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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1990)
"T A T c I ^ 1 fy Associated Press X ^1 VV JL-^ JL2m V> Cy %r Edited by Brandon Loomis Lithuanians defy Kremlin’s warnings VILNIUS, U.S.S.R. - Hundreds of Lithuanian youths volunteered Tues day to serve as the breakaway repub lic’s customs and frontier guards despite a Kremlin warning not to change border security operations. Lithuanian President Vytautas Landsbergis said the warning from Moscow actually marked the begin ning of negotiations on the Baltic republic’s demand for independence. He said Lithuania agreed with much of the Kremlin statement, including the order to maintain trade ties. Lithuania declared itself independ ent on March 11,50 years after it was occupied by the Red Army and an nexed by the Soviet Union. The So viet Parliament declared the decree invalid but did not say what steps it would take to stop the republic from seceding. In a stem warning to Lithuania on Monday, the Kremlin ordered its own ministries to ensure there were no interruptions in customs and frontier procedures and in trade, transport and communications. Lithuania on Tuesday moved ahead with plans to take charge of its bor ders, however, and youths volunteered to help. “I served two years in the occupy ing army, and now I want to serve in my own country’s,” said a young man as he rushed to turn in his appli cation in a cramped office in the Lithu anian capital’s center. Lithuanian officials said there were no plans to arm the border force. The symbolic value of the force may help convince other governments that Lithuania is controlling its terri tory and should be formally recog nized as a full-fledged country, said Edward Tuskcnis of the republic par liament’s information center. Lithuania, on the Soviet Union’s Western front line, contains eight military bases and tens, if not hun dreds of thousands of troops, accord ing to emigre sources. Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev has said he docs not intend to use force against the rebellious republic. Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard nadze, speaking Tuesday in Wind hoek, Namibia, reiterated that posi tion. 4 4 We arc against the use of force inany region, and particularly against the use of force domestically,” he said. The White House voiced concern about Soviet troop movements on Lithuania’s borders, but spokesman Marlin Filzwatcr said Gorbachev had offered assurances the Kremlin would not resort to force. Lithuanian officials said the bor der force was intended largely to keep Soviet shoppers from stripping Lithu anian shelves bare in ease of short ages. Many of the hundreds of youths who signed up to serve on the force are recent deserters from tlic Red Army,, said Ludwiga Pociunicnc, who was; taking the applications at the Lithu anian Parliament building. Lithuanian Deputy Prime Minis ter Kazimicras Molicka said the Lithu anian government was registering the deserters in hopes of protecting them from forcible return to their units. However, he said military authorities had warned the government that steps would be taken to arrest the soldiers and return them to the army begin ning on Saturday. Netvraskan Editor Amy Edwards 472- 1766 Managing Editor Ryan Slaavas Assoc News Editors Lisa Donovan Eric Planner Editorial Page Editor Boh Nelson Professional Adviser Don Walton 473- 7301 The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144 080) is published by the UNI Publications Board, Ne braska Union 34. 1400 R St , Lincoln. NE. Monday through F nday during the academic year, weekly during summer sessions Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 4/2 1763 between 9 a m and 5 p m Monday through Friday The public also has access to the Publications Board For information, contact Pam Mem, 472 2588 Subscription Dfice is S45 for one year Postmaster Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St .Lincoln, NE 68588 0448 Second class postage paid at Lincoln NL ALL MATERIAL COPYRIOHT 1990 DAILY NEBRASKAN Philosophy ? Louvain ! Thinking about a solid training in philosophy? Leuven offers graduate and undergraduate programs in English. Write for more informa tion, or ask you depart ment-chairperson... 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