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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1990)
' ' ' -J * —^ - Readers argue against white guilt, New Age teaching Loomis suffers from white guilt on Indian issue Astounding! The magnificent wisdom of the gargantuan libera! bean (Brandon Loomis, DN, April 9)! I won’t suggest that you watch “Little Big Man.” I will, however, emerge from my benighted little cave with my inferior little brain and throw a few shadow's on your bright and shin ing future of tolerance and under standing. First things first. You evidently believe that the Indians had an idyllic and utopian society before the “moral white folk” landed and comipted them. The truth is that they had discovered war and its consequences long before they met Europeans. The winner gets to dictate terms and the loser gets stripped of whatever the victor de sires. They arc then killed, subju gated or ejected from the land that the victor desired. That was life in North America for thousands of years be fore Columbus. When he brought the Europeans to America, they conquered the Indians because the Indians had something that the whites needed and weren’t powerful enough to keep it. Loomis evidently suffers the white liberal guilt that his ancestors were human and conquered a race that was, at least militarily, inferior to ours. Why he doesn’t feel guilt over the Normans or Saxons or Goths who conquered vast tracts of Europe and arc also in his ancestry, is undoubt edly a mystery unknowable to those of us without a gargantuan liberal bean. Next, the concept of the Indian reservation is an idea whose time has passed. They were originally created to help the Indians maintain their way of life and avoid outside influence (as well as Indian influence outside the reservation). However, their way of life didn’t include mail, motor ve hicles, television, bars, modem hous ing or bingo. Yet, all these things arc a part of life on the reservation now. If the Indians can force themselves to accept that much of America’s mod em culture, they can accept the entire system. Third, even if the time for reserva tions hasn’t passed, the idea of one should cause a conniption for the gargantuan liberal bean, inventor of and crusader for desegregation. If a ghetto for conquered Indians is ap propriate, then so is a place set aside for the Mexicans, conquered by the Texans and forced to become Ameri cans. And perhaps for the blacks as well. The Americans didn’t conquer them, but they did buy them from people who had. Fourth, Indians get a certain amount of money from the federal govern ment for college. This money is not based on merit or need, but merely on skin color. This smacks to me of a racialiy based decision and therefore racism. In conclusion, change comes to all lands and all peoples. The change may be for the better or for the worse. Either way, a person, or race, must adapt. To ignore change is a formula for disaster and extinction. Just ask the dinosaurs. Jack Lovell senior engineering Teaching methods are contradiction to ideas of Bible One of the biggest movements to reach the University of Nebraska in the past year has been the New Age teachings. The instigators of this movement claim that it is totally non religious, or actually pan-religious, combining all religions into one. A look at this doctrine clearly shows that it stands in diabolical contradic tion to the teachings of the Bible. A main point brought out by this new doctrine is that man is God and that he merely needs to discover this deity within himself. Both New Age and psychology say that we need to search inside of ourselves to tap into man’s infinite abilities. We need to seek, build up, feel good about, and worship ourselves. This concept lies in total rebellion to what God says through the Bible. This New Age concept doesn’t seem so new when you look at the fall of man (Genesis 3:1-6). Satan promised Eve that, by disobeying God, she would become “like God.” This idea is also present at the fall of Satan where he claimed that he would make himself like God and that he would even rise himself higher than God (Isaiah 14:14). Satan has continually used this lie to feed a person’s ego and to make him feel less dependant on God. Men have put themselves in the place of God. In his letter to the church at Rome the Apostle Paul adequately describes the state of spiritually unrcgcncratc man. “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man. ’ ’ They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the crea ture rather than the Creator” (Ro mans 1:22,23,25). It is important to look at these “new” ideas in relation to the Bible. By accepting this new movement, you completely reject the Bible and the work of Christ. It is your choice but be sure to weigh the eternal con sequences before you reject the word of God. James McIntyre junior political science Females' choices should take place before pregnancy I felt compelled to write in re sponse to one of the letters that ap peared in the April 11 edition of the Daily Nebraskan. This letter was written by members of the group Students for Choice. I am writing this letter as an individual. I would like to separate myself from any and all labels one might like to apply and try to get to what I feel is the main issue at hand. One statement in their letter that strikes me as being ironic is the one that reads — “We would like to re mind the university that we are a state supported institution where church and state are supposed to be sepa rate.” If you really believe this, why did you feel the need to include the statement “Rated PG, papal guid ance is suggested” on your T-shirt? The shirt would have said what you wanted without that little burn on the Catholic faith. If you would recall please, we are dealing with the issue of abortion. It is not an issue of religion, although some religions may choose to take a stand. Some people that claim to be Catholic do have abortions — it’s a sad but true fact. It is also, I feel, not an issue of choice. Please let me explain. The choice comes before the girl becomes pregnant, not after. I realize it is notan easy situation to be in but there’s such a thing as taking responsibility for one’s actions. I know someone will bring up the issue of rape and incest. Even though the number of these cases is small in number it does happen and it should be dealt with. By denying that baby life you arc not in any way denying that the rape or incest occurred. This baby that was created in hate is ca pable of so much love, if only given a chance. Although the baby is sepa rate from the mother it is also depend ent upon her for life. Abortion is not an easy issue to deal with; it is very emotional. But if you take away all the emotions of this struggle one thing remains - a baby. Angie Schweitzer sophomore art education Homeless unhurt by Ecology Now recycling project I will have to agree with Bob Dutton’s (DN, April 13) concern for the homeless people in this country, but having recycling barrels in the student union isn’t going to affect anyone’s ability to survive. First, as I understand it, Nebraska Union policy doesn’t allow people to just come in and search for aluminum cans. Sec ond the union is only one building on campus. There are more than enough places that these people can recover aluminum cans, both or. and off campus. Third, do you know for fact that these people are indeed home less? I have seen and dealt with sev eral of them, and my impression is that wh i le they don ’ t have a great deal of money, they do have homes. I think the idea of donating the money made off these cans to home less people has merit and I will bring it to the attention of Ecology Now.I don’t think that this will have much significance in comparison to other worthy efforts, such as Early Warning! ’s homeless awareness week earlier this semester, but every little bit helps. Still, the problem of this nation’s homeless needs to be ad dressed by our government, and the only way to make changes in our government is to affect people’s thoughts. Asa news-editorial major, I think you will have an unequalled opportunity to champion this cause, if you choose to become involved. You seem quite concerned about the homeless, and I thank you for sharing your opinion. I hope you will find this response at least satisfactory, Bob. Maybe it would make Phil Collins happy too. James Zank member Ecology Now -Campus Summer Employment Opportunities Division of University Housing 40 hours per week May 14 July 1 Custodial $4.00 $4.25 Mechanical $4.25 $4.50 Maintenance Supervisors/ $4.50 * $4.75 Leaders Apply in person at 1100 Seaton Hall Office for interview appointment UNL is a non-discriminatory institution. What's VGA? Ci A means from graphics to games, you’ll never get a better picture! Introducing the new line of Zenith Data Systems VGA portables. ’ ~^The best and brightest cordless computers around! ^ Just imagine. No matter where you arc; the beach, library, train, plane, coffee house, at work or home, your fun and games (as well as work) go with you. 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