The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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    ” Grandpa s Ribs
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at the Bob Devaney Sports Center in Lincoln .
Sunday, April 8, 7 p.m.
Tickets $5 each
on sale at the UNL South Stadium Ticket Office, April 2-6, 9 a m.-noon, and 1-4 p.m.
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Daughter's journey to uncover truth
makes ‘Music Box’ compelling movie
By Julie Naughton
Senior Reporter_____
“Music Box” stars Jessica Lange
as a criminal lawyer set to try her*
toughest case ever -- defending her
father against World War II crime
Lange plays Ann Talbot, the daugh
I ter of a Hungarian immigrant. Her
| father is accused of being a member
of a secret-service organization that
committed heinous war crimes. She
believes a terrible mistake has been
made; it must have been a different
Michael J. Laslo that comm itted these
horrendous crimes against society.
Talbot ends up embarking on a
journey toward truths for which she
doesn’t really want the answers. Her
journey begins in a courtroom in
Chicago and leads her to Hungary
and back to Chicago.
Talbot’s journey makes for a
compelling film.
She is a caring woman, adored
even by her ex-husband and her ex
father-in-law. She wants to save her
father from being tried. He tells her
that he didn’t commit the crimes, and
she believes him.
Talbot begins the process of de
fending her father, searching through
reams of reports for proof that the
charges are wrong, crying over the
horrible things that the Nazis did to
Jews living in Hungary.
At first, looking at Michael Laslo
(Armin Mueller-Stahl), it is hard to
believe that such an innocent, appar
ently God-fearing man possibly could
be accused of such horrible crimes.
But small details and hints are dropped
throughout the film and it becomes
more plausible that he could have
committed the crimes.
Realistic courtroom scenes add to
the drama of this film. Talbot has to
deal with Special Prosecutor Jack Shea,
who wants to see her father deported
and has to try her case before a Jewish
judge named Irwin Silver.
She pulls excellent criminal law
techniques, effortlessly outdistancing
and explaining away Shea’s large
amounts of evidence.
And after her journey to Hungary,
^albot learns the answers to her doubts
about her father’s innocence in a music
box - a music box that spent 30 years
in a South Side pawnshop.
Lange is completely convincing
as Ann Talbot. She was nominated
for a Best Actress Oscar for her per
formance in this film, and it was well
deserved. Her Ann is real and con
Mucllcr-Stahl turns in an icy per
formance as Michael Laslo, the man
accused of these horrible crimes.
Mucllcr-Stahl convinces the audience
that he hadn’t committed the crimes
- and then comes the startling cli
Forrest, as the special prosecutor,
also is very convincing. Shea is out
for Laslo’s blood - and Forrest is
persuading in this role.
“Music Box” is a seamless pres
entation and is a nearly flawless and
very plausible story of the lingering
aftermath of World War II.
Set against the backdrop of haunt
ingly beautiful music by the Hungar
ian State Symphony Orchestra, “Music
Box” was filmed on location in Chi
cago and in Budapest, Hungary.
“Music Box” is playing at the
Cinema 1 and 2 Theatre, 201 N. 13 th
1. Midnight Oil - “Blue Sky Min
2. Robert Plant - “Manic Nir
3. Tesla -44The Great Radio Con
4. Damn Yankees - “Damn Yan
5. The Church - “Gold Afternoon
6. Faster Pussycat -- “Wake Me
When It’s Over”
7. Smithereens - “Smithereens 11”
8. Eric Clapton - “Journeyman”
9. Alannah Myles - “Alannah
10. Don Henley -4 The End of the
1. They Might Be Giants - ‘‘Flood”
2. Renegade Sound Wave -
3. Peter Murphy - “Deep”
4. The Children - “The Children ’ *
5. The Cramps -- “Stay Sick”
6. Midnight Oil - “Blue Sky Min
7. Nine Inch Nails - “Pretty Hate
8. Charlie Burton and the Hiccups
~ “Green Cheese”
9. The Wedding Present — “Bi
10. The Church — “Gold After
noon Fix”
1. Sinead O’Connor — “I E>o Not
Want What 1 Haven’t Got”
2. Dcpeche Mode - “Violator”
3. Robert Plant -- “Manic Nir
4. Faster Pussycat — “Wake Me
When It’s Over”
5. Peter Murphy - “Deep”
6. M.C. Hammer - “Please Ham
mer, Don’t Hurt’Em”
7. Technotronic - “Pump up the
8. Midnight Oil - “Blue Sky Min
9. Redhead Kingpin - “Shade of
10. Motley Crue - “Dr. Feelgood”
1. Loop — “A Gilded Eternity”
2. Tad--‘Salt Lick”
3. Lush - “Mad Love”
4. The Fall - “Popcorn Double
5. Depeche Mode - “Enjoy The
Silence” (re-mix)
6. Erasure - “You Surround Me”
7. Pale Saints - “Comforts of Mad
8. Flour — “Luv-7-13”
9. House of Love - “Fontana”
10. Screaming Trees - “Changes
Ill Mil— ■111 IW WWl ll II ■IIHIII » PM Ml 11 1
Alcohol and some medications can
cause serious birth defects Call your
Association for Retarded Citizens tor
more information
I arc
Continued from Page 9
organized crime ring known as “The
Fool,” which entices young runaways
to commit their thefts for them, with
cigarettes and video games and a really
rad skateboarding ramp. The skate
boarding scenes arc as bitchin’ as
those of any turtle movie.
And when ihc Ninja Turtles meet
up with “The Foot” for the climatic
confrontation, the slam-bang fight
ing sequences make for a lot of fun.
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”
will appeal to kids and adults for very
different reasons. Adults should go
see the movie with somewhat low
ered expectations. Flicks like this are
a bit like eating cotton candy and
pizza for breakfast - not particularly
good for you, but fun to do once in a
“Turtles” is showing at the Plaza
4, 12th and P streets.
$2 50 per day for 10 words on individual student
and student organization ads
$3 00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads
$ 15 each additional word
$ 75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid
Found ads may be submitted free of charqe
2 p.m day before publication (Monday
through Friday).
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper
The advertisers agree to assume liability for all
contents of all ads printed, as wen as any claim
arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras
3 Bicycles
Great lor oommute. Diamond Back Fleetstreak 10 inch
women 112-speed, 3 5years old, Si 75. Schwinn Varsity
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Clitl's lor PasketTlghtersI 140 n'TST"'™'^
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$200*42r*2000*IC 10'*p#ed M,n‘ condition. Asking