The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1990, Page 7, Image 7
Appearing Thurs. April 2®, 8 p.m.-12:30 a.m.. The Rumbles at The Pla-mor BaHrocm. 8600 W. O St., Lin coln. 475-4030.__ Are you interested in leadership? Leadership America is the program for you. Come see the Leadership America Presentation on Tuesday, April 24 at 3:30pm in the Nebraska City Union. Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors welcomel * ARE YOU READY FOR SUMMER? IF NOT THE UNL CULTURE CENTER STILL OFFERS FREE AEROBICS) I EVERY TUES. AND THURS 4.00-5:00 UNTIL THE END OF APRIL. Check a poster near you for information about: CORNSTOCK XX APRIL 27TH 12:30-7:00 PM Featuring: DIVING FOR PEARLS SANDY CREEK BAND THE CONFIDENTIALS Sponsored by UPC East Dances ^ Comstock AB104 College Republicans Important last meeting, Thursday the 26th at 7:00 PM in the Union. Special guest speaker Senator Scott Moore. New members always welcome. Congratulations new Phi-U Initiates! See you at our meeting April 25, 6:00pm, HE"104. CORNCOBS Important meeting today, 4:30pm, in the Union. Rattle tickets will be given out Be there! DECA! DECA! DECA! Very important, officers elected Please be there Wednesday 6:00 in the Union, room posted Experience International Business Atlend an AIESEC meeting Tuesdays 4 :00 p.m. in the Union INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS MONTH Visiting Executives Program College ot Business Administration PRESENTS Mr. Scott Linde man Corporate International Business Development Valmont Industries The Five W s of International Business. A Nebraska Corporate Connection" Presentation at 4:00 pm Wednesday. April 25 CBA 115 ALL UNIVERSITY WELCOME IS YOUR PROFESSOR VIOLATING THE DEAD WEEK POUCY? Complaint forms and information available at the ASUN office. 115 Nebr Union. M A S A Elections April 25. 1990 Culture Center 7:00 p.m. Be there N.U. Meds Med Student Guest Speakers! Tues . April 24th. 6:30pm. Union. NAA meeting canceled, Tuesday A( ril 24 Next meeting May 1. 6 00 Office! elections and pizza party See yo^self as others see you! FREE! Caricaturist at Comstock XX Fri. April 27 12,30 pm-7:00 pm UPC Kaleidoscope SOUTHWEST STUDY TOUR IN NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA with Outdoor Adventures May 14 ?8 '990 l earn about the h!e ot Navajo. Pueblo, and Hop' Indians on tNs C'edt or non credit trip SIGN UP DEADLINE May t. ’990 Questions'’ Conlact Amy at the Ottice ot Campus Recreation, Room 56, Campus Recreation Cer'e- 4 7? '>467 i Paintball Gamas. Play America's fastest growing game. It's safel It's fun I For information call: Jon 464-1525, Mike 464-0579. Pi Sigma Alpha (the political science honorary) will meet this Thursday at 6:30pm in 516 OldF. Elections will be held for new officers. Regents Candidates DEBATE Tuesday, April 241h 7:30 pm The Commonplace 333 N. 14th Hear what the candidates for the Board of Regents have to say about the issues that affect your education. Co-Sponsored by the: Government Liaison Committee UN-L Faculty Senate STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT OPEN FORUM APRIL 25-6:30 P.M. EAST CAMPUS UNION - ASUN MEETING _COWES AVAILABLE IN 115 NEBR. UNION UNION BOARD MEETING Regarding Space Allocations TODAY; April 24, 5:00pm City Union Interested Organizations Welcome to Attend Want to get involved with women’s issues? The Women s Resource Center is looking for folks to share their positive energy We are currently takinq applications for the '90-91 school year For more infor 2597°n S,°P by ,h° WRC' rm 117 NE Union or 0311 472 120 Greek Affairs A big thank you to the new PBX actives for a super sneak Great job guys' . AXO BEDRACING Sunday, April 29, 10:00am, Interested teams contact Joan at 476-1926 Best Fundraisers On Campus! Is your fraternity, sorority or dub interested in earning SI,000.00+ tor a orio week. on-campus marketing pro| ect? You must be well-organized and hard working Call Corine or Myra at (800)592-2121, Chi Omegas Thanks lor the successful car wash on Saturday! The Men of Pi Kappa Phi Congratulations to Greg H, and DaveS on being initiated into Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honorary The Men of Triangle Congratulations to Kim H., our new honorary Phi Beta Chi Member Congratulations John B on being selected Vice- Presi dent of Innocents -The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon Delt s and Pi Kapp s, Looking forward to the barbeque on Wednesday The T ri belts GREEK WEEK 1990 TRIADS get your booths going! CARNIVAL FOR KIDS is Sat. April 28 at 1:00 pm. Stadium loop. Kappa Kappa Gamma Senior Week 90' Kristi N.. Court ney B , Karree K , Nancy F., Amy M , Katie M , Annette W . Kara M , Mary D . Michelle O., Tonee F., Jenny A., Melissa S , Gwen T . KayC., Heidi H . Monika P , Tracey S , Barb B , Stacey S , Jacque K , Katie B.. Joli C. and Lynda G. Congratulations and Best of Luck after Gradu ation Love, your Kappa Sisters Phi Beta Chi 100% Initiation Kim A . Angie B , Cherie B . Kristi B , Tami C„ Cheryl H., Richelle L., Laurie S , Tami T , Meghan W. Congratulations! THE DELT S WANT YOU FOR M*A*S*H 90! The Tn Delts would like to announce the champions of Dig Em 90 First Place- 8MOE (Big Man on Earth), 2nd Place Beta 3rd Place Delts Thanks! See ya next year The Tri Delts 130 Student Government STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT OPEN FORUM APRIL 25 6 30 P.M EAST CAMPUS UNION ASUN MEETING COPIES AVAILABLE IN 115 NEBR. UNION 140 Personals Happy Birthday Lora 0 I Love All Your Friends -- 1 1 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Photo negatives of female in Hamilton Hall. 436-8405 148 Wanted__ Want lo buy small dorm refrigerator. Call 483-2473. 150 Child Care Needed Female for summer (June- August) to care for children (ages 12 and 14). Call evenings 488-8814. NANNY JOBS HOTLINE 1 -800-736-8090 California, our specialty. 'See families on videotape ‘Local interviews. 'One year minimum commitment. Archer Dawson Agency Oman* Protessional couple seeks kid-loving, energetic young woman to care for/teach 3-year ok) boy and nelp mother with newborn. Own room in suburban New York (Con necticut). on park, near village. Ft Ft . beach Begin end of August Fteferences required Call collect after 8pm EST, 203 637 8334 Reliable non-smoker needed to care for two girls. 7 and 8. for 'he summer Hours are: 7:30am 5:30pm, 4 days a week References required. Call Robin after 5:30pm, 489 2709 160 Help Wanted Cashrer/merchandise receiver 20 hours per week mini mum, more hours possible in summer Work some weekends Apply in person to Gary at Pauley Lumber Company, 94; > S. 27th St DATA BASE MANAGE ME NT/PROJECT ASSISTANT Architectural firm: 20-24 hrs. per week. WP 5.0 experi ence necessary. Flex time possible. Mature team player. Respond by April 27: Journal-Star, P.0. Box910. Delivery and warehouse persons, lull or part-time. Flex ible hours Apply: Lincoln Lumber Co., 932 N. 23. Food Service Distributor Has excellent part- time opportunity to work in our ware house. Must be in good physical condition, be able to lift 100 lbs, and work in a cold environment. Hours: Mondays and Thursdays 12:00- 9:00 PM, Tuesdays, Wednes days, Fridays: 5:00- 9:00 PM. Apply to Lincoln Poultry, 2005 M St. Admieelone Couneelor Position responsibilities include identifying and recruit ing students lor Nebraska Wesleyan university, devel oping program and providing support lor minority stu dents, and assisting with informational ptograms spon sored by the Admission Office. Candidates should have well developed interpersonal communication, leader ship. writing and public speaking skills and the ability to assess student needs and respond to those needs Position requires a bachelor's degree, experience in program planning, interviewing, counseling, or market mg preferred Some travel, including high school visits and college day/night programs Minorities encouraged to apply Send letter of application and resume by May 4, 1990 to Nebraska Wesleyan University, Attn: Nancy Cookson, Personnel Officer, 5000 St. Paul, Lincoln, Nfc 68504. NO PHONE CALLS. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-FISHERIES Earn $600+/week, in cannery, $8,000 $ 12,000+ for two months on fishing vessel. Over 8.000 openings. Start June 18th. No experience necessary Male or Female. For 68 page employment booklet, send $6 95 to M A L Research, Box 84008, Seattle. WA 98124. 30 day, un conditional, 100% money back guarantee. CALL NOW FOR A SUMMER JOB TMI Corp. Is now hiring for summer positions. We guarantee $5 50/hr with the potential to earn S6-9/hr. We offer flexible, self determined hours (you set your own schedule), a professional environment and opportunities for advancement We work with Fortune 500 clients and offer their established customers a variety of products and services by phone. If you are an enthusiastic, dependable individual with excellent speaking skills, call to schedule aninterview now 476-7625 Ask for Dianne Niemann TMI Corp. Just two blocks from campus. EOE Part-time delivery person needed. 1 30-5:00 p m Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab 125 S 9th St Part-time restaurant/bar help. Hidden Valley Golf Course. 483-2532. Part-time counter help, evenings and weekends Audio Visual Video Center, 3219 S. 13. PROGRAM ASSISTANT The day service department has a lull-time opening for a Program Assistant II. Responsibilities include: planning and implementing social and therapeutic activities tor day services Qualifications: Good organizational skills, experience with elderly and disabled a valid Nebraska driver's license and a good driving record Associates degree in a related held preferred Apply Personnel. MADONNA CENTERS. 2200 S 52. Lincoln. NE 68506 483-9551. EOE Lincoln's Finest Colonial Heights • Indoor/Outdoor Pool - Sand Volleyball • Fitness Center Call 421 -3070/2815 Tierra Drive (Two Blocks South of HWV 2) Meadow Wood Outdoor Pool Fitness Center/Basketball Ct Call 476-3393/7th & Superior Help wanted for warehouse work. Full-time until August 1st. Please cal for appointment at 466-2221, between 9f>0am-3<X)pm. INSTRUCTORS NEEDED for older adult morning and afternoon fitness dasses. Experience'preferred, but will train. Call Lifetime Health, 471-7575. KKNB Radio (B104) is looking for a few good bees. Bees will participate in station promotions, parties, and special events. We're looking for fun loving people with a sense of humor and acrobatic ability is a plus. We'll even pay you $4.00 per hour to have a great time with our staff. For more information call Jack Dylan at B104 421-2223 before 1pm. MM MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES Immediate openings exist for Machine Operator Train ees to operate mail inserting machines on the first shift (7:45am-4:30pm Monday-Friday). second shift (4:45pm 10:45pm Monday-Thursday) and third shift (10:45pm 7:15am Sunday-Thursday). Qualified applicants must be able to lift up to 35 !bs , have basic physical dexterity, numerical understanding ft retention skills Employees suocesstully completing 500 hours ot em ployment and meeting the qualifications for promotion to Machine Operator I will be eligible to receive an addi tional $100 compensation payment. Applicants may apply by contacting the Nebraska Job Servioe or the Personnel Department to schedule an interview. METROMAIL CORP. Mail Production Services Division 901 West Bond Lincoln, NE 68521 473-9707 Equal Opportunity Employer Nanny needed to care tor my daughter while I am away Require responsible, loving, conscientious non-smoker. Must have references 464 0258 (leave message) Nanny Opportunities 5150 to S400'Woek Join the only successful nanny network and experience growth with a great family in the east. For details call Arlene 1-800-443-6428 One year minimum. Now hiring part time food and cocktail waitery Apply in person between 2 and 4 p m at Brittanys, 227 N 9th Now hiring for part-time valet position Apply at Brittanys Part time liquor store clerk. 20-30 hours per week. 54 00 start Both day and night hou's available Apply 27th 5 O Street Liquor. Part time translators needed Must be fluent in English and one of these languages Japanese, Mandarin, Ko rean, and Vietnamese For more information call 464 0602, ask for Lucy. CEGA Services ^'^JEWELRY00'"* U.amond.^ ▲ ^S^^^tnce 1*01 ▲ I WEDDING RING I J SPECIALIST J ♦ Wholesale Prices ▲ Newest Styles ▼ Custom Design ▼ ^ Shop and compare ^ a but sec us last. ^ ^ m ^>^it^47£ Smiley eyes and moanCongratulations on your special day Ihis summer. Don't forget your friends To the Abel/Sandoz girls who played softball last Fri. night: Want a rematch? We do. Sat., April 28. same place. Call 435-3765 to confirm. The P.O, Pears Softball team To Tami L. and the Social Committee, Thanks for organizing a great tree-planting trip to Ft. Robinson this past weekend. We had a great time! An Admirer _ P.S. Women still have it easier! Crazy Quake man, You like rock my world or something, but you just gotta love those adventures in babysitting. Sit for me soon so we can talk. Call me. Biff BMOE'S. You're the greatest! Congratulations! Coach Smiley eyes and Moan, Congratulations on your special day this summer Your are both great friends of ours and we know you will be so happy together. Never forget your special days working in UNL residence halls. Cather Staff Mel. Here's to being tall, "Men are Pondslime” songs, the Pimpmobile, hangovers. The Gum Incident, our~newly found |obs, and May 12th. Omaha bettor look out! Car G. Salvo. Happy 20th Birthday! Love you too much, XXXOOO „„ „ „ Kala P S. Bart Simpson said to have a radical 20th birthday dude. Dear Emily, By living in bed your albescent legs will gain that sheer pallor that sends blood to every man's groin. Free Advice Your friend, H THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I 'J ' /1 'Jii ‘ kWFWl Well, there he goes again ... Course, I guess I did the same thing at his age — checking every day to see if I was becoming a silverback. Last Train Tm Saginaw V/’ve GT 4 NoS£ ^ tlKLS see when Itwe size °r A i at Me v ft/Jirk' A isafi/aaNTiCNoSE^ nuil'K. J wEAFfiut, a cap. ' ACROSS 1 Pile-driver sound 5 Expression of affection 9 "-the man down 13 College in New Rochelle N Y 14 Food in Firenze 15 '-Window," 1954 movie 16 Small ooys 17 Repeatedly 18 Uncanny 19 Pretended grief 22 Marsh bird 23 Align again 24 Meals in Eton j 26 I Sing of 15th-century carol 30 Harden, as troops 33 Title of honor in Turkey 34 Vincent Lopez s theme song 35 South or east ending 36 Restrains 39 Pronoun in Brest 40 Foster a felony 42 Srta s mother 43 Reflexive pronoun 45 Amend a manuscript 47 Poet Teasdale 48 Gym teacher s command 50 Country-and western singer 54 Frequent sitcom accompaniment 57 Singer Tenmlle 58 Sewn lines 59 Haste, m Hamburg 60 Court order 61 La Douce et al 62 Ecole co-ed Abbr 63 “It's-Love.'1 Beatles song 64 Strong-ox 65 Mtg DOWN Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 1 Hellcat a2 Viscount Templewood 3 Option with a virgule 4 Supposed bnnqers of good luck 5 Infidels, to a Muslim 6 Basketry fiber 7 Part of a passenger ship 8 Tree also called ca'aba 9 Illegal entry 10 Lustful glance 11 Bireme equipment 12 Ironic 14 Herd of whales 20 Cather's" Ours” 21 Bambi'saunt 25 What nitrous oxide produces 27 Hawaiian statesman 1844-1926 28 Jewish month 29 Inexperienced person 30 Scorch 31 Former governor of Iowa 32 "He was dull in -way " S Johnson 33 One — time 37 Grape crushers 38 Rover, in Ayr 41 Historic church in Manhattan 44 Indian chiefs 46 Khan 47 Bligh was one 49 Andes climber 51 Practical 52 Chops down 53 Grants manumission 54 Clavus 55 Source of indigo 56 Capitol Hill letters 57 "-tor the Seesaw,'1962 film