Suspend Continued from Page 1 rules passed 39-8. One bill that passed without de bate or amendments was a bill to change drunken driving laws. LB799 adds driving under the in fluence of drugs to the the provisions of the DWI law. The bill also allows police to re quest more than one test for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Because the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled that urine tests were not admissible as evidence in DWI cases, senators added the provision allow ing that more than one test be given. An emergency clause previously had been added to the bill so that it will become effective immediately after the governor signs it. LlnZbrififL-i ■Two UNL graduates receive Young Alumnus Award Two University of Nebraska Lincoln graduates were chosen for the UNL Alumni Association’s 1990 Young Alumnus Award. The award was established in 1987 to recognize alumni who have shown exceptional service to the university thiough volunteer effort, have distinguished themselves in their careers, and have shown in volvement in their communities. Donald Schneider is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in the School of Natural Science at Princeton, N.J. He also is co-discoverer of the most remote quasar found in the universe. Schneider graduated in three years with highest distinction from UNL in 1976 with a degree in physics and mathematics. Arthur Wolf, director of the Nevada State Museum and His* torical Society in Las Vegas, also will receive the award. Wolf, a 1975 graduate of UNL, was in charge of the UNL State Museum’s anthropology collections while he was a student Your Right to Choose is in danger. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Webster case gave states the authority to restrict abortion. You and other students have the power to protect the Right by electing Pro-Choice politicians who believe the decision whether or not to have an abortion should be yours, not theirs. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and the U.S. Student Association believe students who vote can make the difference on Election Day. This election season, register and vote. You have the power. Use it. While you still have the Choice. National Student Action Day Thursday, April 5 at 12:00 Noon Rally and March Student Union Paid for by The NARAL Foundation.