The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1990, Page 7, Image 7
i Resumes professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement ol the Nebraska Union 110 Announcements_ " ' 'PRt l AW WORKSHOP- “ Are you interested in Law School7 Attend the Pre-Law workshop, 3:30-5:00pm, Thursday, April 12. Nebraska Union. For more information call Mike Eckert. Arts & Sciences Dean s Office, 472-2891 AG ECON/AGRIBUSINESS CLUB MEETING Tuesday. April 10th at 6:00pm. 210 Filley Hall. Elec tions. Pizza party and scholarship applications. Alpha Lambda Delta & Phi Eta Sigma Members Officer elections S pizza pady Wednesday. Ap^l 1 ith. City Union. COMING SOON! ART ATTACK Denny Dent, nationally known artist, at the Union Plaza Thursday, 3:30pm. UPC. CORNCOBS Impcdant meeting today. 4:30pm in the Union. New members welcomel Last SEA Meeting of the semester Tuesday. April 10. 5:30 pm, Henzlik Auditorium. Nancy Biggs speaks on Interviewing Techniques. Janet Ehlers on What to Expect from the leaching Profession. Free popcorn Earn Over $1 .OOO.OO-'No Sales Your organization can earn over $1,000,00 for a one week effort. No sales, no investment-just the opportunity to divide and conquer. Interested in learning more7 Call Corine or Myra at (800)592-2121. ★ EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR BASIC TRAINING Sat Sun . April 21-22. Call Jan. Body Flex. 476-1492. Experience International Business Attend an AIESEC meeting Tuesdays 4.00 p.m. in the Union. CHI PHI BAND BASH Presents: The Neighborhood Ma|or Yabose The Shivers Chapter Two Dozing Junk Alligators April 12. 1990 8p.m.-1a.m. Union Ballroom Only S2I Golden Key Next gen meeting, Fri., Apr 20 at 3:00, East Campus Union bowling alley. Government Lieiecn Committee No meeting this week Remember to register to vote or request your absentee ballot in our booth on Tuesday and Wednesday. Interested in a career in Student Aftairs'’ Then come to Careers in Student Affairs, a panel discussion of |ob opportunities in student activities, residence life, career placement and other issues, Wednesday. Apnl 11 in the Union, room posted INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS MONTH VISITING SCHOLARS PROGRAM College of Business Administration PRESENTS DR ROBERT SHIRER Associate Professor, Modern Languages The New Germany For the 1990s Presentation at 4:00pm. Wednesday, April 11 CBA Room 119 ALL UNIVERSITY WELCOME INTERNATIONAL awareness month Visiting Executives Program College of Business Administration PRESENTS Mr C.G. Kelly' Holthus President, American Bankers Association Banking in America and the World Presentation at 2:00 p m., Thursday, April ’2 NE Union, Room to be posted ALL UNIVERSITY WELCOME Last SEA Meeting ot the semester Tuesday 10. 6:30 pm, Henzltk Auditorium Nancy Biggs soeaks on Interviewing Techniques, Janet Efilers or wnat to Expect from the i eachmg Profession. Free popcorn. • LATE NIGHT COMEDY CLUB With IAS Comedy Troupe Wed. April 11 Teaser: EAST UNION 5-5:30 p.m. Show: CITY UNION 9:30 11 p.m. $1 Students, $2 non students 2 lor 1 coupon available at East CAP office UPC Kaleidoscope; KLPAC; Kramer Agency Last SEA Meeting of the semester tuesday, April 10, 5:30pm, Henzlik Auditorium Nancy on ^n,erv|ewing Techniques, Janet Ehlers on What to Expect from the leachinq Profession. Free popcorn, N.U. MEDS Important Informational Meeting! Tuesday. April 10th. 6.30pm, Union Sign-up for Creighton Tour. Dorsey Lab our CPR certification Upcoming Med student guest speakers and more. Please come! New members welcome' Dues $10 00. ★ ★ RABBIT COSTUMES RENTALS$25 See fur mask and suit at Cycle Works, N 27th A Vine, a m, or alter 8p.m. 477-0641, 1 6p.m. 464 2264, reserve early. PROM DRESSES, rentals; vintage, old time jewelry. 1930 s bed A deco wardrobe 1-6 p.m, 1551 N. Cotner, Summer Jobs! Part Time Jobs! Come to the part time job fair Thursday. April 12 from 9 am to 2 pm in the Stuoent Union Centennial Room. UNION BOARD MEETING REGARDING SPACE ALLOCATIONS Today 5:00 p.m. Moved to City Union Room TBA UNL 4-H Club Meeting at 7:30 in East Union. Will be taking the club picture UNL WILDLIFE CLUB Meeting April111, 7:00pm ECU. Don’t miss our awards banquet April 14th, Tickets are available from any wildlife club member. For more info call 435-8860. You’ve got something other people are dying to nave... REGISTER and VOTE Voter registration booth in the Union. Tues April 10 and Wed. April 11,9:30-2:30. Absentee ballot requests also available. Sponsored by the Government Liason Com mittee. 120 Greek Affairs Sigma Nu LiT Sis meeting Wednesday, April 11 at 9 30 Please attend with ideas lor tanks Acacia Fraternity and The Community Blood Bank present Vein Drain '90 Thursday April 12 City Union Ballroom _ 9 a m.-3 p.m. Beat Fundraisers On Campual Is your fraternity, sorority or dub interested in earning Sl.000.00t for a one week, on-campus marketing proj ect You must be well-organized and hard working. Call Conne or Myra at (800)592-2121. CHI PHI BAND BASH April 12th, City Union, 8 p.m. -See announcements Congratulations JoAnn I. on winning Sigma Alpha lota Province Competition! Love, The Kappas Congratulations Michele Me. (KKG) on your Lincoln General Summer Internship! _Love, The Kappas Congratulations to the Billabongs and Dig 'Emsl The 1990 team of champions of Sana Bash The Men of Kappa Sigma Congratulations to Garrett A and Dave M foi making J V. cheerleader and to Jack J. and Steve H. for making Varsity Cheerleader -The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon Congratulations Nancy I for making F lag Corp. Way to go! Love, your Phi Mu Sisters Greek Week 1990 Coming Soon to a University Near You It's almost been a year. You're doing an awesome job Phi Mul Keep up tne good work! Pi Sigma Alpha (The Political Science Honorary) will meet tonight on 5th floor Oldfather at 700 p.m. All welcome Theta Chi Founders Day April 10,10561 Congratulations on 1J4 years of National Excellence! To the women o! Gamma Phi Bela Sand Bash was a blast. Thank you for a great time. The Men of Kappa Sigma Students j?at cheap at Lee’s STUDENT I.D. Iilia Chikkin P Stop in at one of our I two locations and try our famous Southern Fried ^Chicken, Steak and Lobster. lie sure to bring your Student ID Card in Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs days during April for a 10 percent student discount (per student, with ID. Offer not good with any other coupons). WEST at 1940 W. Van Dorn (by Pioneers Park) EAST at 211 No. 70th i Tri-Delts, The bar crowd Thursday was a riotl Some people took it too literally, but let's do it again. The Men of Kappa Sigma 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT ~ CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES Government Liaison Committee Chair GLC Registered Lobbyist Parking Appeals Parking Advisory Committee Government Liaison Committee Intercollegiate Athletics Calendar & Examinations Convocations Committee Student Employee Rights Commencement Committee Central Planning Committee Recreation Advisory Council Scholarship & Financial Aid Teaching Council University Judiciary Appeals Electoral Commission Curriculum Grading Honorary Degrees Computational Services A Facilities Publications Board UNL Police Committee University Libraries Scholastic or Student Life Commission Honors Convocation Committee for Fees Allocation This iist represents vacancies on campus wide commit tees, information and applications available in ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline for all positions is 4:00 p.m.. Friday, April 20, 1990. Student Government * Appointments Board Opening * Be a part of the board that appoints students to 26 campus wide committees. Application and a copy of the appointment list available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is 400 p.m., Friday, April 13th. 140 Personals To the tall guy in Crete Friday night, How about supper at my place Sunday-and don't forget your toothbrushl Love you, Tammy SHS WOWI What else can I say? __ LJH Steve, When I said that I love you I meant that I'd love you forever. Sorry. Let's talk. _ _ KT Desperado, Don't make me sing alone We could make beautiful music together. Call me. PLEASE. 145 Lost & Found Lost-a set of keys, Monday -please call 423-2785 to discuss return and reward. LOST: Jeans jacket and car keys Please call 470-3284, REWARD. 150 Child Care Needed Do you enjoy kids'* Person to give 15 mutually agreed upon hours wkly caring for four children ages r ewborn 9 in return for free room & board. Lg. turn, private bed bath m SE Lincoln. Must have previous experience, be non-smoker, have good driving record. Ref req Start date negotiable Cali Penny at 489-7942 East campus area: Part-time sitter needed in my home Monday Thursday, 3:00p.m. Need own transportation 467-7864 (after 3:30p.m.) NANNIES Year-long child carepositions- EastCoast Airfare, good salanes, Denefits. Screened families, fun group arrtivi ties PRINCETON NANNY, 301 N. Harrison #416, Prin ceton, NJ, 08540, 609 497-1195 SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN MICHIGAN » •Counselors •0l,ice •Kitchen •Maintenance Lake of the Woods •* For Girls Greenwoods -- For Boys Interviews On Campus TODAY 12:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 225 Nebraska Union City Campus No appointment needed Lincoln's Finest Colonial Heights • Indoor/Outdoor Pool ■ Sand Volleyball • Fitness Center Cail 421-3070/2815 Tierra Drive (Two Blocks South of HWY 2) Meadow Wood Outdoor Pool Fitness Center/Basketball Ct Call 476-3393/7th & Superior NANNY JOBS HOTLINE 1*800-736-8090 California, our apecialty. ‘See families on videotape. ‘Local interviews. 'One year minimum commitment. Archer Dawson Agency Omaha Summer Nanny Family seeks loving, reliable, energetic non smoker with driver s license, to provide live in child care and house keeping lor three children. Majority of summer by the beach. Write with expectations, past experience, refer ences and reason for wanting position. Varod, 7 Carriage Court, Marlboro. NJ 07746 160 Help Wanted__ Enhance your education and pay for it at the same time! This is an entry level position. The ideal district manager candidate will be self motivated, have good public rela tions skills, and enjoy working with youth. Great hours, usually starting by 2:30 p.m. cfaily with up to 35 hours per week. Competitive earnings including bonus plan, vaca tion. and holiday pay. You'll need your own vehicle. Mileage paid Applications will be accepted at the Jour nal/Star office, 926 P St.. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday. April 13th. AA Active sports oriented person needed for full time sales position. Retail experience required. Cycle Works, 27th & Vine. MM PART TIME PUBLICATIONS ASSISTANT Metromail Corporation has an immediate need lor a part time Publications Assistant Hours are flexible working approx 19 hours per week. Job responsibilities include assisting in writing articles, performing interviews, per forming pasteups, using desk top publishing system & general office duties Qualified applicants must have strong writing experi ence, knowledge of basic typography and layout skills, and knowledge of 35mm phoiography. Knowledge of operating desk top publishing system in word processing and page make-up (Apple) is required. Applicants may apply by completing an employment application and/or submitting a resume. METROMAIL CORP Mail Production Services Division 901 West Bond Lincoln, NE 68521 Equal Opportunity Employer Graduate Study & Research in Cancer Cellular Biology Molecular Bioloqy at the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases Focus on: Chemical Carcinogenesis Growth Regulation Biochemical Nutrition Oncogene Action Molecular Endocrinology Stipends available. $11,000 per year, plus tuition and fees paid. No teaching required. For more information or a brochure, contact: Director of Graduate Studies Eppley Institute, UNMC 600 S. 42nd St. Omaha, NE 68198-6805 o^Ska (402) 559-4000 Meet,cal Center Duds ’n Suds has applied for a beer license. A public hearing and vote on this request is scheduled for April 16 at 1:30 p.m. at the City County Building located at 555 So. 10th. We Need Your Support!! Bring in this ad for ONE FREE WASH and support us by attending the public hearing or sign the "Customer Support Sheet" located at Duds n Suds. n)UDS n6UDS 939 North 27th St. ( 475-SUDS EXPIRES 4/29/90 IWEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1990 I TEASER: 5:00 5:30 P.M. PLACE: EAST UNION SHOW: 9:30 11:00 P.M. PI ACE: CITY UNION | with ISIS Comedy 'Irouye I $1.00—STUDENTS | $2.00—NON-STUDENTS | (2 FOR 1 COUPON AVAILABLE Sponsored by: l PC kaleidoscope: K1.PAC; Kramer Agency