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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1990)
XTpwq Di(rpQf Kcia,«dp„s» 1 ^ V f fj Edited by Brandon Loomis Bush and Gorbachev move up summit date WASHINGTON - President Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gor bachev will meet for a superpower summit in the United States begin ning May 30, U.S. and Soviet offi cials said Thursday as both sides re turned to bargaining on possible arms control treaties. White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said several major agree ments could emerge at the summit, including a long-sought Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty to limit long-range nuclear weapons. But Busn said merely that the summit would provide “time fora lot of dialogue and a lot of discussion.” Fitzwater said the summit - Bush’s second meeting as president with the Soviet leader — would be a ‘‘tough love” encounter, with the crisis in Lithuania a central topic. Bush and Gorbachev last met early in December at the Mediterranean island of Malta. Since then, pushes for independence in Lithuania and other regions of the Soviet Union -- and the Soviet response to them -- have strained superpower relations. The timing of the summit, earlier than the late-June schedule originally envisioned, raised new doubts on whether all details of an arms pact could be nailed down in time. A senior U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said ‘‘it depends in some part on what we’re able to do here” in Washington talks between Secretary of Stale James Baker III and Soviet Foreign Minister Edu ard Shevardnadze. The official said there was a good chance that major issues could be resolved by the summit date but ‘‘realistically” the actual treaty-sign ing might have to wait until later in the year. Soviet negotiator Yuri Nazarkin was even more blunt, saying: ‘‘Tak ing into account (the summit is) in seven weeks, it’s impractical, I think, to expect it (the treaty) is going to be signed at the summit.” Simultaneous announcements of the summit came from the White House and the Soviet news agency Tass early Thursday as Baker and Shevardnadze were holding their second day of meetings on arms control and other issues. “There’s still a lot of work to do, particularly in light of the fact that the summit will begin on the 30th,’’ Baker told reporters. “So we have our work cut out for us.” Both the Washington and Moscow announcements gave the summit dates as May 30 to June 3. However, Filzwater said all five days might not be used. “Itcould turn out to be a two or three-day summit, depending on travel schedules,” he suggested. U.S. officials were also vague on whether the meeting would take place entirely in Washington, or at some other location as well -- such as the president’s oceanside home in Ken nebunkport, Maine. Gennadi Gerasimov, the Soviet Foreign Ministry spokesman, told reporters at the State Department on Thursday: “It’s going lo be a work ing visit; no time for sightseeing.” Just this week, the Bush admini stration was talking about the last two weeks in June for the summit. Neither side on Thursday gave any precise reason for moving the dates up -- other than citing scheduling difficul ties. Gerasimov said Bush had a heavy schedule in June and that Gorbachev wanted time to prepare for the meet ing of the Soviet People’s Congress in early July. Standing alongside pop singer Michael Jackson at a Rose Garden ceremony honoring the musician. Bush said he was pleased that the summit dates had teen set. “Dialogue is important. And I’m looking forward to seeing Mr. Gorbachev here,” he said. He said of the meetings at the Stale Department, “Conversations with Mr. Shevardnadze are going reasonably well.” Filzwatcr said that the crisis in Lithuania would “undoubtedly be an issue’’ at the summit and that the president intended to raise it. “If anything, Lithuania makes the sum mit even more important,” the spokes man said. “I would characterize this summit more in terms of demonstrating the kind of tough-love working relation ship that we were able to develop with the Soviet Union by virtue of four or five summits,” Fitzwater said. Gerasimov, the Soviet spokesman, indicated that Baker had energeti cally raised U.S. concerns about the use of Soviet force in the breakaway Baltic slate in his sessions with Shevardnadze. “There was a serious, hardbal 1 exchange of opinions on this subject,” Gerasimov told reporters. Researchers find little evidence of abortion’s emotional hazards WASHINGTON - Legal, vol untary abortion in the first trimes ter of pregnancy does not threaten most women’s mental health or cause them great emotional dis tress, according to a new study. Though some women may feel regret, sadness or guilt, “the weight of the evidence from scientific studies indicates that legal abor tion of an unwanted pregnancy in the first trimester does not pose a psychological hazard for most women,” said the study, to be published Friday in the journal Science. Olivia Gans, director of Ameri can Victimsof Abortion, called the study “a manipulation” of data from earlier studies. “When you look at these stud ies, you can twist them any way you need to to get whatever con clusion you want,” she said. The new study was commis sioned by the American Psycho A ^ Severe negative reations qfter abor tion are rare.... Science magazine study -1 f - logical Association, which asked six experts to examine all current research and determine if a valid conclusion could be drawn about post-abortion psychological effects. Nancy Adler, a Unversity of Califomia-San Francisco profes sor of psychiatry and lead author of the report, said the panel surveyed more than 200 studies and found only “about 19 or 20“ that met solid scientific standards. Once those studies were exam ined, she said, the conclusion “was really quite clear.” The APA convened the panel in 1988 after then-Surgeon General C. Everett Koop reported that stud ies were inadequate to draw final conclusions about the effects ol abortion on women’s mental health. In the Science report, the au thors said case studies have shown that some women do experience “severe distress... after abortion and require sympathetic care.” But for the vast majority of women who have voluntary abor tions, “severe negative reactions are infrequent in the immediate and short-term aftermath,’ ’ the study said. The greatest distress, the study found, “is likely to be before the abortion.” “Severe negative reactions af ter abortions are rare and can best be understood in the framework of coping with a normal life stress,” the study said. “I feel comfortable about the conclusion that there is little psy chological hazard for women,” Adler said in a telephone inter view. But she noted that there is a need for scientific studies that would compare the effects of abortion with that of other stressful events in life, such as divorce or death of a family member. Adler said studies ol the psy chological effects of a death have shown that if there is no negative mental health response within a few months, them is little likeli hood that one will develop later. As a result, she said, “there is reason to believe that there will be very little long term effect” from abortion. “As a scientist, I really can’t say anything beyond two years,” ' she said. “Two years is not enough,” said Cans, who said she had an abortion in 1981. “I know many years later you still have to deal with emotional debris of that expe rience.” She said the effects can show up five to 10 years later and she dc scribed them as similar to the post traumatic stress disorder experi enced by combat veterans. Cans' organization is associated with the Nauonal Right to Life Committee. In addition to Adler, the co authors of the Science study were: Henry David of the Transitional Family Research Institute in Be thesda, Md.; Brenda Major of the State University of New York, Buffalo; Susan Roth of Duke Uni versity, Durham, N.C.; Nancy Russo of Arizona Slate University, Tempe; and Gail Wyatt, University of California, Los Angeles. Science is the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Population expert credits rich for destruction of environment PITTSBURGH - One American does 20 to 100 times more damage to the planet than one person in the Third World, and one rich American causes 1,000 times more destruction, a population expert said Thursday. “The most serious population problem in the world is right here in the United States,’ ’ said Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University professor of population studies. “The most common mispercep tion of the population problem is that it’s a problem of poor Indians who don’t know how to use condoms,’’ he said. “Actually, the problem in the world is that there are too many rich people.” Ehrlich and other environmental ists spoke to about 1,200 students, teachers, garden-club members and corporate executives at a conference on solving global environmental prob lems. He said the current world popula tion of 5.3 billion is 1.8 billion more than in 1968 when he first prophe sized the problems of overpopulation in his book ‘ The Population Bomb. ’ ’ He and his wife, Anne Howland Ehrlich, who co-wrote the current book, “The Population Explosion,” say this decade will be the turning point for global environmental problems. ‘ ‘If we don’t see some real action in this decade, it will probably be too late to avert some very serious prob lems” including inadequate food production, global warming, species extinction and deforestation, said Mrs. Ehrlich, associate director for the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford. Ehrlich railed against highly de veloped nations like the United States that he claims consume too much of the world’s resources. ‘ ‘The birth of a baby in the United States is something on the order of 20 to 100 limes more disastrous for the life support systems of the planet as the birth of a baby in poor countries like Bangladesh or Venezuela,” he said. Mrs. Erlich said she and her hus band based the figures on statistics compiled by the United Nations on per capita commerical energy con sumption, an index used by environ mentalists to measure damage to the Earth. ‘‘If it’s a (rich) baby, it could be a thousand limes more,” Erlich said. ‘‘Actually, the problem in the world is that there is much too many rich people-It’s not how many people you have but how those people be have.” People who drive gas-guzzling luxury cars, air-condition their homes and live from what Ehrlich calls ‘ ‘high intensity-thc-he II-with-tomorrow agriculture” do far more environ mental damage than subsistence farm ers, he said. But he was not promoting the idea that Americans should adopt a peas ant lifestyle. In highly affluent Sweden, the average person uses about 60 percent as much energy as consumed by the average American, Ehrlich said. “We are super consumers and very unselective, and we’re extraordinar ily incompetent and sloppy with our technologies,’’ he said. Several environmentalists at the conference echoed Ehrlich’s assess ments on overpopulation and his claim the world is running out of time to find solutions. “You cannot address the prob lems soon enough,” said George Woodwell, president of the Woods Hole Research Center in Woods Hole, Mass. “We are driving the Earth into impoverishment. We arc living on its capital,” he said. “We’re eating up the standing stocks of trees and nutri ents and soil in the process of feeding the current 5.3 billion people on Earth. In doing that, we make the Earth less capable of supporting people in the future.” In terms of global warming, the United States, with about 5 percent of the world’s population, produces 25 percent of the world’s output of car bon dioxide, believed to contribute to the greenhouse effect, said Peter Raven, director of the Missouri Botanical Garden and professor of botany at Washington University in St. Louis. Trade negotiators reach agreement WASHINGTON - U.S. and Japa nese negotiators on Thursday an nounced completion of an unprece dented agreement pledging to reduce trade frictions. The U.S., according to officials, pledged to increase efforts to im prove America’s education system and pointed to proposals the admini stration is already pushing to cut the federal budget deficit and to provide tax credits for increased personal savings. The Japanese pledged to deregu late their complex goods-disuibulion system and to boost government spend ing on public works projects, thus expanding the volume of work on which American firms could bid. Nebraskan Editor Amy Edwards Photo Chief Dave Hansen Mcnoo, „„ , ' o’ ... Nl9n’ News Editors Jana Pedersen By*n Sleeves Diane Braylon AjjOC News Editors Visa Donovan Art Director Brian Shelllto C,,A . _ Eric Planner Generai Manager Dan Shaitil Ed tor,ai Page Editor Bob Nelson Production Manager Katherine Poltcky Wire Editor Brandon Loomis Advertising Manager Jon Daohnko C°PSoT!ts Frt!!™ jeifCiT W!l#0*r1 u Sdles Manage' Kerry Jeffries SP1 * Editor Jett Apei Publications Be rd Em IkMM, Cna"'"an “SSSISS 5ME. 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