The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1990, Image 1

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Monday, mostly sunny, high around 50, north- News Digest.2
west wind 10-20 miles per hour becoming light Editorial.4
south wind. Monday night, partly cloudy and not Arts & Entertainment.6
as windy, low in the upper-20s. Tuesday, partly Spor.s 9
sunny and pleasantly warmer, high 65-70. Classifieds.11
VoL 89 No. 2
Bowman: 4Secret deal’ prompts change
- sfa/fJ®e^erUenther Appointment rumors lead to VISION endorsement
Joe Bowman, unsuccessful presidential can
didate for the STAND party, endorsed
VISION in the runoff election for Asso
ciation of Students of the University of Ne
braska president and first vice president, and
accused TODAY of a “secret deal.”
Bowman said he decided to support VI
SION - a party he once called “MIRAGE” -
after hearing rumors Thursday that TODAY
presidential candidate Deb Fiddelke had agreed
to appoint Tami Lindau to Government Liai
son Committee chairman if Fiddelke won the
Lindau currently is federal liaison for the
Bowman, who made the announcement at a
press conference Friday afternoon, originally
said he would not support cither party and
would campaign against VISION.
“The stuff in my pillow has more substance
than VISION’s platform,” Bowman had said.
But after learning of the alleged “secret
deal” Fiddelke made last week, Bowman said,
he decided to support VISION.
Fiddelke denied the allegations at a press
conference Sunday. She said she was not even
aware that Lindau planned to apply for GLC
“I have promised absolutely no positions to
anyone,” Fiddelke said in a prepared state
“Joe Bowman was given a lot of power by
the results of last Wednesday’s elections,” she
said. “Buthc misused that power by basing his
decision to endorse the VISION party on un
substantiated rumors.”
Bowman said Lindau announced Tuesday
—. ■- ■ i
night at her sorority, Alpha Phi, that Fiddelkc
agreed to appoint her as GLC chairman “with
the understanding that (Lindau) would become
(ASUN) president the year after that.”
That indicates “cronyism within ASUN,”
and Fiddelke’s alleged agreement to appoint
Lindau “violates every principle” of the STAND
party, Bowman said.
Fiddclke would become the fourth consecu
tive GLC chairman to become ASUN president
if she wins Wednesday’s runoff election.
Bowman said current ASUN President Bryan
Hill and last year’s president, Jeff Petersen,
support Lindau for those positions.
“This is a dynasty we’ve got going on
here,” Bowman said. “We want to break it.”
Both Hill and Petersen said they never dis
cussed with any presidential candidates the
appointment of GLC chairman.
Bowman’s comments were “crazy,” Pe
tersen said, because Petersen has “no control”
over ASUN appointments.
Hill stated in a letter Saturday that he has no
intention of becoming involved with the next
ASUN administration or choosing the GLC
Bowman said he learned of the alleged deal
from his campaign manager, Mark Buhrdorf.
But Bowman would not reveal where Buhrdorf
learned of it. Bowman did say the source was
not a VISION candidate or worker.
‘ ‘ We checked around with people we trust,”
Bowman said. ‘ ‘ And we are convinced that this
deal did take place, and that it is wrong.”
After finding out about the alleged deal,
Bowman said, he and some STAND members
spoke with Phil Gosch, VISION presidential
Although Bowman said neither VISION nor
TODAY is “perfect,” STAND decided to
support VISION after discussing its platform
with Gosch.
• “We have resolved some of the differences
between us,” Bowman said. “Phil has at least
been honest and forthright throughout the proc
ess. And after listening to us, he has pledged his
support in advancing many of the key items in
our platform.”
Bowman said Gosch agreed to include items
such as the Cultural Diversity Affairs Commit
tee, minority scats on the AS UN Special Top
ics Committee and the carbon dioxide whistle
security system on the VISION platform.
Bowman said Fiddclke told him no deal
took place.
“I don’t think -- guilty or not -- that she
would say, ‘Yes, I made this totally immoral
and unethical deal with people,’” Bowman
Lindau said she never spoke to Fiddclke
about any appointments. But Lindau said she
told members of her sorority that she thought
she had a good chance of becoming GLC
chairman if Fiddclke won the election.
Lindau said she made the statement to try to
gain support for Fiddclke after Gosch cam
paigned at ihc Alpha Phi house Wednesday
If Fiddclke were to win the election, Lindau
said, she would be fairer in choosing the GLC
“I just didn’t think that with Phil I would get
a fair chance because he probably had already
promised it (the GLC chairman) away,” Lindau
Both Lindau and Fiddclke said they were
upset that Bowman never contacted them about
his allegations.
Fiddclke said she contacted Bowman about
15 minutes before his press conference after
STAND refutes endorsement
By Jerry Guenther
Staff Reporter
Six members of the STAND party de
livered a letter to the Daily Nebras
kan on Sunday stating they do not
support Joe Bowman’s endorsement of
VISION candidates for president and first
vice president of the Association of Stu
dents of the University of Nebraska.
The letter was signed by STAND mem
bers Lynn Kisler, Nell Eckersley, Michael
Lewis, Todd Long, Jeremy Felker and Chris
The letter stales, “On Friday afternoon,
there was a press conference endorsing VI
SION because of allegations of corruption
within the TODAY party. This endorsement
also took place without the consent or knowl
edge of the STAND party as a whole.
“STAND was a party formed to bring
democratic ideals to ASUN through being a
party based on democratic ideals. Obvi
ously, these ideals were not promoted when
the current endorsement of VISION was
conceived and implemented without the
consent or knowledge of the STANDparty.”
Eckersley said those who signed the let
ter were upset that the whole party was not
included in the endorsement decision.
“We feel the (students who) voted for us
deserve an explanation,” Eckersley said.
See STAND on 3 J
Board of Regents gives approval
to form constmction review board
SBy Mindy Mozer
Staff Reporter
Ir ■ i he NU Board of Regents on Saturday ap
I proved establishing an outside board to
impartially review University of Ne
braska construction projects.
The University Project Review Board will
study expansion plans at the University of
Ncbraska-Lincoln College of Business Admini
stration and Epplcy Science Hall at the Univer
sity of Nebraska Medical Center.
After those projects are reviewed in Octo
ber, the regents will determine if the university
should continue to use the review board.
Robert Pazdcrka, NU assistant vice presi
dent for administration and director of facili
ties, said during the regents’ February meeting
that five registered architects or engineers would
be on the review board.
The review board will report its findings and
recommendations to the director of facilities of
the appropriate campus and Pazdcrka.
One member of the review board may be
from the College of Architecture or the College
of Engineering, he said. Members must be
registered architects or engineers and have at
least 15 years of experience.
The review board will look at site locations
and conditions, facility and equipment require
ments, special design considerations, cost and
efficiency. The board - members will be paid
from the project budget
. In other action, the regents approved estab
lishing the Center for Technology Manage
ment and Decision Sciences, which would link
engineering, science, management and related
areas with international affiliates.
The board approved establishing a Bachelor
of Science Degree in Natural Resources with
majors in fisheries and wildlife, range science,
soil science and water science.
The regents passed a plan to restructure the
UNL Faculty Senate and change the name to
the Academic Senate. Each department with
five or more members will have one senator.
That will increase membership from about 60
to 90.
The plan includes establishing a UNL As-4
scmbly, which will discuss matters involving
faculty and administrators.
The assembly will be composed of assistant
professors, associate professors, the chancel
lor, vice chancellors and administrators. It will
meet twice a year.
Senators advance restructuring Dili
I By Cindy Wostrel
*4 Staff Reporter___
A bill to implement restructuring of Ne
Z\ braska’s higher education governance
A advanced with little controversy in the
Nebraska Legislature on Friday, but the final
vote on restructuring will be close, said Sen.
Ron Withcm of Papillion.
Thai’s because the bill, LB 1141, would
have no effect unless senators also support a
separate resolution, LR239CA, which proposes
a constitutional amendment to approve the
But Sen. John Lindsay of Omaha said he
thinks the Legislature will pass the resolution.
Nebraskans then would vote on the proposed
constitutional amendment in November.
LB1141 and LR239CA would replace the
current NU Board of Regents and State College
Board of Trustees with an overall board of
regents. That board would oversee individual
boards of trustees for each of seven higher
education institutions.
The Legislature advanced LB 1141 to a
second-round of debate 25-4.
An amendment to finance the changes passed
Withem said that although the majority of
legislators originally supported LR239CA, the
vote will be close now. Opposition comes from
senators who think the change would happen
too quickly and those who object to the change
altogether, he said.
The resolution provides for far-reaching
change, he said, but he thinks it is necessary to
improve the system.
“I think we have a system of higher educa
tion that doesn’t communicate very well among
itself,” Withem said. ‘‘The combination of
these two (proposals) would do that.”
... , r , Melissa Me Reynolds/Daily Nebraskan
Under a watchful eye ...
State Sen. Don Wesely of Lincoln credits the people of Nebraska with the
$4 million renovation of Morrill Hall. A two-day celebration concluded
Sunday with a rededication of the museum.