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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1990)
Ineffective lyrics doom Cowboy Junkies’ LP By John Payne Senior Reporter Cowboy Junkies “The Caution Horses” RCA Few groups have won as much critical acclaim as the Toronto-based Cowboy Junkies. Their debut “Trin ity Session” took Rolling Stone’s Album of the Year Award in 1988, m ixing soft blues, folk and pure coun try twang. The J unkies have followed up with ‘ ‘The Caution Horses,’ ’ and although the rudimentary sounds that make the band so unique still are there, it packs somewhat lessof an emotional punch than their debut. Brothers Michael and Peter Tim mins play guitar and drums, respec tively, providing methodical, under stated backing to sister Margo’s vo cals. Margo Timmins’ vo»ce is sim ply angelic, once again evoking im ages of dead-end relationships and heartache. Her voice is a beautiful tool for story-telling, but “The Caution Horses” falters from time to time when Michael Timmins’ lyrics fail to live up to Margo’s vocals. The result - the Junkies come off sounding a little uninspired. Although “The Trin ity Session” poked along at an equally slow pace, one always got the feeling that the band meant what they were saying. But there seems to be mo merits of insincerity here. Michael Timmins’ lyrics often are cynical, which really doesn’t suit the band. “Cause Cheap is How I Feel,” for instance, tells the story of a dying love affair in rather un-Junkie-like fashion - “I’m searching all the windows for a last minute present/To prove to you that what I said was teal/ For something small and frail and plastic, baby/Cause cheap is how I feel.” The standout track on the album is a somber version of Neil Young’s 4 ‘Powderfinger.” There is something about Margo Timmins’ voice that brings a sense of urgency to the oldest of cover tunes. It is as if these songs are being sung for the very First time. But most of the other songs on “Caution Horses” don’t work as well. The Junkies may have been a little too slow for their own good, and so their trademark sound gets a little repetitive at times. It is doubtful that “The Caution Horses” will have the same appeal that “The Trinity Session” had, simply because it has not achieved the same level of songwriting. Butdon’tblame Margo. Fans of the Cowboy Junkies still can delight in her glorious voice. COWBOY Courtesy of RCA SSiS Classified 472-2588 $2 50 per day for 10 words on individual student and student organization ads $3 00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads. $ 15 each additional word. $ 75 Pilling charge Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates agamst any person on the basis of sex, sexual onentation, race, rengion. age, disability, marital status or national ongm. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the rignt to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made agamst the Daily Nebras kan. 10 Misc. For Sale ATTENTION - HIRING! Government >obs your area r.840- S69.48S CaJI 1 602 838-8885. EXT R4005 ATTENTION - GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES from $100. Fords, Mercedes. Corvettes. Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide 1 602 838 8885 EXT. A4005 Cuff s for Gifts. Free gift wrapping. 140 N. 12th. Cliffs for Beer Steins! 140 N. 12th. Eye Contact: Replacement and Spare lenses Starting at $19 95 each 1 80^225 2020 IX Stereos/TVs Akai Arrp, Kenwood tuner and cassette player. Sanssui '2 band equalizer, Revox reel-to-reel 476-6974 Pair of Klipech Heresy loud speakers. $500. 488-0748. -save message. Blake. 19 Ticket Exchange One round trp ticket from Lincoln-Washington D C leav ing June 29 Returning July 8. 5228 477-9228 evenings 20 Vehicles For Sale '978 Jeep CJ5, soft top and bikini top. V8. 3-spe#d. 65.000 miles. $2500 obo, 421 6086 (evenings). Cars bought lor cash. Beat prices given up to $1,000. 437 7764 days. 423-5036 alter 6 p m 22 Adoption__ ADOPTION AN ALTERNA T1VE TO ABORTION Young, professional couple seeks drug-tree mother lo be considering adoption of her child We are sincere, caring and offer a loving, secure home Please call Jonn and Cana in Sherman Oaks, California collect at 818 990-0184. _ ADOPTION California couple with adopted son and lots of love to give desire to adopt newborn. Happily married, financially secure Lei us help you through this difficult time Legal/ confidential Expenses paid.all Janet colled anytime, (707)833-1230._ ADOPTION Open arm*, loving heart and horn*. I'm hoping to share my life with a child. 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Call 475-2058 for information. _ TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13th Stroot 474-4136 62 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes AVIS PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Term papers, masters, doctorates, copier, dictaphones Near UNL campus. 435-AVIS. ____ HINZ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term oapers. resumes, newsier ters. brochures, mass mailings and more. Copy service - reductions and enlargements. Let us help you with your term papers We do typing, word processing, resumes, spread sheets and graphics. CBC Marketing Servioes. 466-9765. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $! 5 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes Papers. Call All-Types. 4 77 0445 _ TYPING Computer Type & Services 1630 Que Street All p*»rv Thesis, D •serial.ons, Reports. Lon® Short Term Projects. Letters-'Envelopes. Resumes are profes sionally done. _ Service Prompt -Rates: Great You name it. 111 type it Term papers resumes, etc Hours noon 6. Rates starting at $2/page Call Rosie at 483-5162. If no answer, please leave message. 100 Rides CommutorsI Oma-UNL. I need nd«s for summei classes Call Karen 476-6838. 110 Announcements P KHOW WAS BREAK?? SHOWED OFF YOUR NEW PINK SKI-SUIT’ LUNCH TOMORROW AT THE COF FEE HOUSE. ,W "P-r seme PLACE,SAME TIME STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: Student Organisation T reasurer of IheVaar nominations forms are due Frioay. April 6 atI^OOpm NomataU* forms are available at either CAP Office. Call 472-1 78C for more information . Congratulations Stscy Lampehlr# on being selectv Southeast Regional Representative for SEA of Ne SEA Memben Congratulations Phil Boech ASUN President Shewn Burnham We re proud of you! U niversity of Nebraska Foundation FEEL THE TERPERATURE RISE AT THE UNION “BODY HEAT” THLJRS 8PM FRI • 7 & 9 P M , SAT. - 8P M. S2/S1 WID SPONSORED BY UPC AMERICAN FILMS. INTRAMURAL DEADLINE Tuesday. April 3 is the entry deadline for the men s ant women s outdoor 3-on 3 volleyball tournaments 472 3467. Parking Advisory Committee Meeting Open Session April 2 East Campus Union 2:30 p.m. Room posted SPRING BREAK GOTCHA BROKE? WIN $100-$200 All Freshmen enter the Pi Mu Epsilon Math ContesLOnl: 20 questions. Test is April 7. Sign up by Wednesday across Irom Math Office 3th floor Oldfather.__ SPRING BREAK -DATONA 1990 A Two Hour Video. See What You Saw or See What You Missed. S17.95 plus S2.00 handling and shipping 1-800-633-1639 Student Foundation Is proud to preaent... ASUN President Phil Gosch Way to go! STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: Student Organization Advisor of the Year nominations forms are duo Wednesday, April 4 at 5:00pm Nommr. tion forms are available at either CAP Office Call 472 1780 for more information. Summer Sessions Early Registration March 19 - April 6 120 Greek Affairs ATTENTION: Applications for Fditor-in-Chief o* Greek Yearbook now available in Greek Affarfs Office. Due 4:00. April 6 Cal Laurie at 436-6210 if you have questions ★ Congratulations to the New Active Sisters of Farmhouse Julie A . Angela B . Shawn B , Christine B . Angie B . Kristi B , Candy C , Megan D„ Virginia D . Heather E.. Jam F„ Kale G . Jennifer H„ Laura H„ Teg H., Leigh Ann K., Cynthe K.. Andi R.. Carissa S . Anne Marie S.. Susan S„ Kristy S„ Kristi T., Mesy W.. Alyssa W.. Cheryl W. Your Farmhouse Brothers and Sisters Gamma Phi Beta Senior Celebration Week 90: Jom A.. Jill B.. Gillie C.. Shelly G„ Beth G.. Tonja J.. Beth L„ Kim M.. Vic S.. Jarm S , Tara S„ Ann S . Cassy U„ Sheila 0.. Elton b.. Natalie G., Ann S.. Kami H.. Colleen K.. Kriss W. Cathy W Congratulations and Best of Luck after Graduation Love, Your Gamma Phi Sisters Melodrama ’90 Acacia and ??? Randv R. (Acacia) Congratulation* as being selected as Mortar Board Notable We re proud ol you I The Men ol Acacia 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES Government Liaison Committee Chair GLC Registered Lobbyist Parking Appeals Parking Advisory Committee • Government Liaison Committee Intercollegiate Athletice Calendar A Examinations Convocations Committee Student Employee Rights Commencement Committee Academic Planning Committee Central Planning Committee Recreation Advisory Council Scholarship A Financial Aid Teaching Council University Judiciary Appeals Electoral Commission Curriculum Grading Honorary Degrees Computational Services A Facilities Publications Board UNL Police Committee University Libraries Scholastic or Student Lite Commission Honors Convocation The let represents vacancies on campus wide comma teea. intormation and applications available in ASUN office. 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline lor all positions is ADO p.m.. Fnday. April 20. 1980._ Student Government * Appointments Board Opening * Be a part ol the board that «ppomts students to 26 campus wide committees. 1 Application and a copy ol the appointment let available in the ASUN office. 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is 400 p.m., Friday. April 13th. 145 Lost & Found ?OUNiT?5nebiaok leather glwenearbu* stop at Lyman Hall. Call 472 2588 to claim. 150 Child Care Needed Dependable person needed to supervise 11 year boy at cor home summer afternoons. Near 27th and Sherioan. Car needad. Hopefully available to continue next school year 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Call 475-2740 after 5:30 p.m. Energetic person needed this summer to help care for three school-age kids, three-four days/week. Must have experience, references, transportation and friendly dis position. 421-2371. __ NANNY JOBS HOTLINE 1-800-736-8090 California, our specialty. 'See families on videotape 'Local interviews. 'One year minimum commitment. Archer Dawson Agency Omaha Need responsible babysitter in my home for two kids. 5 and 6 years of age Flexible hours. Own transportation. West A area. Call 474-1140 after 7 p.m. Summer sitter in my home weekdays. Three girls: 6.9 and 11. Need car . Call477-1397 or 475-4725. 160 Help Wanted $4 00 hour start TWO WEEKS GO TO $4 50 Bus person: clean, neat, willing to work three nights a week. 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Tam O Shanter. 105 S. 25th. No phone calls. A & S STUDENT ADVISERS Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions in 1223 Oldfather Deadline is April 4. Berry more'a Now hiring Kitchen help Apply at 124 N 13th alley Cashiers wanted for convenient store. Weekend and night hours. Friendly, honest people apply at Woods Park AMOCO. 33rd and O. H 17th & ‘N* St. H m No Appointment Necessary g | 476-9466 I $700otf I | Full Service Oil Change r I Now For C95 Only IV (Rag. 23.95) I We change oil, nil niter I We lubricate the chassis ■ We check and nil: transmission nuid , halters I nuid, power steering fluid, washer nuid ■ W’e check anti freeze, air Alter, wiper blade, ™ I tire pressure, vacuum interior, wash windows I Best Service In | I Just 10 Minutes ■ All brands of oil s Expires 5-31-90^_I iudson automotive ' factory trained foreign car specialists 27th * T Lincoln, Nebraska 4799022 | 1 The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications for summer and fall account executives. This position requires approximately 25 hours per week. If you are comfortable in a selling situation, can motivate yourself and are interested in applying your academic back ground in advertising sales, we have an opening for you. Pay is based on a commission structure and applicants must be UNL students. Applications are now available at the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Applica tions must be returned by Monday, April 9, at 3:00 p.m. Daily Nebraskan_ 34 NEBRASKA UNION 1400 R ST. LINCOLN, NE 68588 UNL does not discriminate in Its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all Federal regulations pertaining to same.