The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1990, Page 3, Image 3
Words Continued from Page 1 Some community members and students think officials are foolish to have any such policy because “it would have a chilling effect on free speech,’ Cole said. Others are un happy because the proposal does not cover more, she said. An incident about a year and a half ago, in which a student hung an offen sive poster on the door of a black student’s room, started administra tors’ consideration of such a policy, she said. —- — Cole suggested that universities look at court decisions involving free dom of speech in policy at the Uni versity of Michigan and the Univer sity of Wisconsin. Then, she said, they should “put those (decisions) aside” and think about whether they want the document to be symbolic or actually preventive. Hal Reynolds, a manager of stu dent activities and services at the University of California at Berkeley, said a fighting words policy was put in place there in September 1989. He said the policy only addresses words directed to an individual and docs not apply to groups or written material. Reynolds said the policy hasn’t been tested by any court or used by students yet. But when the proposal first was introduced, he said, students split along racial lines in their views. Black stu dents thought the document did not cover enough ground, while many white students held First Amendment rights forums, Reynolds said. Reynolds said a series of events led to the policy, the most recent being a member of a fraternity yelling “nigger whore” at a student. He said most people who objected to the Berkeley policy were upset because the university’s president mandated the policy without input from students or faculty members. Reynolds said any university look ing ata similar policy should get good legal advice, include students and faculty members in the decision, and try to make the wording of the docu ment easy to understand. ‘ ‘One of the problems is that people really don’t understand when the rules apply,” he said. ‘‘This may be hin dering students from using our pol icy.” swanson Continued from Page 1 kind of guy you like right away.” Skrupa said Swanson’s work as state senator and as corporate secre tary always demonstrated concern for the university and earned him the trust of many individuals. I-— Don Blank of McCook, chairman of the regents, said Swanson’s knowl edge and expertise on the university and its workings will be “sorely missed.’’ Blank also said Swanson was very devoted to the university, as exhib ited by the fact that he continued to serve as corporate secretary past re tiremeni age. “He kept trying to retire and we wouldn’t let him,” Blank said. 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