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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1990)
Pucli Newport Moped, 3680 miles. No parking hassles, great for summer school. $650 if new, $300. Call 435 4215. 18 Stereos/TVs__ Akai Arrp, Kenwood tuner and cassette player, Sanssui 12-band equalizer, Revox reel-to-reel. 476-6974. Pair of Klipsch Heresy loud speakers. $500. 488-0748. Leave message. Blake. 19 Ticket Exchange Janet Jackson Kansas City, 4 tickets, $100. Call 435-0784. 20 Vehicles For Sale 84 White Pontiac Fiero. A/c, sunroof, automatic, $3500 obo 489-6818 '77 lord Granada; ps, ac, looks nice, runs well. $500. 478 6989._ 1977 KZ 1000 with helmet, 423-1281 or 488-8600. Cars bought tor cash. Best prices given up to $1,000. 437-7764 days, 423-5036 after 6 p.m. 22 Adoption ADOPTION California couple with adopted son and lots of love to give desire to adopt newborn. Happily married, financially secure. Let us help you through this difficult time. Legal/ confidential. Expenses paid.all Janet collect anytime. (707)833-1230._ Loving California couple and 14-month old daughter. Emily, wish to adopt newborn. Legal, confidential, ex penses paid. Call Kathy collect anytime at 213-643 5643.__ _ PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential servioes. Contact; Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 60 Misc. Serv ices_ NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES Millions avails be in financial aid. Computerized match ing. Call 475-2058 for information. TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 62 Prtenancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609 78 Tutoring TUTOR needed (STATICS). Call 467-4557. 80 Typing & Resumes HINZ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE 475- 2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers, resumes, newslet ters. brochures, mass mailings and more. Copy service - reductions and enlargements. Let us help you wit h your term papers We do typing, word processing, resumes, spread sheets and graphics. CBC Marketing Services, 466-9765. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union TYPING Computer Type & Services 1630 Que Street 476- 8973 All papers, Thesis. Dissertations, Reports. Long,Short Cerm Proiects, Letters/Envelopes,Resumes are profes sionally done. Service: Prompt -Rates: Great You name it. I'll type it. Term papers, resumes, etc. Hours: noon-6. Rates starting at 52,page Call Rosie at 483-5162. H no answer, please leave message 100 Rides Commutersl Oma-UNL, I need rides for summer classes. Call Karen 476-6838. 110 Announcements “HALF OF HEAVEN UPC FOREIGN FILM SUNDAY APRIL 8TH AT SHELDON SCREENINGS AT 2:30, 4:45, 7:00 & 9:15 P.M. P-K: WHAT A LONG WEEKI I'M FINALLY GETTING INTO THE GROOVE. HEY, HAVE YOU CHECKED OUT "AFTERTHOUGHTS" AT THE COFFEEHOUSE. 1324 "P"? _THE PINK COUCH •PRE LAW WORKSHOP* Are you interested in Law School? Attend the Pre-Law workshop, 3:30-5:00pm, Thursday, April 12, Nebraska Union. For more information call Mike Eckert, Arts & Sciences Dean's Office, 472-2891. AFRICAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION General meeting April 6, 7 p.m., East Campus Union (Rm. Posted). Elections and other matters. Arte and Sciences Advisory Board Meeting on Sunday, April 8 at 6:39 at Valentino's. See you therel CELEBRATE INTERNA RONAL AWARENESS MONTH IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Many Activities Planned Watch DN For Special Attractions Pick Up Copy cf ALL Events in CBA 241 ALL UNIVERSITY WELCOME Sponsored by College of Business Administration, UN-L; Corporate Partners Program; and Stuart Leadership Program D.R.E.A.M. presents LET'S CELEBRATE! A multi-ethnic dance. Friday, April 6th, 930 p.m.-3:00 a.m„ Culture Center 14th and Ft. FEEL THE TEMPERATURE RISE AT THE UNION “BODY HEAT” THURS. -8P.M., FRI.-7&9P.M .SAT.-8P.M S2/S1 W/ID. SPONSORED BY UPC AMERICAN FILMS. Harper-Schramm-Smith Olympics April 8-12 Sand Volleyball Outdoor Relay Tug-O-War Pictionary Pitch Pool (Today is the last day to signjjp.) HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Jet there anytime from Minneapolis, Denver or Chicago lor no more than $229. or from the East Coast lor no more than $160 with AIRHITCH, as reported in Consumer Reports, NY Times, or Let's Go' For details call: 212-864-2600 or write AIRHITCH. 2790 Broadway, Ste. 100, New York. NY 10025. Libby Don t forget to pick up an application to have a booth at the Earth Fair on Apnl 21st I Get them at either CAP oft toe or at the Ecology Now office. Rm. 345 NE Union NEWLY FORMED Bisexual Men's Social Support Group Interested men can write BMSSG, P.0 Box 80913 Lincoln, NE 68501_ PI LAMBDA THETA meeting Sunday. April 8.6 30 pm. NE Union, Room posted. CHI PHI BAND BASH Presents The Neighborhood Ma|or Yaboee The Shivers Chapter Two Dozing Junk Alligators Apnl 12. 1990 Bp.m.-la.m. Union Ballroom Only $21 SPRING BREAK DAYTONA 1990 A Two Hour Video See What You Saw or See What You Missed. $17.95 plusSj^^iandlin^nd^hppmj^^W^S^MB^ Summer Sessions Early Registration March 19 - April 6 Student Organization Presidents Leadership transition and fall planning roundtable. Tues. April 10, Noon-1 p.m. City Union. Contact CAP (472 2454) for information. Student Recreation Meeting Sunday, April 8th, 7 p.m. Mable Lee Room 106. 120 Greek Affairs Acacia Fraternity and The Community Blood Bank present Vein Drain '90 Thursday, April 12 City Union Ballroom 9 a.m.-3 p.m. ACACIA PRESENTS NIGHT ON THE NILE CHI PHI BAND BASH April 12th, City Union, 8 p.m. -See announcements Congratulations to Stef W. (Pi Phi) and Brent P. (Sigma Nu) on your pinningl Love the PI Phi's Great job to JamieS.. Amy F.. SuzetteG., and TaraS on cheerleading tryouts. We are so proud of youl Love your Pi Phi Sisters HopeH. (KD). Congratulations on being elected to Standards Com mitteell Love Your KD Sisters Sandra L (KO), Congratulations on Mortar Board Notable!! Wo era all VERY PROUD OF YOU!! _Love, Your KD Biatara Sigma Nu Sitters interested in 1900 Football tickets sealed with Sigma Nu. bring check and appltr ation to Matt Sutej or Cmdi Wells no later than April Oth 130 Student (iovei nmiiil Student Government * Appointments Board Opening * Be a part ot the board that appoints students to campus wide committees Application and a copy ot the appointment let available in the ASUN on ice, 115 Nebraska Union Deadline a 4 00 p m, Frday, April 13th 140 Personal**_ Me Johnson. Can you play "Die Bitch Die" |utt one more time. pieasel _ Smug McFogle Lon Like oe and water Wa Deere made lor each other Happy 1/2 year annwertary Love Ya Alwayt • Bcotty Mac_ Congratulations reresa D. on entrance to Vet School! We R proud of U! Jules, Don't forget: Today is the last day to sign-up for the Harper-Schramm-Smith Olympics. "Ren" Terri, Good luck on your pledge examl Make us proudl Love, your supportive parents Ron and Amy Matt R. (NU Redshirt) Too bad spring ball is out of your reach. Good luck with Trent I Love A A L 145 Lost & Found Lost-a set of keys, Monday- please call 423 2785 to discuss return and reward LOST: Jeans jacket and car keys Please oall 470 3284, REWARD __ 150 Child ( arc Needed Dependable person needed to supervise 11 year boy at our home summer afternoons Near 27th and Sheridan Car needed Hopefully available to oontlnue next school year 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Call 476-2740 alter 5.30 p m. East oampus area Part time sitter needed m my home Monday Thursday. 3 OOp m Need own transportation 467-7864 (after 3:30p.m.) Energetic person needed this summer to help care lor three school age kids three lour days week Must have experience, referencet, transportation and friendly dis position. 421-2371. 160 Help Wanted__ Automotive warehouse ha* position available lor pack aging/shpping parson Soma lifting required, automotive knowledge helplul Full or part time positions available, •lads 4 J&hour Sand resume to Personnel Director. Dept SCO Bov St SOS, Lincoln. Ne 60501 Ballet Instructor lor established studio m Kearney, taka over enisling student (age 4 adult) roster I00« Share management responsbTites w4h |an and tap mstruc tors 300 ? 36 7405 leave message Cashiers wanted tor convenient store Weekend and night hours Friendly honest peopls apply at Woods Park AMOCO 33rd and O Construclidh hefc> wanted Construction firm in Vail. Colorado, seeking qualified pereon with construction management or civil engineering degree Surveying and commercial or residential nonet ruction evpe nance de sired Send resume to Craig Bruntf c o DVC, 1000 S Frontage Rd West, Suita ?0? Vail, CO (1657 Expansion fcvoelleiil opportunity lor PT night work (14 19 hours/ week) Responses people lor data entry (40 45 tspm after errors) High school graduate Competitive wage and evcellent one* working conditions Allied Group Insurance 700 N Coiner FOF 465-770? Fishmg tor evtra dollars3 Ringing messengers needed Apply now at 4 76 TUNf General farm work, lull or part time 765 5935 or 785 3?3S, no Mils after 9 pm. Qroundskaapmg at State Fair Park Must be motivated, reliable have dnvai t license I aperient* preferred, but not necessary Apply at Administration Buildmgon Fair rounds weekdays Hiring Youth I eague Soccer Officials Will tram new oft totals Apply al YMCA 1039 P Sheet More information, call 4 75 9622 Independent worker, proficient m microcomputer skill*, needed to put together weakly climate reports Depart ment ol Agricultural Meteorology. 47? 6761 INTRAMURAL STAFF ASSISTANTS Applications for Intramural Staff Assistants will be taken through April 13. 1990 Interest*d students can obtain application forms at 55 Campus Recreation Canter Staff assistants era the on site tunervaors of intramural ac tivities Starting wage (Fall. 1990). $4 60-4.80/hour. In quires 472 3467 Little King in Belmont needs mature workers for daytime shift Apply in person to Dan, weekdays afiar 2:00pm. Up to 84 25/hour lor experienced help Local delivery persons, full or part-time. Must be avail able this summer. Flexible hours. Good driving record required. Apply Lincoln Lumber Co. 932 N. 23rd. Looking lor a fraternity, sorority, or student organization that would like to make $500-$1,000 for a one week on campus marketing protect. Must be organized and hard working. Call Amy or Jeanine at (800) 592-2121. Nebraska Department of Social Sen'i »s, 471-5202. Work with clients who are aged and disabled providing grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, meal preparation and Personal Care Aid services. Must be at least 19 and have own transportation. Need sorority housemother at Nebraska Wesleyan. Call evenings and weekends. 489-6969 Now hiring at Sears Permanent part-time associates for commission selling cashiers, stock replenishes in our women s and men s departments. A variety of hours available Apply Sears Gateway Personnel Dept., hours Mon. 10 a m to 7:30p.m., Tues through Fri. 10 a.m. to4 p m. eoe m/f PART TIME DISTRICT MANAGER This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspaper car riers and work with parents and customers. This is an exoellsnt opportunity tor a University student and re quires being available by 2:30 pm daily. 9 am Saturday, and some Sunday mornings This position requires approximately 35 hours per week. Your own vehicle is required with mileage paid Applications will be accepted at the Journal Star personnel office 926 P St, 8 am to 4 pm through Friday April 6 EOE/AA, Part lime cafeteria help needed with opportunity to work into full-time Mon-Fn day shift and night shift available. Vacation and holiday pay H interested, please contact Julie 486 6199 eoe _ Part-time Hours WATS Marketing of America Inc. is now hiring tele marketing sales representatives. HOURS AVAILABLE Monday-Fnday, 5:00-10:00pm, Saturday 9 00am-3:00pm This e an ideal |ob lor students. You work 4 out of 6 days/ you select the days $5.25 per hour guaranteed plus sales bonuses Apply Monday-Fnday 830 am -5:30 pm. Integrated Marketing Service* WATS Marketing Inc. 0100 O St. South**#*! corner of Gateway Shopping Center EOE M/F H/V _ _ Perl lime delivery person needed. 1:30-5O0 p.m. Apply in parson at Danter Dental Lab 125 S 9th St PHOTOGRAPHERS The Picture Man Special Events Photography is looking tor energetic, responsible, out-going, well-groomed party photographers Must own 35mm camera, dependable transportation, willing to travel, available (or night and weeksnd work Call Craig Strong 475-8242 weekdays 10-8_ _ _ Program Assistants Saasonal resident position. May 25 - August 18 at girl's camp near Nebraska City. Responsible for implementing summer program activities for girls 5-17. Minimum age 19 Current lifesaving certification required Camping experience preferred Salary $2000 2300. Send letter of introduction and resume wit n 3 references by April 13 to: Program Unit Manager. Homestead Girt Scout Council. 1701 S 17th. Lincoln. Ne 68502.__ Program Director. Seasonal position April 16th - August 25th at girl's camp near Nebraska City. This position is a resident position trom May 25 - August 25. Responsible tor planning and implementing summer program activities tor girts 5 17 and supervising 3 program assistants Minimum age 21. Current I liesaving certification required. Camping and program experience preferred Salary $2700 3000 Send letter of introduction and resume with 3 references by April 13to: Program Unit Manager Homestead Girl Scout Council. 1701 5. 17th St.. Lincoln, NE 66502 Runza Restaurants Join our winning team 70th A Van Dorn 33rd A Highway 2 The quality our customers have come to expect has made Runza a leader in the last food business for over 40 years We have both part-lime and tult-lime jobs avail able It's the perfect job during your summer break We otter THC FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON i < j l _ C impubwimiPm* "And as amoabas, you’ll hava no problems racrultlng othar salas raps ... |ust keep dividing and aalling, dividing and aalling.'’ LOOK- TH£KL ARE VO 1 G/AVT 500/PS, A/O / (jlA*iT AJVT5, VO / Z«MB/£5 OR AJt/fVS OR Letry ZftecH-mute 1 CHSand you. /t*3 youRl /AtV,/VRT/0>J.' filRKWTf? I f wov <rvo« /r orrr/’jl ACROSS 1 Thalian 6 Moved in and oul of traffic 12 El-(plush place) 13 Home of the Gewurztraminer grape 14 Events of long, long ago 17 Schuss 18 Sewing or washing followe 19 Bow chaser 20 Baff the golf ball 22 Paris divider 23 Some like them hot 24 Brain passages 26 Seminary deg 27 Dancer Jeanmaire kd Budgerigar 30 Doomed ones 31 Christmas-tree adornment 33 C P A. s listing 36 Turkish saber 40 Strike minus one 41 Stylograph 42 Defunct alliance acronym 43 Hebrew letters 44 Abbie's pal in comics 46 Device for collecting plankton 47 Berenson s subject 48 Ernest Bloch symphony 50 Donna of musical fame in radio 51 Find at Qumran 54 Ekberg and Baker 55 Turban cloth in India 56 Lampoon 57 Descendant of Mohammed Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE [aIrIeTsUr! a I r I a B|p | a|b|l |o| [A^nR^nTlBI LIS m slFTTlEir [aTrtI 11Ts■bToTu NlDIL E sisl 1 DOWN 1 Spruce, e g 2 Grampus 3 Disable 4 What Dorcas Cochran gets in a 1951 song 5 Gave in 6 Lei-land lass’ 7"-Vere." book by Couperus 8 African fox 9 Kier 0 Transition zone between two plant communities I Ml I II II M II II II I Ml Bjii f::=:=|i=====| -L|t1 33 ^*33-B^P ^.zzz*jf--Jt ■MB Hi-P LLiJ M 34 35 BbU 37 M M 40 H(42 43-wdu 47 BB^B “ ^|BB _ 52 S3 La llJ 11 Pooh-poohing person 12 Sioux Indian 15 War of yore 16 Ayes 17 Liner's landing place 21 Tecs, at times 23 Goofed in bridge • 25 Ray 27 Barrett and Jaffe 22 U.S N A grad 30 Roscoe 32 Hymn of praise 33 Syrian leader 34 Easter plants 35 Guitarist-singer Carlos 37 Pug’s trainer 32 Military order 39 Score unit 41 Satisfy 44 Campaign calumny 45 Rugby play 45 Piedmontese place 49 Prime 52 Dahs counterpart 53 Opposite of smi