch wrote, “representa
tion is deserved but obstructed by an outdated
and inflexible provision.”
The student court dismissed the request,
stating that, “. . . when the language of the
constitution is plain and unambiguous in its
meaning, there exists no room for interpreta
The A SUN Constitution states that to be
eligible for the senate, a candidate must “be
regularly enrolled as a full-time student, either
as an undergraduate or graduate student.”
Haughton said the decision seems to be a
case of “taxation without representation.”
Continuing studies students began paying
student fees this year so, they were given a
senate seat for the first time.
“They seem to be saying they want our
money, but they won’t give us a senator,”
Haughton said.
Haughton said the 12-hour requirement is
unfair for continuing studies students because
they work during the day and have to take night
Only seven of 795 continuing studies stu
dents carry 12 hours, and they would not be
able to attend ASUN meetings Wednesday
nights because of their night classes, she said.
The court’s ruling stated that ‘ ‘although this
situation presents obvious issues of fairness
and equity, it is not within the power of this
judicial body to amend the constitution on its
own volition.”
Despite the ruling, Haughton said, she isn’t
giving up.
“I can’t just stop now,” she said.
She said she and Gosch want to gather
enough student signatures to allow students to
vote on amending the constitution. The
constitution states that 5 percent of students
must sign the petition in order to have a student
vote. The student vote has to come within 10
days after the petition is given to the ASUN
Electoral Commission.
The amendment would make it possible for
students from continuing studies with fewer
hours than the needed 12 to run for ASUN,
Gosch said.
Gosch said he’s disappointed with the court’s
decision,and he will continue to help Haughton
by drafting a petition.
“Perhaps there’s a greater leeway in the
interpretation of the constitution than the court
chose,” he said.
NU greek officials say
companies try trickery
to sell unordered items
By Matt Herek
Staff Reporter
For several years, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln fraternities
and sororities have received
unordered supplies in the mail with
unwanted bills for them.
According to sorority house moth
ers and greek affairs officials, com
panies try to trick fraternities and
sororities into buying unordered items
in several ways.
Sometimes a sales representative
calls a house to find out the name of
the house manager. Soon after, the
house receives supplies in the mail,
along with a bill to the treasurer with
the house manager’s name on the
Other times, a salesperson calls a
house manager or house mother to
ask if they want to reorder something
that never was ordered. If they say no,
they often receive the supplies any
way, alorfg with a bill.
When Pipi Peterson, house mother
of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, was of
fered a camera just for talking to a
telephone sales representative, she
didn’t accept.
But she received the camera any
way, along with a bill for supplies
that she didn’t order.
In the last four years, Peterson
said, she has received cleaning sup
plies, light bulbs and bills that neither
she nor the house manager ordered.
The bills Peterson received were
for about $150 to $180, she said.
Alpha Delta Pi sends the supplies
back or makes a reasonable effort to
do so and then keeps them, she said.
Peterson has sent letters to the Better
Business Burean about the problem,
she said.
Greek houses elect new officers
every year, and companies prey upon
their lack of knowledge of the previ
ous year’s business, she said.
Dave Willman, Interfratemity
Council president, said companies try
to take advantage of the greek system
because it’s self-governed.
Greek houses have no reason to go
outside Lincoln for their supplies and
they should be wary of companies
that call from out of state, he said.
Jayne Wade Anderson, director of
Greek Affairs, said her office started
a vendor policy in 1987 to protect
fraternities and sororities from dis
honest door-to-door salespeople.
The policy states that if salespeople
want to sell their products at greek
houses, they have to obtain permits at
the greek affairs office, Anderson said.
Before granting a permit, a ven
dor’s references are checked and a
$50 registration must be paid, she
Gosch says code changes
make violations clearer
By Jennifer O’Cilka
Staff Reporter
Although student and faculty rep
resentatives Friday recom
mended removing the “fight
ing words” and sexual harassment
provisions from revisions to the Stu
dent Code of Conduct, they recom
mended keeping other changes.
Phil Gosch, president of the Asso
ciation of Students of the University
of Nebraska, said the changes made
in the code of conduct have been
needed for a long lime.
Gosch said officials involved with
student judicial affairs kept a list of
problems they had with the code and
portions of it that confused students.
“ It all came to a point where it had
to be changed,” he said, because too
many students were confused about
the code and there were too many
loopholes, he said.
If the regents approve the recom
mendations.Goseh said, students will
have a better understanding of what
they can and cannot do.
“They don’t have to guess if they
are violating the code” because the
nbw code will be clearer, he said.
Gosch said the old code contained
only 10 misconduct violations, while
the new one lists 29.
“This will help the student judi
cial office,” he said.
The new code includes problems
that have come up in the last 10 years,
such as computer fraud, he said.
And it gives students a cleareT
message about the process they must
go through if they violate the code, he
The recommendations include the
following: .
• Changing academic dishonesty
to include those “soliciting to help
another’ ’ student cheat. The current
See CODE on 6
Melissa McReynolds/Daily Nebraskan
Mistaken identity
Deana Meisinger, a sophomore theater major, portrays a woman who mistakes her
husband’s twin brother, played by Lance Lippold, a graduate student, to be her husband
in “The Comedy of Errors.” The fheatrix production will be held May 3,5 and 6 at 8 p.m.
at the Studio Theatre in the Temple Building, 12th and R streets.
200 attend ceremony
New research buildings dedicated
By James P. Webb
Staff Reporter
CLAY CENTER - Animal ag
riculture production was bol
stered when two new research
facilities were added at the Roman L.
Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research
Center near here, speakers at the
dedication of the buildings said Sat
More than 2(X) livestock industry
representatives were on hand for the
dedication of The Great Plains Vet
erinary Educational Center Building
and the Animal Health Systems Re
search Laboratory Building.
University of Nebraska research
ers at the $7.5 million center and
laboratory, called MARC, will con
duct veterinary and education research
in conjunction with officials at Kan
sas State University and the U.S.
Agricultural Research Service.
The veterinary center contains
classrooms, a library, computer teach
ing and clinical laboratories, treat
ment, surgery and post-mortem ar
eas, and a 20-student dormitory.
Gary Rupp, the center’s director,
said Ihc veterinary center will pro
vide one to eight weeks of training on
a rotating basis for more than 100
veterinary students in KSU’s program,
including 30 from the University of
A minimum of two years of pre
veterinary study are required before
students may enter the KSU program,
he said. One-quarter of the KSU’s 90
student veterinary program will be
gin training in May, he said.
NU will provide instruction for
veterinary students and participate in
the medical care of 25,000 research
animals, he said.
Marlin Massengale, University ol
interim president, said the center will
help U.S. livestock production com
pete in “rapidly changing world
“If we’re going to compete and
stay ahead of this great world of ours,
we must do it on our intellectual
capacity," he said.
Dean Plowman, ARS administra
tor, said that despite challenges by
animal research critics, animal agri
culture will remain strong becauc: of
an expected doubling of the world
population in 30 to 40 years.
“That’s a tremendous challenge
to feed the world,” he said.
“Wc have vast acreages and land
areas in this country, as well as other
parts of the world, that would not be
suitable to growing any other crops
except those that can be used by ani
mals,” Plowman said.
Gene mapping, which will be added
to the ARS program next year, and
biotechnology are two expanding areas
of research that promise to improve
livestock quality, he said.
“We need to be able to evaluate
genes that control growth and repro
duction, and rcsisiance to disease ...
and really speed up the progress that
we make in making animals better,”
Plowman said.
Plowman said Congress is consid
ering giving the center a start on such
Currently, MARC’s budget is $10
million. Congress is considering a 15
percent increase of $1.4 million.
Rep. Virginia Smith of Nebraska,
See CLAY on 6