The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 20, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    Kwik Shops’ liquor licenses denied
By Todd Neeley
Staff Reporter _
The Lincoln City Council turned
down an application for an off-sale
liquor license at six out of seven Lincoln
Kwik Shops during Monday’s coun
cil meeting.
Jo Gutgsell, a council member,
said the decision was made on the
basis of how well certain areas of
Lincoln were served by off-sale liq
uor stores.
The need was determined by the
amount of off-sale liquor stores within
a seven block radius of each Kwik
Gutgsell said the six Kwik Shop
stores don’t need liquor licenses be
cause there are enough liquor stores
in surrounding areas to meet demand.
Donald Dunn, an attorney repre
senting Kwik Shop Inc., said the Kwik
Shop has “demonstrated it is quali
fied for a license.”
Dunn said Lincoln has the lowest
amount of off-sale liquor stores per
capita of anywhere in Nebraska.
He said the “problems” related to
alcohol occur mostly in places such
as bars.
John Gast, the division manager of
the Kwik Shop stores in Nebraska,
said there are several Kwik Shops
throughout the slate that have liquor
He said employees arc trained to
handle situations involving alcohol
and the store has had success selling
Gutgscll said the Kwik Shop at
4400 Comhuskcr H igh way has about
four liquor stores in its area. At its
next meeting, the council will discuss
whether that store should receive a
Beginning midnight Sunday,
March 18.
12:50 a.m. — Person taken to
detox for drunkenness and creat
ing a disturbance, 18th and R
1:41 a.m. -- Reckless driving
citation, 33rd and W streets.
4:01 a.m. — Fire in trash chute,
Lincoln Fire Department cal led,
basement, Gather Residence
3:05 p.m. - Billfold and jew
elry reported stolen, Burr Resi
! dence Hall, East Campus, $208.
6:09 p.m. — Car stereo cassette
’ player reported stolen, Area 20
parking lot, 22nd and U streets,
8 p.m. - Leather jacket reported
stolen. Phi Kappa Psi fraternity,
1548 S St., $280.
9:13 p.m. - Car-bicycle acci
dent, bicycle rider injured,
medical treatment refused, 35th
and Center streets, $350 dam
i age to bicycle.
Continued from Page 1
spends on logging roads and re
ceives from timber sales has a
“multiplier effect” on the econo
mics of small towns. Last year,
S339 million from timber sales
went directly to local govern
ments for roads and schools, he
But too much logging and con
troversial harvesting techniques
have drawn criticism.
Rictveld said clcarcutting, a
technique in which every tree is
indiscriminately cut down, is the
only technique that can be used to
harvest Douglas fir.
Because young Douglas fir seed
lings must have unobstructed sun
light to grow, replanting in cleared
areas is the only option, he said.
The Forest Service also recog
nizes that slashburning, burning
discarded branches and growth to
clear an area for replanting, is
dangerous to the ozone layer, he
said. The service is searching for
alternatives, Rictveld said.
“The Forest Service is anxious
to do the right thing,” he said. “ .
. . We’re responding to create a
kinder, gentler Forest Service
through New Perspectives.”
6:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
Wick Alumni Center
RSVP b\ March 30
Summer graduates pick up
your invitation at the
Wick Alumni Center
UNL staff members receive
award for creative humanity
By Jennifer Dods
Staff Reporter
Two University of Nebraska-Lin
coln staff members have received the
Sue Tidball Award for Creative
Sara Boatman, director of Campus
Activities and Programs, and Jimmi
Smith, director of thcOfficeof Multi
Cultural Affairs, were chosen for the
award from eight nominees Sunday
Boatman has worked at UNL for
16 years. In addition to directing CAP,
she has developed an all-campus lead
ership conference, the New Student
Enrollment program, started commit
tees on cultural diversity and taught a
freshman foundations course.
Larry Doerr, campus minister and
coordinator of the award committee,
said Boatman has been a creative
leader on campus “because she has
made serious, positive differences in
campus life.”
Smith also has been at UNL for 16
years. Besides directing the Multi
cultural Affairs office, he is director
of the Student Opportunities and
Services Project, which provides tu
toring and counseling to low-income,
handicapped and first-generation UNL
Docrr said Smith has “improved
conditions on campus for students of
color by seeking and finding addi
tional resources for services used by
disadvantaged students.”
The award is given annually to
UNL students, faculty and staff
members who share a “spirit of car
ing” with those around them, Doerr
said. Tidball, who died in 1979, was a
counselor for the UNL United Minis
tries in Higher Education.
Before After
The fall Daily Nebiaskan needs a managing editor, associate news editors, editorial page
editor, wire editor, copy desk chief sports editor, arts and entertainment editor, writing coach,
graphics editor, photo chief, night news editors, art director, senior reporters, columnists and
editors for Diversions, The Sower and supplements. Apply and sign up for an interview at the
Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday, March 19 to Friday,
March 23. Interviews will be April 1-4.
(Applicants must be U'NU students during fall 1990 semester). UNU does not discriminate in its
academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining
to the same.
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