The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1990, Page 18, Image 17

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    Emotional high can carry team to victory
Emotion is a funny thing.
It can give a person Herculean
strength or render one a helpless mass
of quivering Jell-O. It also can inspire
one to achieve more than his or her
normal capability.
Up until this last year when the
achievements of the Colorado foot
ball team and now the Loyola Mary
mount basketball team were witnessed,
it was difficult to realize just how
important emotion can be to the suc
cess of a team.
It was difficult even when flash
backs took me back to my four years
of playing high school football.
v Back then, I never really realized
why coach made us sit in the lockei
room without saying a word. We alsc
weren’t allowed to say anything dur
ing pregame stretching and warmups
until about 10 minutes before kick
I wondered why he didn’t let us
yell our heads off and blow off the
anticipation before the game.
Now, it’s obvious what his strat
egy was. All of the bottled-up energy
which had been building since setting
foot in the locker room came out
during the game in the form of emo
tion. We weren’t always the most
superior team in terms of athletic
ability, but we won a lot of games.
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We played the whole game on an
emotional high in which defeat was
something totally inconceivable. After
the game we were left emotionally
drained, but winning was a nice
What’s the point, you ask? Why is
this point being brought up?
To illustrate a point. My high school
football team won a lot of games
because of the emotional level my
teammates played on.
It’s now more obvious why Colo
rado and Loyola Marymount have
been successful this year — they have
been playing on an emotional level
far above that of their opponents.
Although the Sal Aunese story got
very old, the Colorado players and
fans were rallying around the mem
ory of their fallen hero. It allowed all
of the players to reach an elevated
emotional state in which they played
up to and beyond their capability.
This emotion carried them to a Big
Eight title and to the brink of a na
tional championship.
Now, just three short months later,
Loyola Marymount players have
dedicated the NCAA basketball tour
nament to the memory of their dead
teammate, Hank Gathers. Gathers
collapsed during the first half of the
Lions’ West Coast conference tour
nament game against Portland earlier
this season, and was pronounced dead
a short time later.
His official cause of death was
listed as a heart condition.
Loyola Marymounl’s emotion is
very intense, as memories of Gathers
were everywhere in its first two NCAA
tournament wins. Because of emo
tion the Lions blew away defending
champion tvucmgaii, a iumi wmi umi,
talent and better athletes.
Although they are both extreme
examples, the Gathers and Auncse
tragedies arc two examples of the
impact that emotion can have on an
athlete’s performance. From high
school football to big-time college
basketball, coaches get the most from
their players not only by getting them
physically prepared for their games,
but emotionally as well.
It goes to show that sporting events
aren’t just a matter of who is bigger,
faster and stronger — they also can be
a battle of emotions.
Will emotion carry Loyola Mary
mount to the championship? We can
only wait and see.
Hytrek Is a sophomore news-editorial major
and a Daily Nebraskan sports reporter and
Spring Break matches give duo chance
to show off 21 st - place national ranking
By Paul Domeier
Senior Reporter
Rachel Collins can show off a
national ranking to her Southern
California friends when the Nebraska
women’s tennis team travels to San
Diego for four duals during Spring
The Comhuskcrs will play Wash
ington on Friday, San Diego Slate on
Sunday, Califomia-San Diego on
Monday and U.S. International on
Collins, a sophomore from Thou
sand Oaks, Calif., and Nancy Tyggum,
Nebraska’s No. 1 duo, arc 21 si in the
latest doubles rankings. Collins said
she didn’t expect to be ranked that
high for the first time.
“I kind of think it’s generous, but
on the other hand, all l have to do is
think about it and it gives me confi
dence,” she said.
She said national recognition also
motivates her and her teammates to
drill and improve to give numbers to
more Husker entries.
“Getting a national ranking isn’t
that (far) out of reality,” she said.
And, yes, the ranking is something
to brag about. She said that when she
found out about the ranking she called
a friend on the top-10 Pcppcrdinc
team. After all, Pcppcrdinc doesn’t
have a doubles team ranked that high.
Thousand Oaks is north of Los
Angeles, but Collins, who also plays
No. 4 singles, said she hopes her
parents can make the drive through
Los Angeles to see her play.
The Huskers made a Spring Break
trip closer to Thousand Oaks last
season. Collins said she look the team
home for Easter, they sat behind Kirk
Cameron in church, and life was good.
Nebraska played some lesser teams,
the Huskers had more lime off, and
Collins was an inexperienced fresh
man playing No. 5 singles and No. 3
Coach Gregg Calvin said ihc 1990
trip will be loughcr lhan ihc 1989 irip.
San Diego State is ranked 14th, he
said, U.S. International is close to the
lop-25, California-San Diego is the
defending Division III champion and
Washington lost 5-4 to Weber State, a
team Nebraska recently beat5-4.1 his
year’s trip has more of a tennis em
phasis, and the Huskers have one day
“We’ll be down and back before
we know it," Collins said.
And Calvin said Collins and
Tyggum will have a chance to in
crease those bragging rights.
“This will give them a chance to
play really good teams,’’ he said.
That is all the incentive Collins
“We don’t have anything to lose,’’
she said. “I want to see what we can
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3 Bicycles
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