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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1990)
Classified 472-2588 A & S STUDENT ADVISERS Applications are available tor Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions in 1223 Oldfather. Deadline is April 4. INTRAMURAL STAFF ASSISTANTS Applications for Intramural Staff Assistants will be taken through April 13. 1990. Interested students can obtain application forms at 55 Campus Recreation Center. Staff assistants are the on-site supervisors of intramural ac tivities. Starting wage (Fall, 1990): $4.60-4,80/hour. In quines: 472-3467. _ Laundry Production Worker Needed now to operate dryers. Hours flexble. early aflernoon until 6 p.m., Monday-Friday. Could be full time this summer. For an appointment to interview call per sonnel, 464-6326. Umservtce, Inc. EOE._ Little King in Belmont needs mature workers for daytime shift. Apply in person to Dan, weekdays after 2:00pm. Up to $4.25/hour for experienced help Full-time position available. Individual needed to service vending equipment in Linooln. Must be responsible, have a good driving record, and enjoy working independently. Mechanical interest also helpful. Salary oommensurate with experience. Benefit package includes health, life, dental insurance, paid holidays and vacation. Call 800 662 2924,ask for Rod. EDP PRODUCTION CONTROL SPECIALIST City of Lincoln Data Processing Division seeks indi vidual to provide oomputer room support, including command console functions in an IBM/MVS and DEC/ ADMINS environment; share res pons toil ity for all pro duct ion job scheduling functions and perform tape Ibrary maintenance functions. H.S. grad plus experience in oomputer operations. Vocational or college coursework/traimng in oomputer science plus considerable experience in complex data processing operations including experience in a supervi sory capacity desired. Salary: $18,967-$26.081. Hrs. 8-5 M-F. some eve nings and weekends as required. Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addition to City/Co. application. Closing date: Friday, March 23, 1990. Apply at: City/Co. Employment Office 555 S. 10th Street, Rm. B113 Lincoln, NE 68508 EOE/AA I Hiring Youth League Soccer Officials. Wiil train new officials. Apply at YMCA 1039 P Street. If you got a lighter load, well dressed individual with retail experience to work now through summer. Call Jim at Holway Rent-A-Tux, 476-2262. — — — ---■ -Julios presents... _ A PLATE FOR A PITCHER It's true! Just bring in this ad and when you buy a pitcher of Julio's great margaritas you'll get a free plate of Nachos! EXPIRES 4/15/90 One coupon per customer please. Not valid on Happy Hour prices. I J** Free Parking n2 So Hth ^ ! 64th & '()' Reservations Accepted I.M 30. uin j I 467-5110 Live Jazz Thursdays and Sundays All-5122^ j Wet T-Shirt Contest Tonight! Thursday thru Saturday - March 22, 23 & 24 BOBBY CURIOUS Only a buck cover! Start your Spring Break off right!! 800 o Si._OSCAR’S Haymarket ] I -- Why are you doing your own Laundry? Let us do your Laundry while you spend your valuable time doing the things you enjoy! Limit 1 Coupon Per Visit and Per Address Some Restrictions Apply THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON i" 1 ' ' j.1 ii.ij n i.iii,.11 Hours later, when they finally came to, Hal and Ruby groggily returned to their yard work — unknowingly wearing the radio collars and ear tags of alien biologists. i MM ON-CALL POSITIONS -Do you want a job to earn extra money on a year-round basis, but dont want to work Monday through Friday every week7 ■ Do you like the idea ot working a maximum of three days per week, but not every week? Metromail has unique on-call positions available that offer you the options listed above; however, you must be available to work on short notice When you are called to work, it will be for a minimum of four hours, and on some days as many as eight hours. 1st shift, Monday-FridSy. 6:00am-2:30pm. 2nd shift, Monday-Friday. 2:46pm 11:15pm The "On-Cali' positions involve performing job duties in a clean, light industrial work environment, especially designed to assemble (compile) loose leaf pages o booklets printed in our printing department. Specific duties are assisting in the maintenance of a library which contains an inventory of printed inserts; stacking gathered collated pages for trimming;, binding or inserting loose-leaf pages; and inserting completed printed materials for shipment. Qualified applicants must have bas e physical dexterity basic numerical understanding and retention skills, and the ability to lift mater,al not exceeding 40 pounds. In addition, the positions require intermittent lifting of mate rials, and standing for long periods of time. To apply for these unique positions call 473-9707 to schedule an interview. Personnel Department Mail Production Services Division METROMAIL CORPORATION 901 West Bond Lincoln, NE 68521 Equal Opportunity Employer Nebraska Book Co. inc. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy We have several ooenings Part time day hours, will schedule around your classes. Monday through Friday. Miscellaneous duties: stocking, packing, CRT data entry. $4.50/hour. Temporary lull tima work available during eummtr. An Equal Opportunity Employer Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy Needed: Volunteer-soccer coaches Apply at YMCA 1039 P Street or call 475 9622 _ _ Now taking applications lor bartender and wartery. Cali Sieve at 464-3587. ★ * EXTRA CASH ★★ FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WITH THIS AD NEW DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! RETURN DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! your first time back in over 2 months when you bring a new donor with you. Sater faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure (Bonuses subject to change.) (Mon Sat.) Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bloscience, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-1358 ■ - V Part time evening help needed, Monday-Fnday Cashier irta experience helpful, paid holidays and vacation. It > interested please call Herman, 423 6721, ext. 298 Part-time help wanted. 6am-11:30am. Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab. 125 S. 9th. , Taco Inn 11th and Cornhucter Now hiring tor part-time shifts. We otter competitive pay and discounted or free meals depending on shift. Apply today at llth and Comhusker. _ Tutor wanted (or Physics 211 over break. Sun. March 25 Thur. March 29,2-3 hours/day. Will discuss pay. Ask for Mike. 436-7094. _ Twisters Music ft Gifts now accepting applications at both locations. Retail experience preferred. 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS. Male/lemale Outstanding SI m down camps: tennis, dance, slimnastics, WSI. athletics, nutrition'dietvstcs. Age: 20+ Seven weeks. CAMP CAMELOl ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massa chusettes. Pennsylvania. California Contact. Michele Friedman. 947 Hewlett Drive, North Wood mere, NY 11581. ' 600-4214321._ CAMP COUNSELORS wanted (or private Michigan bovs/girlssumoiercamps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics. OR nding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $900or more plus R4B. Marc Seeger 1765 Maple, Northfield, IL 60093. 708446-2444 Children's Counselors, Activity Instructors, WSI, Driv ers, Kitchen Manager, Kitchen Staff, Maintenance, Nanny tor co-ed Mountain Summer Camp, Box 711, Boulder, Co 80306, 303 4424557. Life guards and swim instructors needed tor Late Spring session and Summer Swim Programs. Flexible hours. Must have current litesavmg and CPR Apply Northeast YMCA 2601 N 70th. 170 Roommates Female roommate wanted to share house. Private room, utikties paid. $200-'month. 466-0609. Female Roommate needed NOW I $l42.5(Vmonth plus utikties Townhouse w/lireplace. 466 0598. leave mes sage. Male, nonsmoker. 2-bedroom apartment. 1833 Wash ington. $155 ♦ deposit. 4350528. Three roommates needed summer months. $85 month plus 1/5 utilities. 477-3604 Two roommates needed after April 1st. Newer 4 bedroom Souse. $173/month plus 1/4 utilities. 435-4178. 180 Houses For Rent 1400 E Huge 4 bedroom plus two bathrooms, large living area Zimmer Management 475-0180 2311 U St. Five bedroom, two bath house $500 Phoenix Properties 489-0621. 2434 W. Very nice tour bedroc-m, 1 1/2 baths, full base ment, close to campus. $525 475 1579. 488 0061 3 bedroom duplex lor rent. Celt collect 826-4437 after 400 p.m CAMPUS CLOSE HOUSES 2948 Starr, 4-bdr, 2 baths, garage $550 2274 Orchard. 4-bdr., newly redone. $525 1201 Charleston. 6-bdr., 3-baths, garage. $750 All c/air. laundry and parking. 488 6738 Summer 3-4 bedroom, close lo campus, newly remodeted. $450 Available May 15.477-5432 '(tree bedroom, clean and nice, cloeeto UNLavailabl* Vprjl 1. $475. 2225 Holdrege, 475-1579. 488-0061. ——■ 1 ■- - 190 Apartments For Rent ’$ SAVE $ One bedroom or efficiency >201 A SI. $175,3179 R St. $190.3092 T St. $200 Two oedroom 1331 S. 14th, $250. Phoenix Properties 489 3621. _____ •’•Brand New— Pine Tree Apartment* Available May 1 and August 1. Two bedroom $390 410 Three bedroom with two baths $510-525. Garages, security building, microwave, refirgerator, dishwasher, range, ceiling fan, no pets, minutes to UnL. Firet and Adam* 483 6057,483-1130 230 S. 27th. large one-bedroom, second level, air, laun dry. off-street parking, £245 ♦ deposit. 477-4863. 2301 A ST 1 bedroom with balcony $270. 475 7262. 6 Blocks to Campus Spacious, one bedroom cathedral ceilings. a!l appli ances deck, parking and laundry. no_pets $295 476 3403. Century Realty Comm. Dept. Inc. 640 S. 20th 2 bedroom, balcony, $374. 475-7262. _ East Campus - Two Bedroom Newer, spacious, appliances, fireplace, laundry, S385. 3928 Baldwin 475-8391. Efficiency apartment. $300/month, all utilities paid. 1133 D St 475-5275. Near Campus Near new. 1 and 2 bedroom units. $275/5375. With balconies. No pets 474-0483. NEAR DOWNTOWN - ACROSS FROM GOVERNOR S MANSION NEWER BLDG. 'One bedroom. 'Parking. 'Laundry Room. ‘Security Lighting "Central Air/Gas Heal $255 per month plus deposit and utilities Ulilifies very reasonable. Deposit is one month rent which can be paid in 2 monthly installments Phone 488-6889 Newer 2 bedroom near campus. $325 489-2203 ★ Superior Place Apartment* 1501 Superior One and two bedroom apartments We have short term summer leases available 476-3387. Two bedroom efficiency, second floor. 2458 Vine. Non smoking. neat students $275. negotiable 435-0883 or 798 7639 Spring Breakout Party! The Shivers Thurs. & Fri. Drink Specials! $1 Cover_ ACROSS 1 Time, eg 5 Rope source 9 An “Untouchable” 19 -noire 1« Soviet range 16 VIII 17 Emulate L M M 20 Pick up the tab 21 Part of a W S title 22WW llagcy 23 King Cole 25 Where Tabriz is 27 Emulate P 34 Palindromic word 35 Slammer 36 He ruled 25 Across 38 Penn Sta line 40 Signup 43 London gallery 44 GWTW" spread 45 Olive for Ovid 47 Norma — 48 Emulate H D 53 Not in use 54 -Nidre, prayer of atonement 55 '-Little Spanish Town" 58 Architectural order 61 Three-card 65 Emulate O M M Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE bIa1p1eIBfMdIe1 Bm1°1pIe O U £ sIa £ I G Ba non A n e TplT PNG !£££.£ REPEAT slBS NGERS WetIW rrlBH FARMER SMC E E D SB U T ERIN E p[a|L T £ £££ STE PBDONORBS ETA SI I IzIE sbItIiJn E Slip u B Hs t aisbIe scarp s X jA mBBBF a ROW I C T E R U s|h ARROWS SHORTS HEE TBO TOE LON T1|E A G R ElB E £ T_ |e|w|e|rBs|w1o1r1dBa|dTd|s 68 Italian noble family 69 Fend off 70 Kind of race 71 This is shed 72 Code or rug preceder 73 Ditto DOWN 1 Help a yegg 2 Machine part 3 Room addition 4 Emulate Galileo 5 “Ben-" • Operatic ^ goddess 7 Part of E = me1 6 What Bogey said to Sam 9 Typing-test beginner 10 Reverberate 11 Word from the moon 12 Bean for the lean 15 Audible whiff 18 Western Indians 19 Having a double nature 24 Parisian head 26 Nutcracker's suite 27 Stone 28 Heep 29 -firma m-RTTST-™ 66 ™ u _ j 30 Aunt and uncle, eg 31 Diamond flaw 32 A dweller at 44 Across 33 Of birth 37 Villain 39 Sitarist Shankar 41 Corrida cry 42 White House problem 46 a monument, without Ben Jonson re WS 49 What diaskeuasts do 50 Hilo greeting 51 League of Nations site 52 Inundations 55 "-no kick 56 A sensor 57 *-Troll," Heme poem 59 Bakery employee 60 Tan, in a way 62 Japanese city 63 Jazzman's trombone 64 What the house has at Reno 66 “-the ramparts 67 School org