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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1990)
Marie Osmond to perform at Lied Center; waiting list available for sold-out concert From Staff Reports Marie Osmond will perform at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus this weekend. Osmond will be performing at the Jed Center for Performing Arts at 8 ).m. Saturday. Osmond, from a music-oriented family, began singing professionally U the age of three. She recorded4 ‘Paper *oses,’ ’ her first record, at the age of 13. In addition, at 15, Osmond starred with her brother, Donny Osmond, on ‘The Donny and Marie Show.” Osmond has released several coun try records in the last few years. Her No. 1 hits include “There’s No Stop ping Your Heart,” “You’reSlill New To Me,” (a duet with Paul Davis), and “Meet Me in Montana.” Osmond’s duet with Dan Seals, “Meet Me in Montana,” won the pair a Country Music Association Award for Vocal Duo of the Year, and drew critical acclaim. According to Karen Hart Under wood of the Lied Center, a waiting list is being offered for the sold-out performance. If any tickets are re turned, those on the list will be of fered seats at $20, $16 and $12; tick ets are half price for UNL students and youth under 18. Ticket and wailing list informa tion is available by calling the Lied Center box office or by stopping at the Lied Center box office between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Osmond performance is spon sored in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. ^**2.50 per day for 10 words on individual student and student organization ads -'*3.00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads. $ 15 each additional word. ■*.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. »J#ound ads may be submitted free of charge Deadline: 2 p.m. day before publication (Monday Ihrough Friday) The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, ^■eligion, age, disability, marital status or national wngin. ^Bicycles Great for commute. Diamond Back Fleetstreak 19 inch ■women's 12-speed, 3.5years old, S175. Schwinn Varsity J^oy's 10 speed. $35. 423-4838 jlO Misc. For Sale HIrIng! Govemmen71obs~Tounirea" j|P17.840- $69,485 Call 1-602-838-8885. FXTR4005 1 ATTENTION-GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES from 1100. Fords. Mercedes. Corvettes. Chevys, Surplus ■uyers Guide. 1-602 838 8885 EXT A4005 tiff's for Imported and Domestic cigarettes114C N. 12th tiff's for Ushers and Wedding Gifts! 140 N. 12th. Eye Contact: Replacement and Spare lenses. Starting at $19 95 each 1 800-225-2020. , 18 Stereos/TVs I Akai Anu. Kenwood tuner and cassette player. Sanssui ' 12-band equalizer. Revo* reel-to-ree! 476-6974 | Pair of Klipech Heresy loud speakers. $500. 488-0748. i Leave message. Blake. i 20 Vehicles For Sale ‘77 ford Granada; ps, ac, looks nioe, runs well. $500. 4766989. 1980 Suzuki GS250T. Low miles. Bought it new. Easy on gas. 542-2232 evenings 1977 KZ 1000 with helmet. 423-1281 or 488-8600. Cars bought for cash Best prices given up to $1,000 437-7764 days. 423-5036 after 6 p.m. 22 Adoption adoption” California couple with adopted son and lots of love to give desire to adopt newborn. Happily married, financially secure Let us help you through this difficult time. Legal/ confidential. Expenses paid all Janet collect anytime. (707)833-1230._ Loving California couple and 14-month old daughter. Emily, wish to adopt newborn. Legal, confidential, ex penses paid. Call Kathy collect anytime at 213-643 5643 _ PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefitsof adoption which are only provided by a lioensed agency. No fee for our confidential servioes. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 40 Instruction Group Guitar Classes For just S34 50 we II put • guitar in your hands and teach you how to play it. Price includes use of guitar and amplifier for eight weeks, eight lessons, and all materials Acoustic and electric classes available. Classes begin week of April 2 so call now. __Schmitt Music, 467-2308. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced. Lessons can include use of guitar. Zager Studio 423-2709. 62 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT s a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483 2609 60 Misc. Services NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES Millions availabe in financial aid. Computerised match ing. Call 475-2058 for information. Immigration Lawyer STANLEY A. KRIEGER 9290 West Dodge Suite 302 Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 392-1280 Member American Immigration Association of Lawyers Practice Limited to Immigration Law TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 78 Tutoring TUTOR needed (STATICS). Call 467-4557. 80 Typinu & Resumes AVIS PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Term papers/masters/doctorates. copier, dictaphones Near UNL campus. 435-AVIS. HINZ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers, resumes, newslet ters. brochures, mass mailings and more. Copy service - reductions and enlargements. Let us help you with your term papers. We do typing, word Processing, resumes, spread sheets and graphics. CBC larketmg Services. 466-9765. OLDEST AND BEST RESUME SERVICE in Lincoln otters $5 Student Discount with this ad. Makes a great gift tor a trend. Call tor appointment 483-7611. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement ot the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers Call All-Types 477-0445. TYPING Computer Type & Services 1630 Que Street 476-8973 All papers. These. Dissertations, Reports. Long/Short Term Projects. Letters/Envelopes/Resumes are profes sionally done. Service: Prompt -Rates: Great You name it, I'll type it. Term papers, resumes, etc. Hours, noon-6. Rates starting at $2/page. Call Rosie at 463-5162. If no answer, please leave message. 100 Rides Commuters I Oma-UNL. I need rides for summer classes Call Karen 476-6638 110 Announcements _ WOMEN IN NON-TRADITIONAL -CAREERS— Panel ists Dora Wheatley Pleskac. Karen Sachtleben and Jill Burmester. Thursday. April 5. 12 pm. Room To Be Posted Sponsored by the Women s Resource Center P-K: STILL LOOK LIKE A RACCOON AFTER SKIING’ MEET YOUR NON SKHNG FRIENDS TONIGHT FOR STUDY GROUP AT THE COFFEE HOUSE, 1324 "P"? NON-SKIING BUDDY I - I All Campus Dance featuring Bobby Curious Pla Mor Ballroom, April 5th, Free Shuttle and Cash Bar. Tickets on Sale in Nebraska Union. Amnesty International Meeting Tonight 7:00 pm Union Write a letter, save a life! AMS Administrative Management Society Important Meeting. 6:30 pm. Wed April 4th, 1990 in City Union Officer Elections STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: Student Organisation Treasurer of the Year nominations forms are due Friday, April 6 at 5.00pm. Nomination forms are available at either CAP Office. Call 472-1780 for more information._ _ CELEBRATE INTERNA RONAL AWARENESS MONTH IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Many Activities Planned Watch DN For Spocial Attractions Pick Up Copy ot ALL Events in CBA 241 AlL UNIVERSITY WELCOME Sponsored by College ot Business Administration, UN-L; Corporals Partners Program, and Stuart Leadership Program CHI PHI BAND BASH! April 12. 1990 Union Ballroom. 8 pm BE THERE! Earth Day How can you get involved? Have a booth at the Earth Fair, April 21st! Interested student groups pick up an application before April 16th at either CAP office, or at Ecology Now. Rm. 345 NE Union, FEEL THE TEMPERATURE RISE AT THE UNION “BODY HEAT” THURS. - 8 PM, FRI. - 7 * 9 P.M., SAT, - 8 P M. $2/51 W ID SPONSORED BY UPC AMERICAN RLMS. HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Jet there anytime from Minneapolis. Denver or Chicago for no more than $229, or from the East Coast for no more than $160 with AIRHITCH, as reported in Consumer Reports. NY Times, or Let's Gol For details call: 212-864-2000 or write AIRHITCH. 2790 Broadway. Ste. 100, New York, tuv LAST CHANCE AT BIG BUCKS! WIN $100-$200 All Freshman enter the Pi Mu Epsilon Math Contest. Only 20 questions. Test is April 7 Sign up by Wednesday across from Math Otfioe 8th floor Oldfather. LATE NIGHT COMEDY CLUB With IAS Comedy Troupe Wed. April 11 Teaaer: EAST UNION 5-5:30 p.m. Shew: CITY UNION 9:30-11 jxm. S1 Students; S2 non-students 2 for 1 coupon available at East CAP office UPC Kaleidosoope, KLPAC; Kramer Agency NEWLY FORMED Bisexual Men's Social Support Group. Interested men can write: BMSSG. P.0. Box 80913 Lincoln, NE 68501 Nupren SAA Final Survival Care Packages on sale in Student Union, April 3,4,6 5. Treat yourself and a friend during finals week PI LAMBDA THETA meeting Sunday. April 8. 6:30 p.m., NE Union. Room posted. SPRING BREAK -DAYTONA 1990: A Two Hour Video. See What You Saw or See What You Missed $17.95 plus $2.00 handling and shipping 1-800-633-1639 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: Student Organization Advisor of the Year nominations forma are due Wednesday. April 4 at 500pm Nomina tion forms are available at either CAP Office Call 472 1780 for more information Summer Sessions Early Registration March 19 - April 6 TCAB and SEA proudly present* the Lincoln University of Missouri Vocal Ensemble, 8 00 p.m. tonight at Kimball Recital Hall Tickets SS._ 120 Greek Affairs ATTENTION: Applications lor Editor-in-Chiel ol Greek Yearbook now available in Greek AHairs Office. Due 4:00, April 6. Cal Laurie at 436-6210 if you have question*. Congratulatons to Amy V. (P8X) on being the new Selleck V.P. Good Jobl Beta Chi love, Your Sisters Congratulations Jenny A. (KKG) and Chad T. (Sigma Chi) on your engagement. We are so happy for youl Love, The Kappas It's Tri-Oelt Senior Week and we love you all. The Tri-Delts Tami T., We are so proud ol you lot making Notable and Union boards I Love, Phi Beta Chi TENNIS CLASSIC TOURNAMENT Sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Nu. Last day to sign up Wednesday, April 4. For more information talk lo your house philanthropy chair or call Sigma Nu, CEED CASH? I heat $ paid for used records, assettes A compact discs! East Park Plaza I Courtesy of the Lied Center A PHI OPEN 'i APRIL 22N0 'l GET PSYCHED) J Acacia. [ ■ We re psyched for Melodrama '90. " i Thanks, The Tri*Celts Ji Tri-Delt Dig'em'90 i! Are you ready? ■ J Tri-Delts love their moms. Mom's Day. April 7, 1990. i[ 130 Student Government !; STUDENT GOVERNMENT ■! CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES !| Government Liaison Committee Chair 11 GLC Registered Lobbyist * i Parking Appeals 11 Parking Advisory Committee 11 Government Liaison Committee *1 Intercollegiate Athletics 11 Calendar & Examinations *i Convocations Committee 11 Student Employee Rights *1 Commencement Committee 11 Academic Planning Committee 11 Central Planning Committee * | Recreation Advisory Council ■ I Scholarship & Financial Aid ■, Teaching Council * I University Judiciary Appeals ■, Electoral Commission ai Curriculum 1 ( Grading 1 j Honorary Degrees 1 ( Computational Services & Facilities ai Publications Board ai UNL Police Committee 11 University Libraries 11 Scholastic or Student Life Commission 1 j Honors Convocation a i This list represents vacancies on campus wide commit- a| tees, information and applications available in ASUN ai office, 115 Nebraska Union al Deadline for all positions is 4:00 p.m., Friday. April 20. *| 1990 V UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT a! WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4 ai 6-30 P M *1 NEBRASKA UNION - CITY CAMPUS *i ROOM TO BE POSTED *i INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE * l 115 NEBRASKA UNION *| PO PEARS :■ IT MAf«l«e AFT** SVMV TUfSWV ITS J» IW?!! il’&Z'iStt £^\j; PERUVIAN SQURREir', f&g^s'^sx&psr',i BOTUfS ulMCkfvM , » T*«y h£AO 0C«W( *10P£ / ' ■ Bt/rawiV ,r irt p I' I _ o. WEDNESDAY / .; I_■_^ Pi * Ml f Bring in this coupon for 1 FREE regular wash at Lincoln's newest, largest, most entertaining Laundromat!!! We have exercise bikes, tanning beds (at 56th St.), big screen TV, 11 small screen TV's, drop off laundry, dry cleaning, snack bar, pool tables, videos Limit 1 Coupon Per Visit and Per Address Some Restrictions Apply The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications for summer and fall account executives. This position requires approximately 25 hours.per week. If you are comfortable in a selling situation, can motivate yourself and are interested in applying your academic back ground in advertising sales, we have an opening for you. Pay is based on a commission structure and applicants must be UNL students. Applications are now available at the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Applica tions must be returned by Monday, April 9, at 3:00 p.m. 34 NEBRASKA UNION 1400 R ST. LINCOLN, NE 68588 UNL does not discriminate In Its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all Federal regulations pertaining to same.