The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    Full and part time marina and food service jobs available
at Branched Oak Lake. Please call for interview. 783
City of Lincoln Parks & Recreation Department seeks
individual to work with individuals who have physical,
mental and/or emotional disabilities Assist with plan
ning. preparation and supervision of classes and pro
grams for the Special Population Office at AukJ Recrea
tion Center.
Must be able to provide own transportation. H.S. grad or
equiv. with experience working with the general public in
a recreational setting desired Experience and formal
training in therapeutic recreation desired Strong public
relation skills and familiarity with office procedures de
sired. Salary: S6 84/hr. Hrs: Part-time 30 hrs./wk. Hrs.
vary - includes some evening and weekend hrs.
Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addition
to City/Co. application. Closing date: Friday, May 4,
1990 Apply at:
City/Co. Employment Office
555 S. 10th Street, Rm. B113
Lincoln, NE 68508
Sears Automotive
Sears needs tire and battery installers. Summer hours
needed. Apply: Sears. Gateway. Monday. 10-7; Tues
day-Friday. 10-4. Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F.
Summer Jobs
Do important environmental and political work this sum
mer. Pay- $312/wk. Hours-1:30-10:30 Mon-Fri. Call 477
0601. _
Taco Inn. 11th & Cornhusker, now hiring for part-time
shifts. We offe’ competitive pay, discounted or free
meals,depending on shifts. Apply today at 11th & Corn
Temporary telemarketers needed, evening hours. Earn
up to $14/hour. Call 466-3802.
The Country Club of Lincoln is now hiring full or part-time
waiters, waitresses, and bartenders to work day and
evening hours. Excellent starting wage, good benefits.
Apply in person Tuesday-Saturoay, 10:00am-4:00pm,
3200 S. 24th Street. _
The Oven
Wait staff needed for lunches and dinner. Apply in person
201 N. 8th St. _
Vivid Color, 27th & O, production help, Sunday-Thurs
day, 3:00-10:00pm Good starting wage plus weekend &
shift bonus. Apply today.
Work, who needs it?
Like talking on the phone, why not get paid for it?
$3.85/hour plus bonuses. Up to $6.00/hour within the
first two weeks!
Flexible hours ideal for students.
Yesr-round, permanent, part-time positions avail
able. Call 467-3167 for interview appointment.
164 Summer Jobs
CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan
boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing,
sailing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis,
golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR
riding Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $900 or
more plus R&B Marc Seeger, 1765 Maple, Nfld.. IL
60093. 708-446-2444.
Companion for 11 year old boy. afternoon hours only.
Colonial Hills area. 489-0969 after 5:30.
your first time back in over 2 months
when you bring a new donor with you
Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI
centers due to automated procedure.
(Bonuses subject to change.) (Mon. - Sat.)
Free parking at any Park & Shop.
University Plasma Center
Associated Blosclence, Inc.
1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-1358
Several temporary summer positions open
CODERS: Responsible for assigning numeric codes to
lists of hospitals. Accuracy and extreme attention to
detail required.
DATA ENTRY: Previous data entry experience with a 10
key numeric pad required.
Day or evening shifts available for both positions.
Gold’s Galleria
1033 0 Street, Suite 400.
170 Roommates __
Female Roommate needed tosharefurnished apartment
lor summer. Washer/Dryer included, walk to campus.
475-8509. __
Female, neat, responsible, non-smoker, 3-bedroom
apartment. $165 plus 1/3 utilities. 477-7473 leave mes
sage. _
Need 1 or 2 non-smoking male roommates to share a
large, newer 4-bedroom house with air conditioning and
laundry facilities. $150 + 1/4 utilities, 476-9691
Needed roommate great location--$115/month plus 1/3
utilities. Call 476-8115.
Needed: May-August roommate, male or female. 435
Responsible female roommate to share 2-bedroom
apartment. $140 utilities paid. 474-3880.
Roommate needed to share 4 bedroom house for sum
mer Close to both campuses, $138 + 1/4 utilities. Call
436-0001 Ask for Allen or leave message.
Wanted: Female roommate, nonsmoker, 3-bedroom
house, reasonable rent. 1st 8 Adams. 438-1977.
175 Rooms For Rent
Air conditioning, kitchen and laundry facilities, free park
ing. Volleyball and basketball facilities. For more infor
mation call Dustin at 436-6126 or 436-6160.
Best Co-ed Summer Housing!
Summer housing at Triangle Fraternity. Laundry facili
ties. air conditioning, spacious rooms and more. nor
information, call Scott at 436-0134 or Chris at 436-8783.
Better Summer Housing Co-ed
Reasonable rates. A/C, laundry, large rooms, We the
good life at the Chi Phi Fraterntiy. Ca" Rob, Tom or Brett
at 436-6065
180 Houses For Rent _
1 block from downtown/UNL 4-bedroom with study.
Central air, washer and dryer, $600 month, 435-298J
leave message.
2112 Vine. Walking distance to campus, very nice four
bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, parking, $650. 475-1579, 488
0061. _ _
2311 U St. Five bedroom, two bath house. $500.
Phoenix Properties 489-0621
2434 W. Very nice four bodroom, 1 1/2 baths, lull base
ment, close to campus, $525.475-1579.488 0061. PMS
Available May 15th 3 bedroom DUPLEX between East
and City campus, 1 1/2 baths, fireplace, 1 year lease.
$375/mo, 488-2275 (after 6). _
Between campuses, 3 and 4 bedrooms, laundry, parking,
available May. 488 5446.
Newer, 4-bedroom, available 5/1, air, roc room, $500.
421-1319 after 5:30pm.
Four bedroom, summer lease or longer, real nice and
clean $550/month, 2314 Holdrege 475-1579, 408
0061. PMS Co _____
Houses available with all the extras' Near UNL. 3-6
bedrooms, available mid-May, summer or fall available
423-1535. _ _
Near University. One and three bedroom houses for rent.
476-7774. _ __
Summer Sublet
May 30- August 15, responsible individual!*), children
welcome Furnished 3 bedroom with oak trim. Nice resi
dential area, yard. On bus rou*es. 19th Street near South.
$500rmo plus utilities (negotiable). 472-5547.
190 Apartments For Rent
"•Brand New*"
Pine Tree Apartments
Available May 1. Two bedroom 5390-410 Garages,
security building, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher,
range, roiling fan, no pets, minutes to UNL. First end
483 6057.483-1130 _
Half off first month's rent. Efficiency and one bedrooms
starling at $179/month Call 488 7368 or 435-3320.
1922 K and 1230 0. Two bedroom, central air. laundry,
summer leases available. 477-2728.
2276Orchard Nicer, newer. 2 bedroom, appliances, air,
parking. 488-6738 _
240 N. 24.
Efficiency apartment, separate kitchen, lull oath, $165
483 2804 of 437-7071
2736 Q Large two bedroom Central An. fitepiace, appli
ances, dishwasher, laundry $390 plus deposit. 464
1484 _
2740 R St Nicer 1 bedroom, at $225 and 2 bedroom at
$295 Laundry, air, garage 488 6738.
3525 Baldwin t2, summer sub lease Large 2-bedroom,
central air. fireplace, laundry, applianoes $320 CaH
466 8344 __
640 S 20 475 7262
Summer leases, May 16-August 15
Fall Leases. August 16th for one year
Relax and tan by our outdoor pool1
Spacious one-bedroom . $309
Variety of two bedrooms . . $339 5384
Efficiency .. $225.
Air conditioned, balconies, super clean.
One and two bedroom apartments
Quiet, relaxing atmosphere
Close to campus; summer leases
4?6 G?Q0
Joseph E Kean Company 474-1666
Beautiful, secluded, oak finished apt tor summer, close
to City Campus $235, call after 5:00pm. 475-5088
Close to Campus
2333 Lynn, 1 bedroom ail appliances
2343 W, 2 bedroom, washer and dryer hook ups
Summer leases available
Zimmer Management 476-0180
Duplex Close to Campus
Unfurnished three bedroom. 1 1/2 baths, fireplace,
kitchen with applianoes, washer dryer, available May
20 1417 N 20th 402 292 7686
East campus summer sublease. 3541 Baldwin. 2 bed
room, ac, low utilrties. all appliances 464 3668. call after
5 p.m.
Efficiency apartment $300/month, all utilities paid 1133
D St 475 5275
3300 Huntington Ave
Great 1 and 7 bedroom apartments available with sum
mer leases Patio or balcony and air conditioning
Managed by Joseph E Kean Co 474 1666
Newer 2 bedroom near campus $325 423 3237
640South 20th, swimmingpoot 1 bedroom S289and up,
2 bedroom $339 and up. 475 7262
Summer Lease
1 bedroom in newer complex Walk to campus C/A,
plush carpet, Ian, shower Shorl-te'm lease possible
Ont^ $300 plus electric Cherry Hill Management 489
Summer Leasee
2 bedroom, 619 S 20th, $370/$380
2 bedroom. 36th and Huntington, $319/$339
2 bedroom plus loti, 2909 Q, $575/6595
Century Property Management
_ 476 3403
Summer Rates
Nice 2 bedroom with balconies from $325 per month 1
bedrooms from $275 477 0837 or 474 0483
Summer Special
3525 Baldwin. 2 bedroom, central air. appliances $320
350 489 9916
Summer sublease 1 bedroom efficiency apartment,
furnished or unfurnished, ga'age. laundry low utilities
central air. $200 476 674*
Two bedroom balcony, will negotiate. 3600 Huntington
466 0767 or 467 3988
Wanted Two quiet students Two bedroom, no smoking
utilities paid, $395 464 0756
adoptiTTn ~
Adopt-young lovmg professional California couple with
home of their own, unable to have children, seeks to
share their life and happiness wifh newborn baby Ex
penses paid, fully legal Please call Freddie or Scott
collect at 818 981-6745
iudson automotive
^ factory trained
foreign car specialists
27th A T
Lincoln, Nebraska
475 9022
Welcome to the f
IBM PS/2 Fair ^
’ JuL-L_Li=“
Come to the IBM I*8/2" fair. Have some lun with the
IBM Personal Svstem/2?1 Try it—see how vou can
ijot more done in less lime. Then ask about:
• easv-to-use, preloaded | !£\ • j I
software ■ /it
• special student prices* I V.J! m AL# /
• affordable loan payments* f m \Z
’The IBM PS/2 fair is a fun way to
learn some valuable lessons for
college and beyond.
Nebraska Union, Room 340
Microsoft Representative Chris Hertelson will he available
Demos will be held at:
10:00 Excel
11:00 Word for Windows
12:00 Windows
1:00 Microsoft Works
2:00 Word for Windows
> Refreshments will be served.
‘This offer is available only to qualified students, faculty and stall who purchase IBM PS/2 s through participating campus outlets Orders are subject to j
availability Prices are subject to change and IBM may withdraw the offer at any time without written notice |
'• IBM. Personal System/2, arid PS/2 are registered trademarks of International Busmoss Machines Corporation . j
* IBM Corporation 1990