Congratulations GM Volunteer Spirit Winners Beth Olson Michael Wiedel John Liston CORNCOBS Meeting today. 4:30pm in the Union. New members are welcome. ____ Cornhusker Marching Band FLAG COFIPS AUDITIONS April 3. 4 and 5 7:00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. FIELD HOUSE use entrance oft ot Avery Avenue Auditions open to all academically eligible UNL students. ELECTORAL COMMSSION MEETING Tuesday. March 20 ■ 5:30pm 115 Nebraska Union - Jim Langenberg. Director Experience International Business Attend an AIESEC meeting Tuesdays 4 :00 p.m in the Union. Giving Plasma Suck? Win $100-S200 All Freshmen enter the Pi Mu Epsilon Math Contest. Test is April 7, Sign up by April 5 across from Math Office in Oldfather. Student representatives needed for the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women for 1990 91 school year Openings for two undergraduate and two graduate students. Send resume and letter of interest to Professor Jacobs. 203 Burnett Hall, City Campus 0308 by April 3. Summer Sessions Early Registration March 19 • April 6 THE LADIES OF KAPPA DELTA would like to thank all the people who helped make our 10th Annual CHILI FEST a Great Success. We look forward to next year!! The Publications Board will hire the summer Daily Ne braskan editor in chief at 4:45 p.m.. Wednesday, March 21 in the Nebraska Union. All are invited to attend University of Nebraska Foundation is proud to present 1990-91 Student Foundation Officers Oave Zau ha- President Dion Higgins- Vice President Micah Nicolaus- Secretary John Weber- Treasurer UNL YOUNG DEMOCRATS OFFICER ELECTIONS Wednesday. March 21, 6:30 in the Union. All are wel come. Speakers Gene Crump and Larry Hall Street Legal March 30 9-12X Pla-Mor Ballroon 6600 W. O St. Lmooln. NE VOTE TODAY Fktdetke-Vaee-Scott Zing Zang Zook everyone take a look Kateen Mtcek has been elected V.P. ot Nebraska's Student Education Association Congratulations! -SEA Lincoln Region VISION GOSCH-MOHLING-8URNHAM Still unsure what Economics class to take next fall? Come toOmicron Delta Epsilon's Economic Course .-air, March 21st at 3:00pm in CBA, Room 334. Everyone is welcome I 120 Greek Affairs ‘SANDBASH ’90* ATTENTION: Applications for Editor-in-Chief of Greek Yearbook now available in Greek Affairs Office. Due 4:00, April 6 Call Laurie at 436-6210 if you have questions. Beai Fundraisers On Campus! Is your fraternity, sorority or club interested in earning $1,000 00+ for a one-week, on-campus marketing proj ect? You must be well-organized and hard working. Call Corine or Myra al (800)692-2121. Congrats to Wendy N. and Amy A for Teachers College Advisory Board and Beth R. for C.B A. Advisory Board. We re proud of youl The AOll’s Congratulations Bret Tonmges (Phi Delt) on your election to the Arts and Sciences Advisory Board. The Men of Phi Delta Theta Congratulations to the new senators of ASUN Sudie R.. Becky S.. Heather L., Joann M. and Pam K. Love. Your Chi Omega Sisters Congratulations to Pam K. for being selected as a new member of Innocents. Love, Your Chi Omega Sisters . Congratulations to Jennifer Smor for being selected as a new member of Mortar Board. Love. Your Chi Omega Sisters Congratulations to Erka K., Cammy K. and Trish K. for selected as new members of Student Alumni Association. Love, Your Chi Omega Sisters Greek Shop Scholarship Apply for the sixth annual Greek Shop Scholarship through your chapter house or the Greek Affairs office by March 21st. KD's. Let's here it for Julie P. and Deanne C. on their positions as University Ambassadorsll Way to go girls!! Krista L.. LauriG. and Kim D. (AOII), We re proud to see you as University Ambassadorsl Love. The AO II* Phi Psi C-Team, Congrats on being B-Ball Champsl Your Brothers Pi Phi's, Thanks for the exchange dinner last week We had a great time! The Men of Phi Delta Theta SIGMA NU LITTLE SISTERS Meeting tonight at 9:00pm Were having elections. Please oome whether .nterested in an offioe or not. Hope to see you there, it will be lots of funl _ TO THE LADIES OF PHI MU, Saturday was truly a momentous day in the Philan thropic History ol Mankind. If the endless hours of toil brought a glimmer of sunshine to but one child, our work with you was worthwhile. The Men of T nangle WE LOVE OUR FARMHOUSE MEN! Thank you for a great She-Week I -Your Lif Sister New Initiates 140 Personals _ Scott A Jason. Thanks for tho oil rubdown. We ll have to do it again. SOONII! Next time we'll bring the oil and refreshments. ^VP_ 6i~M TL I'm sorry. Let's talk ___ B 'S' B FPS Mary, 21 is so far, yet so near. But who cares, tonight let s go drink some...Vodka! Happy 20th! (Our couch will be waiting for you.) Sheri and Lon TJ. Do you love me, or do you 00(7 You (old me once, but I forgot. TL P.S. I'm waiting for your calll GenW.. Happy 20th, good lookin l Here's hoping for more Hed Octobers, cold walks, arid messed-up hair. Love. TD 145 Lost & Found Found at Brass Rail: ring with initials. 436-6138. FOUND: One black leather glove near bus stop at Lyman Hall. Call 472-2588 to claim. Lost: Earring, green stone on gold hook. Reward. 474 1681. 150 Child Care Needed Babysitter needed from 3:30 to 11:30 Monday-Friday. 477-4366 before 2 pm Dependable person needed to supervise 11 year boy at our home summer afternoons. Near 27th and Sheradon Car needed. Hopefully available to continue next school year 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Call 475-2740 alter 5.30 p m I'm looking for a warm, caring person to care for my 6 month old girl in my home. Must have own transportation and be a non-smoker Two mornings per week plus an occasional week night Pay negotiable. Call 469-0137. Summer Nanny, Monday-Thursday, May 29-Juty 27, 8:30am~4:30pm 423-1696, after 5pm 160 Help Wanted ^ $4 oo HOUR START TWO WEEKS GO TO S4 50 Bus person: clean, neat, willing to work three nights a week. 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Tam O'Shanter, 105 S 25th. No phone calls. M you got a lighter load, well dressed individual with retail experience to work now through summer. Call Jim at Holway Rent-A-Tux, 476 2262. Lope7 Mexican Reataurant Now hiring a m and p.m. line cooks and servers Applyjn person 321 N Cotner. Laundry Production Worker Needed now to operate dryer*. Hours flex tole. early atternoon until 6 pm. Monday-Friday Could be tun time this summer. For an appointment to interview call per sonnel, 464-6326. Umservtce, Inc. EOE _ Light ft Sound Technicians needed for Scar let ft Cream Singer*. *0-*l school yeor. Coll: 472 2S41, Barb WrtghL A M salad prop. Hours BOOom-2SOpm, Mondoy-Fndoy A Sunday. Saturday's off Starting wage $4.25 Co*4«6 235V__ Draftsporson, full or part timo. Must havo completed Production Drawings or oouivaloni Must bo availafote twenty hours or more Prefer someone who can work over the summer. Apply Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N. 23rd. Little King in Belmont needs mature workers for daytime shift. Apply in person to Dan, weekdays after 2:00pm. Up to $4.25/hour for experienced help. MM ON-CALL POSITIONS -Do you want a job to earn extra money on a year-round basis, but dont want to work Monday through Friday every week? —Do you like the idea of working a maximum of three days per week, but not every week? Metromail has unique on-call positions available that offer you the options listed above; however, you must be available to work on short notice. When you are cal ed to work, it will be for a minimum of four hours, and on some days as many as eight hours. 1st shift. Monday-Friday, 6:00am 2:30pm 2nd shift, Monday-Friday. 2:45pm 11:15pm. The "On-Call" positions involve performing job duties in a clean, light industrial work environment, especially designed to assemble (compile) loose leaf pages ot booklets printed in our printing department. Specinc duties are assisting in the maintenance of a library which contains an inventory of printed inserts, stacking gathered oollated pages for trimming; stapling, binding, or inserting loose-leaf pages; and inserting completed printed materials for shipment. Qualified applicants must have basic physical dexterity, basic numerical understanding and retention skills, ana the ability to lift material not exceeding 40 pounds In addition, the positions require intermittent lifting of mate nals. and standing for long periods of lime To apply for these unique positions call 473 9707 to schedule on interview. Personnel Department Mail Production Services Division METROMAIL CORPORATION 901 West Bond Lincoln, NE 68521 Equal Opportunity Employer Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy We have several openings Part time day hours, will schedule around your classes, Monday through Friday. Miscellaneous duties: stocking, packing, CRT data entry. $4.50/hour. Temporary full time work available during summer. An Equal Opportunity Employer Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 6400 Cornhusker Hwy Needed: Volunteer soccer coaches. Apply at YMCA 1039 P Street or call 475-9622 Now taking applications for bartender and waitery. Call Steve at 464-3587. Part time evening help needed. Monday-Friday. Cashier ing experenoe helpful, paid holidays and vacation. If interested please call Herman. 423 6721. ext. 298. Part-time help wanted. 6*m-1 f :30am Apply in person at Dantef Dental Lab. 125 S. 9th. Pi Beta Phi hiring new hasher*, contact house mother, 436-6189 Students: We may have the perfect part-time job for you. Positions available IMMEDIATELY. We offer * Flexible schedules. ‘ Salary plus bonus. * No late nights. * 12-24 hours per week. * Relaxed working environment The NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN PARTY * operating a phone bank from 5-9pm Sun-Thurs and 9am to 1pm on Sat Call 475-2122 Sun Thurs trom 7-9pm for a phone interview —-1 Post ^Nickel downtown Lincoln at 14th & P Earn over $6.00 per hour umpiring City Recreation soft ballevomngs andSundays. Call athlebcoh.ce ormore information, 4 71 - 7892. J raining clinics startMarch 2L_ EDP PRODUCTION CONTROL SPECIALIST Citv of Lincoln Data Processing Division seeks indi vdual to provide computer room support, '"eluding command console functions in an RM/MVS and DEC/ ADMINS environment; share responsibility for all pro duction job scheduling functions and perform tape library maintenance functions. H S qrad plus experience in computer operations. Vocational or college coursework/training in oomputer science plus considerable experience in complex data processing operations including experience in a supervi SOrSa^yC'l?18*967^26,081. Hrs: 8-5 M-F, some eve nings and weekends as required. Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addition to City/Co. application. Closing date: Friday, March 23. 1990. Apply at: City/Co. Employment Office 555 S. 10th Sheet, Rm. B113 Lincoln, NE 68508 EOE/AA oommer 405-843 3868. Tom. _ Help Wanted. Individual to fill and service vending machine 25-30 hours per week This position is flexible with most class schedules and will be full-time in the summer. Call 476-0565 andjskJor^Rich^^^^^^^^ Hiring Youth League Soccer Officials. Will train new officials. Apply af YMCA 1039 P Street. | 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS wanteo for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery. archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $900 or more plus R&B. Marc Seeger 1765 Maple, Northfield, IL 60093 708-446-2444 Children s Counselors, Activity Instrtuctors. WSI. Driv ers. Kitchen Manager, Kitchen Staff, Maintenance, Nanny for oo-ed Mountain Summer Camp, Box 711. Boulder, Co 80306. 303-442-4557. I I SUMMER SALES REPRESENTATIVE If you want (He opportunity to travel for 8 to 10 weeks the summer with a salary, performance bonus, daily living allowance, company van and Raid business expenses, look no further, orthrup King Co . a leader in the lawn and garden industry, will oonduct on-campus inter views Mon.. April 2 and Tues., April 3. Call or veil the Student Part-time Employment Office. 236 Nebraska Union for more details and to schedule an interview. 170 Roommates 1 roommate needed. $113/month plus 1/5 utilities. 477 9434 ____ Female roommate wanted to share house. Prwate room, utilities pad $200month, 466-0609. Female to share duplex. Private room. W/D. $165.month plus 1/2 utilities 438-1294 Male, nonsmoker. 2-bedroom apartment 1833 Wash ington. $155 ♦ deposit 4350528 Two roommates needed after April 1st Newer 4 bedroom house. $173/month plus 1/4 utilities. 435-4178. 1X0 Houses For Rent1 1400 E Huge 4 bedroom plus two bathrooms, large living area. ' Zimmer Management 475-0180 2311 U St. Five bedroom, two bath house. $500. Phoenix Properties 489 0621 2434 W. Very moe four bedroom. 1 1/2 baths, full base ment, dose to campus. $525.475-1579,488-0081. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath for sublease $525 plus Utilities. 435 5597.__ CAMPUS CLOSE HOUSES 2948 Starr. 4-bdr.. 2 baths, garage. $550. 2274 Orchard. 4-bdr, newly redone. $525. 1201 Charleston. 6-bdr, 3-baths, garage. $750 AH c/air, laundry and parking 488 6738 Summer 3-4 bedroom, close to campus, newly remodeled. $450 Available May 15. 477 5432 Three bedroom, clean and nee. close to UNL. available April 1. $475. 2225 Holdrege, 475-1579. 488 0061. 1% Apartments For Rent $ SAVE $ One bedroom or efficiency 2201 A St S175,3179 R St S190, 3092 T St S200 Two bedroom 1331 S 14th, $250. Phoenix Properties 489 0621 "•Brend New— Pine Tree Apartment* Available May 1 and August 1. Two bedroom $390 410, Three bedroom with two baths $510-525 Garage*, security building, microwave, refirgerator. dishwasher, range, ceiling fan, no pets, minutes to UNL First and Adorns _483 6057.483 1130 2301 A ST 1 bedroom with balcony $270, 475-7262 3501 Baldwin Large, clean 2-bedrooms m 4 pie* Appliances, c.a. laundry $345 483-4600 6 Blocks to Campus Spacious, one bedroom cathedral ceilings, all appli ances. deck, parking and laundry, no pets $295 4/6 3403 Century Realty Comm Dept Inc. 640 S 20th 2 bedroom, balcony. $374 475-7262 East Campus - Two Bedroom Newer, spacious, applianoes, fireplace, laundry, $385. 3928 Baldwin 475-8391 Efficiency apartment $300.month, all utilities paid 1133 D St 475 5275 HARDY BUILDING Finally an opening. 1 -bedroom, rnicrowave, must see Call Joan or Robin, 477-0726. Near Campus Near new. 1 and 2 bedroom units. S275/S375. With balconies No pets. 474-0483 Short-Term Lease Possible On this nicely decorated 1 bedroom near the campus Bright and cheery with plush carpet, ceiling fan, micro wave. all the extras $310 with heat paid Cherry Hill Management. 489-3387 Walk to class, nice three bedroom, $450 plus utilities. Call Brian at 477-7406 or 423-1371. 198 Vacation Rentals SPRING BREAK South Padre Island. Texas, beach front penthouse, sleeps 8, pool, bar, tennis, 1-800-527-7324 (weekdays) 512-761-7128 (anytime)