The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1990, Page 2, Image 2
M AT C2 F11 O" ^2 ^ Associated Press X %Z W w JL^ JL 2hL A Edited by Brandon Loomis Gorbachev orders Lithuanians to give up arms VILNIUS, U.S.S.R. - President Mikhail Gorbachev increased pres sure on the breakaway Lithuanian republic Wednesday, by ordering its citizens to turn in their guns and tell ing the KGB to strengthen controls on the republic’s border. In a decree certain to heighten tension between Lithuania and the Kremlin, Gorbachev also temporar ily banned the sale of firearms in Lithuania and said those citizens who do not surrender weapons within a week will have them confiscated. Premier Kazimira Prunskicnc of Lithuania told reporters in Vilnius her government still was counting on negotiations with Moscow on the republic’s declaration of independ ence March 11. “All these questions should be resolved by negotiations,’’ she said. “We are not getting too worked up about this. We hope common sense will prevail.’’ Gorbachev has proclaimed the declaration of independence invalid, but Lithuania refuses to recognize his authority. In issuing the decree, Gorbachev used powers given him when he was elected to the new, more powerful presidency last week. “The decree demands that citi zens living in Lithuania turn all their firearms in to temporary police cus tody within the next seven days,’ ’ the Tass news agency said. He directed the Interior Ministry “in the event of citizens’ refusal to turn in these weapons, to ensure their confiscation.’’ Gorbachev said despite previous A A some Lithuanians serving in the So viet armed forces have deserted. Gorbachev previously said he expected to talk with Lithuanian lead ers about the declaration of independ ence, and senior officials have said the Kremlin docs not intend to use force to bring the Baltic republic back into the Soviet fold. The White House reacted “with concern” to the latest developments. All these questions should be resolved by negotiations. We are not getting too worked up about this. We hope common sense will prevail. Prunskiene Lithuanian premier -• 9 - directives from the Kremlin, “the Lithuanian parliament and govern ment continue passing bills that vio late the rights of Soviet citizens and the sovereignty of the U.S.S.R.” Access to firearms is severely re stricted in the Soviet Union, and it is unknown how many weapons might be in the hands of Lithuania residents. Lithuanians have begun signing up for voluntary defense service, and “ITs a mailer lhal we arc walching seriously,” said presidential press secretary Marlin Fitzwater. Gorbachev demanded that national and local governments ensure that Soviet law and the rights of citizens be observed and called for KGB bor der troops to increase security on Lithuania’s section of the Soviet border. It ordered the government to “lighten control over issuance to foreigners of visas and permission lo visit Lithu ania.” That move apparently was aimed at many ethnic Lithuanians, who have relumed recently to help set up an independent government and market economy in the republic. A draft law outling requirements for secession passed its first legisla tive hurdle in Moscow on Wednes day. Deputies said the secession pro cedure, which requires a republie wide referendum and a transition period of up to five years, would have to be observed by Lithuania. But Lithuanian legislator Vaido tas Anlanailis said it did not affect his republic. “The bill doesn’t apply to us, we’ve already left,” he said. On Tuesday night, the republic sent a telegram lo the Kremlin com plaining about increased activity of Soviet soldiers stationed on its terri tory. “The people of Lithuania are deeply disturbed about the actions of the Soviet armed forces: the intense mobilization of armored vehicles and tanks, the intensified flights of mili tary air force planes, and unauthor ized sorties into Lithuanian territory by paratroopers involved in intelli gcncc activities,” Lithuanian Prime Minister Ka/.imicra Prunskicne said in the cable to Gorbachev. A group of Soviet deputies Wednes day complained that Lithuania was planning legislation that ‘‘subjects to summary judgment Soviet citizens speaking out for preservation of the existing government structure and the governmental unity of our country,” Tass reported. The Interfax news service of offi cial Radio Moscow reported that the legislation would permit a sentence of up to three years for ‘‘calls for the forcible violation of the sovereignty or territorial integrity of the Lithu anian republic, or for the overthrow of the lawful authorities.” A senior Lithuanian legislator, Romualdas Oz.olas, confirmed in an interview that such legislation exists, but suggested that the Lithuanian parliament will not approve it. “Such stupidity will get us nowhere,” he said of the proposal. The Soviet deputies, whose group is called Soyuz, appealed to Gor bachev to use the new powers of the presidency to impose direct rule on Lithuania, Tass said. Census workers meet problems in counting After sending 15,000 workers into camps and eaves, streets and shelters, the Census Bureau de clared success Wednesday in its first-ever tally of the nation’s homeless. Bui critics found fresh ammunition to charge that the special census failed to do its job. Census workers, many of whom were themselves homeless, endured gunfire, robbery, insults and foul weather to count the number of Americans with no fixed address. Past guesses have ranged from 250,000 to 3 million. The results won ’ t be announced until late 1991, and the debate over the census will continue until then and beyond. It was framed again Wednesday by two men on oppo site sides of the country. In New York, Dwayne Mays stood up for the census, in which he participated both as a counter and as one of the counted. “Hopefully, it will let people realize there is a whole population of homeless people that is not dehumanized, still maintains self respect and self-esteem, that is living in conditions that arc abhorrent,’’ Mays said. “We’re here, and we arc counted now.” Not all the homeless were counted, though, even by the Cen sus Bureau’s assessment. In some eases, homeless people avoided the census takers; in others, they were apparently overlooked. In Manchester, N.H., census lakers failed to count a man who was sleeping on the steps of City Hall — he was outside their survey area. In San Diego County, Calif., a group of farmworkers in a migrant camp said a team of Census “enu merators” walked past them with out stopping to count. In New York City, reporters watched Census workers mill around a newsstand on the ground floor of the Port Authority bus terminal, apparently avoiding the upper floors where hundreds of homeless sleep. Census officials insisted they had Canvassed the entire station. The Census Bureau spent $2.7 million on the homeless count, which it carried out between 6 p.m. Tuesday and 8 a.m. Wednesday in every city with a population over 50,000. In several cities. Census work crs said homeless people had van ished from their usual spots, appar ently to avoid the govcmmcnl. “That tells us something,” said Don Weese, manager of the Cen sus Bureau office in Tulsa, Ok la. “It tells us there’s a large segment of that homeless population that simply docs not want to be recog nized, known or encountered at all.” The issue is politically impor tant because federal money goes to Cities and states on the basis of population. Urban leaders have been fuming for a decade, saying the Census Bureau ignored most of the homeless in the 1980 census. “Shelter and Street Night ap pears to have been a success,” Census Bureau Director Barbara Bryant said. “I believe our efforts have given us a good start on achiev ing our goal of a full and fair cen sus of the American people.” Bryant conceded that Census workers had missed some shelters and other homeless hangouts, and would have to try- again Wednes day night in a handful of cities. They included Washington, New York, Philadelphia and Cleveland. Criucs found nothing in the tally to change their view. “Yyu can’t use this census with any degree of legitimacy,” said Much Snyder, an advocate for the homeless in Washington. “Politi cians can use these figures to say anything that they want ... be cause there’s no way that you can legitimately count how many homeless people that arc in this city or in this country.” For the most part, the census was carried out as planned. There were some frightening moments, however. In New York City, a group of Census workers scattered when a gunshot was fired from a building they were approaching in Brooklyn. They weren’t injured, and Census officials said it wasn’t clear whether they were the targets. In Oklahoma City, police turned back two Census workers who unwittingly stumbled onto a stake out. In Fort Lauderdale, Fla., two Census workers were robbed at knifepoint by a man in a homeless shelter. Neither was injured. Judge honors Reagan s privilege WASHINGTON - The judge in John Poindexter’s Iran-Contra trial reversed himself Wednesday, saying that former President Reagan docs not have lo produce diary entries sought by his one-time national security adviser. U.S. District Court Judge Harold Greene issued the ruling as the jury began watching eight hours of vide otaped testimony by Reagan. Greene had ordered Reagan to turn over the diary, but said after reading the three dozen entries sought by Poindexter that the material was not “essential to the achievement of jus tice in this ease.” Poindexter said he needed the excerpts because Reagan, in his taped testimony, “professed a total inabil ity to recall” the diversion of Iran arms sale proceeds lo the Nicaraguan Coniras and a 1985 Hawk missile shipment. Defense lawyers also said Reagan was unable to recall Poindexter’s activities on behalf of the Coniras. Poindexter is charged with five felony charges of conspiracy, making false statements and obstructing Congress in connection w ith the Iran Contra affair. “Mr. Reagan did testify under oath at great length about many specific activities in his administration • an event that is unprecedented in Ameri can history,” Greene said in a 14 page ruling. He granted Reagan’s motion to quash Poindexter’s subpoena for the entries, w hich relate to both the Iran initiative and Contra resupply opera tion, saying they “offer no new in sights about these events.” Reagan, later joined by the Bush administration, fought the subpoena by invoking executive privilege. “If the concept of executive privi lege is to retain any meaning, it will surely shield personal presidential papers from production ... on so flimsy a basis,” Greene said. “The inability of a witness to re call ... docs not automatically entitle a party ... to rummage through ... personal papers, including his per sonal diary,” he said. Prosecution witnesses have testi fied during the 7 1/2 days of the trial that Poindexter destroyed a presiden tial document and sent false letters to Congress about covert aid to the Contras. Reagan's videotaped testimony taken Feb. 16-17 was shown in Greene’s courtroom on television monitors, including one positioned in front of the jury. The jury spent all day Wednesday watching the videotape and was to finish the process this morning. The jurors watched intently as Iran Contra prosecutor Dan Webb ques tioned Reagan in rapid-fire fashion. “Did you... give authority to John Poindexter to make any false ...state ments?’’ Webb asked. “No,” Reagan replied. “And I don’t think any false statements were made.” “Did you ever... give authorii) to John Poindexter to destroy ... rec ords?’’ Webb asked. “No,” responded the former presi dent. “Did John Poindexter ever tell you ... he planned on destroying an> documents?” the prosecutor asked. “No,” Reagan responded. “Did John Poindexter... tell you ... he had learned that Oliver North ... altered and destroyed records?” Webb asked. “No,” Reagan said. Copies of the Reagan tapes were released Wednesday to the media. Transcripts were released last month and the tapes were shown several times in the courthouse. Clean air amendment fizzles wftinmoiuiN - inc senate turned back a third attempt to strengthen the compromise clean air bill on Wednesday, defeating a pro posal supporters said would close “loopholes” in the battle against urban smog. Opponents argued the amendement, which lost on a 53-46 vote, would burden loo many small businesses with expensive pollution controlsand require unnecessary federal involve ment in urban air pollution plans. The vote marked the third unsuc cessful attempt by a group of sena tors, mainly from urban areas with the dirtiest air, to add tougher envi ronmental controls to a compromise bill worked out between Senate lead ers and the White House. Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, D-Mainc, argued on each vote that the compromise bill already goes far beyond current federal pollu tion control laws and that compro mises arc needed to win approval in the Senate. Bui ben. John Kerry, D-Mass.,onc of the key sponsors of the proposal, argued the amendment would only retain requirements in current pollu tion laws that arc necessary to clean up the air in scores of cities so they meet federal health standards. Kerry’s proposal would have pre served the federal government’s au thority to impose air pollution reduc tion plans if states and local officials failed to act. It also sought to elimi nate waivers — based on expense — for some industrial polluters and broaden the smog-controlling curbs to include smaller polluters. On Tuesday night, the Senate by 52-46 rejected a plan to tighten auto mobile emissions controls and require broader use of alternative fuels, in cluding production of 1 million clean fuel vehicles by the end of the decade. Earlier, a proposal which would have required a reduction in toxic chemical emissions from automobiles fell by 65-33. 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