The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    Group asks companies
to decrease emissions
By Jannette Bush
Staff Reporter
A local environmental group ex
pects seven Nebraska companies to
sign a ‘ ‘Good Neighbor Agreement’ ’
acknowledging that they arc environ
mental polluters, but will work to cut
down on toxic emissions.
Richard Johnson, pollution pre
vention coordinator for Ecology Now,
said the companies have been noti
fied, but only Kawasaki Motor Manu
facturing Corp., has signed the agree
The other six Nebraska companies
that were sent the agreement arc
Goodyear Corp., Arcadian Corp., the
American Smelting and Refining
Company (ASARCO), Lozier Corp.,
OMC Cushman and Nashua.
Johnson said Ecology Now chose
those companies because they arc
polluters and because they arc lo
cated near or in Lincoln or Omaha.
Johnson said the com panics under
stand the seriousness of toxic emis
sions. But more needs to be done, he
Stan Patzcl, plant manager of
Goodyear in Lincoln, said it’s pos
sible that Goodyear will sign the agree
ment. Currently, the corporations won’t
sign agreements with interest groups
because they could misinform the
public, Patzcl said.
Patzcl said Goodyear releases zinc,
but the corporation docs report to the
EPA. Goodyear also has a full-time
research and development staff that
has reduced toxic emissions over the
past 20 years, he said.
Johnson said that although the seven
companies arc following toxic emis
sions regulations set by the Environ
mental Protection Agency, he wants
them to work harder.
“We arc in an environmental cri
sis, and this project will make an
impact,’’ Johnson said.
Johnson, senior civil engineering
majorat the University of Nebraska
Lincoln, said conflict arises between
Top 5 largest releases of
toxins In Nebraska, 1987
(reported In pounds)
Arcadian Corp,
_ 2,980,000
CEPEX, ]fnc. j
2 485,1351
Nashua Corp. SOME OF
1,814,850 |N The TOP
Norden t\abs, Inc■ Ammonia
1,669,700J Mef/iano/
-x—-— Nitric Acid
Control Data, Corp. CfttonVw . fJ
----■‘‘ i ' Sulfuric Acid
1,059,200 j_Asbestos
Source: Nebraska Federa . JFliable)
tion & National Wildlife 7?c*:on®
FederatonLftggn .VI - J
companies and interest groups when
information is inaccurately reported
about a company. He said inaccurate
information can make the company
look bad.
Johnson said he docs not want
conflict with the companies, but wants
companies to look at ways of cutting
toxic emission .
“We’re just trying to work with
them and pul this issue to the fore
front,” he said.
According to the Nebraska Wild
life Federation, Arcadian’s liquid
fertilizer plant in La Platte is the
worst polluter in Nebraska, emitting
2.89 million pounds of ammonia,
methanol, zinc compounds and
ammonium nitrate in 1987. Arcadian
is the 499th worst polluter in the
nation, according to the federation.
“I think by more public pressure,
it will be dealt with,” Johnson said.
If the companies do not sign the
agreement and refuse to work with
Ecology Now, Johnson said, he will
get other concerned people together
and protest.
Ecology Now is participating in
the National Pollution Prevention
Project in conjunction with groups
such as the National Toxics Cam
Continued from Page 1
than just the number of degrees
and credit hours generated.
It often is more important. Bums
said, to consider the quality, not
quantity, of the program.
Many programs not meeting leg
islative standards only fail in one
of the categories - often the num
ber of degrees generated, he said.
Often these programs generate
many more credit hours than re
quired by law, he said, because
they may be required for another
Bruce Stahl, executive director
of the coordinating commission,
said although NU reported the
highest percentage of programs not
meeting legislative criteria that were
continued without review, institu
tions do not necessarily have to
report to the commission whether
they monitored a program.
The stale colleges reviewed 75
percent of programs that did not
meet the criteria, did not monitor
21 percent and ended or consoli
dated 4 percent.
The community colleges dis
continued the highest percentage
of programs, with 21.8 percent cut
or consolidated. Of programs con
tinued, they reviewed 40 percent
and did not monitor 38.2 percent.
In 1989, six UNL programs were
reviewed by the commission. The
only one not meeting legislative
standards was the Department ol
Food Science & Technology. Food
Science had only an average ol
Five bachelor degrees, 4.8 master’s
degrees and 2.8 doctorate degrees
It averaged 190.7 credit hours pci
full-time faculty member and the
university planned to continue the
program without review.
The report suites that facuit)
members said enrollment in iht
program will be increased aftei
new construction is completed ir
mid-1990. The university report#
one new program under considera
tion, a bachelor of science in hos
pitality management.
The university was commended
in the commission report for the
“rigor applied to their program
The university assembles study
teams from peer institutions at pro
gram sites to conduct the equiva
lent of a mini-accreditation review.
“The use of third-party opinion
is a telling statement for their value,”
the report states. ‘ ‘The review ma
terials from the university arc ex
Since 1985, the commission has
reviewed all 472 academic pro
grams at Nebraska public higher
education institutions, 134 of which
did not meet legislative standards.
Of those, 54 were continued with
out review, 65 were continued with
monitoring and 15 were combined,
modified, declared inactive or
Based on those results, the com
mission recommended that the Leg
islature consider changes in the re
view process:
• Requiring institutions to moni
tor programs for at least a year if
the Legislature finds loo many
programs not meeting its standards.
• Requiring the monitoring proc
ess to be clearly specified by law
and a report that shows how pro
grams are reviewed.
• Researching alternative stan
dards to number of degrees and
credit hours produced.
• Requiring a study, including
the impact of financial aid, of how
Nebraska higher education can
become more competitive in re
taining and attracting students.
• Requiring a study of enroll
ment patterns throughout the state.
• Clarifying language specify
ing program standards.
• Reviewing proposed programs
to determine whether they have
state or regional priority and which
institutions should offer them.
Professor: Turnouts not comparable
By Jennifer O’Ciika
Staff Reporter
Although voter turnout at ASUN
elections is significantly lower than
for the NU Board of Regents, those
figures can’t accurately be com
pared, according to a University of
Nebraska-Lincoln professor.
Some regents have complained
about low voter turnout in ASUN
elections, citing it as a reason for
not giving student regents a vote
on the board.
Robert Sittig, professor of po
litical science, said regents enjoy
high voter turnouts because they
are placed on the ballot with candi
dates for president, the Nebraska
Legislature and the U.S. Congress.
Association of Students of the
University of Nebraska elections,
which decide the student regent
from UNL, stand on their own on
the ballot.
“Regents’ races don’t drive the
elections,” Sittig said. “If we just
had a regents’ race, we’d probably
be disappointed with the low turn
About 10 to 15 percent of those
who vote in general elections don’t
even vote for regents, Sittig said.
Only registered voters can vote in
regent races.
Voter turnout in ASUN races is
figured to include the entire stu
dent population at UNL because
students don’t have to register.
Last year, 11.7 percent of stu
dents, voted. That figure increased
this year to 16.3 percent.
In the 1984 3rd District regent
race, about 68 percent of registered
voters participated, but about 73
percent voted for president on the
same ballot, according to figures
from the Nebraska secretary of
stale’s office.
Only about 29 percent of those
registered voted in the 1984 2nd
District race in which only one
candidate, Kcrmil Hansen, ran.
About 74 percent of 2nd District
registered voters look part in the
presidential election that year.
Seventy-three percent of the
Nebraska population was registered
to vote in 1984, according to fig
ures from the Department of Eco
nomic Development.
In 1988, 51.6 percent of regis
tered voters, 39 percent of the 3rd
District population 18 and older,
took part in an uncontcstcd regent
In the 4th District, 66.5 percent
of registered voters, 48 percent of
the eligible population, voted in
the regent race in 1988. In the 5th
District, 68.9 percent of registered
citizens, 50.8 percent of the eli
gible population, voted for regent
candidates, while turnout in the 8th
District, which consists only of
Douglas County, was 27.9 percent
of registered voters.
In 1986, a non-presidential elec
tion year, 56.8 percent of 6th Dis
trict voters cast ballots for regent
candidates. In the uncontested
seventh district election, 45.3 per
cent voted for regent.
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