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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1990)
Sociology class available for fall From Staff Reports The University of Nebraska-Lin coln sociology department’s course on the social effects of the Vietnam War isn’t listed in the class bulletin. The Sociology of the Vietnam Experience, Sociology 398, will be taught by A.L. Marsteller, a teaching assistant in the department. The class will explore how social and political decisions during the war affected its outcome, and why the Vietnam War has gained so much attention recently. To sign up for the course, the call number and other details may be obtained from the sociology department. Gasahol Continued from Page 1 One of those resources is Nebraska’s com, a lot of which is used to produce gasohol, Coffey said. Gasohol is a clean-buming and higher octane fuel than regular gaso line, he said, which helps control air pollution. The fuel has a mixture of 90 per cent regular gasoline and 10 percent alcohol, Coffey said. Alcohol is a solvent that removes deposits left in engines by regular gasolines, he said. The deposits get into I ucl lines and spark plugs and can cause an engine to run badly, he said. But alcohol can deteriorate gas kets in the engines of some cars, Coffey said. Col fey said he hopes gasohol use at UNL will set an example to “all citizens in Lincoln and beyond” to use the fuel. Lincoln woman dies at Sheldon Theater From Staff Reports A Lincoln woman died Tuesday night at the Sheldon Film Theater after what was apparently a heart at tack, a police officer said. Sgt. John Lustrca of the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln Police Depart ment said police look the call at 8:03 p.m. Tuesday. Idclla Schrckingcr, 84, I was taken to Lincoln General Hospi tal, where she was pronounced dead. Faculty Chamber Ensemble music was scheduled to take place at Shel don at 8 p.m. Tuesday, according to the UNL Premiere! Calendar. polite Beginning midnight Monday, April 2. 9:51 a.m. •• Gas smell reported, Agricultural Communications Building, East Campus. Smell determined to be caused by the tilling of a propane tank. U:l5a.m.» Bicycle reported slo len, Sando/ Residence Hall west bicycle rack, $100. 4:23 p.m. - Two-car accident re ported, metered parking lot, 14th and R streets, $500 total damage. There were no reported injuries. 4:26 p.m. - Hit-and-run accident reported, Area 3, north of Harper Residence Hall, $450 damage. ■HnnMnr THE RECORD SHOP IS ALL STUDENTS 10% OFF REGULAR PRICED ALBUMS AND CAS SETTES $8.99 AND ABOVE AND COM PACT DISKS $14.99 AND ABOVE. MUST SHOW STUDENT I D. FOR DISCOUNT. THE RECORD SHOP 153 GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER Something for those of you who aren’t taking Stanley H. Kaplan Prep™ We’ve produced more top scores on tests like the LSAT, GMAT, GRE and MCAT than all other courses combined. Which means if you’re not taking Kaplan Prep™ you may need to take more than a #2 pencil to tne test. f STANLEY H. KAPLAN <& Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances LSAT Prep Sessions begin Wed., April 11th at 5:30 p.m. GMAT Prep Sessions begin Thurs., April 19th at 5:30 p.m. Call 475-7010 now for details Legislature defeats handgun bill By Victoria Ayotte Senior Reporter A final attempt to pass a bill requiring a waiting period before purchasing a handgun was defeated Tuesday — with the sponsor’s ap proval. Sen. Brad Ashford of Omaha said that although he feels strongly about the bill, he will wait until next year to reintroduce a handgun waiting pe riod. The Legis lature already had voted on the bill twice, and failed to advance it both times, Ashford said. “I respect the body’s wishes,” he said, because it considered the proposal three times. Sen. Ernie Chambers, however, made the motion to consider the bi 11 because he said senators should overrule the speaker’s agenda and advance LB642 as they did several other controversial bills Tuesday. The bill originally was not on the agenda. “I think it’s fair to do this,” Chambers said. The bill has merit, Chambers said, because “the purpose for inventing guns was to kill,” and requiring a permit and subsequent waiting period might deter some would-be crimes of passion. Ashford agreed with that analy sis. “It’s hard for me to understand how someone can be pro-life ... and not support a short waiting period for the purchase of a hand gun,” Ashford said. Sen. Elroy Hefner of Coleridge opposed the motion and said ap proving it would be different from the morning’s successful motion to overrule the speaker’s agenda and advance nine bills. Two votes on a bill are different from none, he said. Sen. Stan Schellpeper of Stan ton opposed the motion for a dif ferent reason. “All we’re doing now is just wasting time,” Schellpeper said, because only three days are left in the legislative session. “Let’s go on to something that will be worth while.” The motion failed on a 3-16 vote. Senators approved a motion by Sen. Tim Hall of Omaha to over rule the agenda and return to con sideration of bills that were on Monday’s agenda. The Legislature passed over the first three of those measures, how ever, which deal with restructuring of higher education governance. The restructuring proposals, LR239CA, LB1141 and LB 1141 A, are on the agenda today. JBnHHHHHBnHBHBHHHA I Top Ten Reasons To Be A Health Aide I 1. Good Experience (Looks Good On A Resume). 2. No Math Involved. 3. Learn Information You Can Use For Life. 4. Impress Your Friends With Your Newfound Medical Vocabulary. 5. Limited Edition Health Aide T- Shirt. 6. See Films On The Cutting Edge. 7. Meet Many Really Sick People. 8. Earn A Weekly 3-Digit Salary. 9. Party Favors Passed Out In Class. 10. Be A Published Writer (Everyone On Campus Will Read Your Health Tip). ‘Must live in residence halls, fraternity, sorority, or coops for 1990-91 Academic Year. For more information call 472-7440. Applications available from your nearest health aide or Community Health Dept., Lower Level University Health Center. 1*N UNI does not discriminate in its academic admissions or employment programs and abides by alt federal and state regulations pertaining to same V_/