Fee committee upholds veto of UPC Kimball-Lied cut By Roger Price Staff Reporter The Committee for Fees Allocation voted Tuesday night to support ASUN President Bryan Hill’s veto of the University Program Council budget because of a cut in the allocation for the Kimball-Lied Performing Arts Committee. Hill had recommended $80,000 for Kim ball-Lied, instead of the $75,000 requested by the Association of Students of the University of Ne braska Senate. The entire UPC budget was sent back to CFA after Hill’s veto. CFA vice chair woman Anne Steyer supported Hill’s recommendation that KLPAC receive a 6 percent increase to compensate for inflation. Chris Potter, a committee member, said that even if the KLPAC budget were increased by $5,000 students would be receiving more bene fits than they would be paying for. “If we recommend $80,000, we’re paying almost nothing for what we receive,’’ Potter said. Potter said a student fees allocation of $300,000 would still be a bargain because of the quality of programming offered at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. The committee also voted to uphold the ASUN Senate recommendation to eliminate $2,357.50 for contemporary films from the UPC East Sights and Sounds Committee. CFA originally recommended that the money be included in the UPC budget. But several CFA members said they were opposed to the cut. Steyer said that attendance of more than 700 students so far this year justifies the program’s existence. Steyer also said she sees no logic in cutting the films from East Campus while leaving the films on City Campus. “Its sending the message that East Campus must fend for itself,” she said. CFA member Sheila Christensen agreed. “I really feel discriminated against when we’re cutting East and leaving (money for) American Films (Committee),” Christensen said. Christensen said the Sights and Sounds Committee events are UPC events she actually sees students attending. Brad Brunz, a CFA member, said most of the films the committee shows on East Campus also can be found in video rental stores. Brunz said that if students want to see con temporary films, “they should dig into their own pocket and rent them.” Wisconsin bootlegging case prompts licensing reminders By Jannette Bush Staff Reporter ‘ ‘Get lucky., Bucky’’latex condoms sold by two University of Wisconsin students caused the Midwestern college to struggle to protect its logo, a UW licensing official said. But Gary Fouraker, assistant athletic director for business affairs, said the Uni versity of Nebraska-Lincoln hasn’t had the same problems with bootleggers. Arthur Hove, UW licensing admin istra tor, said the university asked the students to stop selling the condoms, which used UW’s Bucky Badger mascot. The students com plied and did not face any charges, he said. “It is something that comes up periodi cally,” he said. “We persuaded them (to stop), and they eventually did.” Despite that case, Hove said, officials encourage students to apply for licenses if they want to sell items with the Wisconsin trademark or logo. Fouraker said UNL encourages students to obtain permission before selling T-shirts or other items with the university’s sym bols. Students or manufacturers can apply for licenses through the Collegiate Licens ing Company. Both the university and the licensing company must approve designs. Students or manufacturers who sell items with the university’s,trademark without permission would face lawsuits, Fouraker said. - “Generally in a situation, once you talk to the people, they understand,” he said. “Usually mere is no problem.” Fouraker said UNL has avoided bootleg gers because it does not have the population base of universities like Notre Dame or UCLA. The good nature of business owners and their honesty is another reason UNL has avoided problems, he said. Fouraker said about 150 manufacturers contract with the university. UNL receives about $200,000 annually in royalties from . them, about 7 percent of the items’ prices. The money goes into the athletic scholar ship program, he said. Allen Kravets, vice president of the li censing company, said drat once the appli cations are approved, the company mails camera-ready artwork and the university’s guidelines to manufacturers. Kravets said more students and manufac turers are applying for licenses to sell uni versity products. “It is an outstanding market,” he said. “It continues to grow year in and year out,’ ’ Kravets said. Students not left out of 1990 census forms By Cindy Wostrel Staff Reporter Soon many University of Ne braska-Lincoln students will be filling out census forms. And they won’t be left out be cause they live on campus. Census forms will be mailed to Lincolnites beginning March 23, said Carol Walker, manager of the U.S. Census Bureau District office in Lincoln. Dick Wells, special place op erations supervisor for the Lincoln census office, said college students who live off-campus will receive their census forms in the mail. The way the census bureau will distrib ute copies of the census to all resi dence hall, fraternity and sorority residents will depend on each indi vidual situation, Wells said. Census takers may drop off forms at residence hall desks or with resi dence hall directors to have them distribute the forms to students or they may mail the forms to individ ual students, he said. The district office will keep records of those students, he said. Walker said on-campus students See CENSUS on6 College Continued from Page 1 students are more familiar with in structors. Non-traditional students often know instructors by their first names, have been in instructors’ of fices several times, and sometimes even spend break time with them, he said. Gueck said that does not mean instructors give preferential treatment to non-traditional students, but that older students make better use of the instructor’s accessibility. Dee Doyle, a 32-year-old English major, said juggling family responsi bilities and school work has been one of the biggest difficulties for her since she came to UNL two years ago. Doyle and her husband Randy, who also is a part-time student at UNL, have three children. “There’s just so much pressure with family, school and jobs,’ ’ Doyle said. “You can just become a fruit cake if you take it loo seriously and try to do it all. You just have to make choices.” Sometimes, she said, that means choosing between family and school work. Judith Kriss, faculty advisor for Adult Student Network and a coun selor at UNL’s Counseling Center, said that while non-traditional stu dents face problems at UNL, they also have many strengths that come with their age. Non-traaitional students have a different motivation for returning to school, she said, and place a different value on education than younger stu dents. Most non-traditional students have had to make personal as well as financial sacrifices to be in school, she said. ■ in brief I I Summer registration starts March 19 Students planning to enroll in summer classes at tne University of Nebraska-Lincoln can begin registering March 19. UNL students are encouraged to register between March 19 and April 6. Students can register after April 6, but will not be given prior ity. Early registration for the pre and eight-week sessions end April 6. Early registration for the first five-week and second five-week session end April 13 and June 8 respectively. Class schedules are available now at 107C Administration Build ing. I English professor wins fiction contest I Marly Swick, assistant profes sor of English at the University of Nebraksa-Lincoln, has won the 1990 Iowa Short Fiction Contest. Swick submitted “A Hole in the Language,” a collection of 5wick has had several articles published in “Redbook,” “McCalls,” “Family Circle” and “Playgirl* ’ as well as smaller peri* odicals like the “Iowa Review," “Indiana Review” and the “North American Review,” UNL CAMPUS OUR NUMBER... 435-7242 UNL Student Union: 14th & R Streets Delivery Only Menu Med. Lrg. Bakery Bread Sticks Cheese Pizza 6.80 9.00 (1/2 dozen) with Italian Sauce 1.99 Add. Toppings .89 .99 Salads Gourmet Pizza 10.69 12.39 Garden Salad • 1.99 Combo Pizza 11.09 12.99 Chef Salad 2.69 Gourmet Pizza: Beverages Combo Pizza Taco Pizza. Coke & Diet Coke .60 B.L.T. 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