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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1990)
160HelgJWanted^ CHEMIGATION INSPECTOR Person will be responsible for chemigation inspections (80%). location of abandoned wells (10%) and ground water sampling (10%). Should be familiar with agricul tural practices (especially center pivot irrigation systems Person selected for the position would be requested to attend a Chemigation Certification Class, with expenses to be reimbursed by the LPNNRD. Must have valid driver's license, since extensive driving will be required. PAY: $5.88/hour WORK: 40 hours/week (M-F) But sorrvi overtime on a daily basis is possible. EMPLOYMENT PERIOD: Approximately - May 21 to August 24 LOCATION OF OFFICE: Wahoo. Nebraska Please send resume to Lower Platte North NRD, Box 126, Commercial Park Road, Wahoo, NE 68066 by March 16, 1990. Little King in Belmont needs mature workers for daytime shift. Apply in person to Dan, weekdays after 2:00pm. Up to $4.25/hour for experienced help. _ Microcomputer Assistant Assist with microcomputer/network problems Gain experience with new oomputer software and hardware-A minimum GPA of 3.0 and experience with IBM-PC soft ware is required. Salary starts at $4.75/hr. and 20 hrs/ week Apply at 326 Administration during business hours or Mill Paul Menter at 472-5761 for more informa tion. __ Now hiring PM line cooks. Flexble hours, no experience necessary Apply in person between 9am-5pm, Tony and Luigis. Starting wage is S4.00-4.25/hr. _ PART TIME DISTRICT MANAGER This positxjn requires a mature individual with good communicatxjn skills who can motivate newspaper car riers and work with parents and customers. This is an excellent opportunity for a University student and re quires being available by 2:30 pm daily, 9 am Saturday, and some Sunday mornings. This position requires approximately 35 hours per week Your own vehicle is required with mileage pax) Applications will be accepted at the Journal-Star personnel off** 926 P St, 8 am to 4 pm through Friday March 9 EOE/AA. Part time retail help for the Lincoln Symphony Gift Shop in the Atrium. Saturdays 10-5:30, 4.50/hour. Call 474 5610 for an appointment _ Pari Time/Full Tim# Needed noon hours, flexible evening hours. Fast food and ice cream. Pattie Shack. 1333 High, Monday-FrxJay 9-5 423-2475 Counter help wanted weekends, second and third shift. Apply in person at Roadshow Video, 1840 O St. Experienced Construction Superintendent for commer cial work in Fairbury area. 402-729-3452. Pat or 405-843 3868, Tom. _ Farm help, full time April- November. J.D. equipment. Need experienced machine operator. Waverly 786 7257._ Hey Ag Students! I need part-time help during the Spring and full-time this summer. Call after 6pm, 665-2464. HOUSE MANAGER OPENINGS Kimball Hall is hiring three house managers for current year and 1990-91 season Applications are immediately available at School of Music Office, 120 Westbrook, Monday-Friday, 900am-4:00pm until Friday. March 9. Housekeepers and personal care aides are needed to work with aged and disabled persons. Must be willing to do cleaning, laundry, prepare meals, and grocery shop ping. Must be at least 19 and have own transportation. If interested, call Lincoln Lancaster Office, Nebraska Dept, of Social Services, 471-5202._ _ King's Drive In 1650 Cornhueker Now taking applications for part time kitchen he£ and waitery. Night and weekend hours. Apply in person, no phone calls please. _ Part-time runner needed for Lincoln area deliveries. Need to provide own oar. 200-600pm, Monday-Friday. max. hours per week-15. Hours are flexible. Contact Brenda at Carmichael Business Systems Inc.. 500 S. 17. 475-9260 _ Part-time office assistant or callers needed, 15-25 hours per week (afternoons or evenings) if interested, contact Doug at 475-6904. Part-time help needed Monday-Friday. some cashiering expenence helpful. If interested contact Herman at 423 6721 Ext. 298. Resource Teacher position available in the Mitford/Se ward Nebraska area. Competitive salary with full bene fits. Contact ESU #6 Box 748, Milford, NE 68405, 402 761-3341,___ Speech Therapy position available in the Mitford/Seward Nebraska area. Competitive salary with full benefits. Contact ESU #6 Box 748, Milford. NE 68405, 402-761 3341.__ Tank truck driver needed starting immediately after spring finals. Employment lasting through most of sum mer. Ag background or knowledge of farm chemicals helpful. Call Zinc Fertiliser 1-800-288-1112 (Ashland). Technician/Counselor Assistant Looking for rewarding work with people? Part time posi tion in residential treatment facility. Must be 23, high school diploma. Flexible hours, some nights, weekends, holdays. Ideal for college students or persons interested in counseling career. Deadline for application 3/14/90. Submit letter of application, resume, abstract of driving record to Lincoln Lancaster Drug Protects, 3200 O St., Suite 1. Linooln, NE 68510E0E Part-time lunch waitress, apply 2-4pm. Brittany s a./ n. Bth.___ Waitery help needed also prep/dishwasher. Apply at El PStio Mexican Restaurant, 17tn & Van Dorn, 478-0414. We are looking tor a qualified person for full-time data entry position. Must type 40-45 wpm (after errors). Excellent wages, benefits and workinaoonditions. Allied Group Insurance, 700 N. Cotrier. EOE. 465-7792. 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR ndina. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $900or more plus RAB. Marc. Seeger 1765 Maple, Northfield. IL 60C93 708-446-2444.__ Children's Counselors, Activity Instructors. WSI, Driv ers, Kitchen Manager, Kitchen Staff, Maintenance, Nanny for co-ed Mountain Summer Camp, Box 711, Boulder, Co 80306, 303-442-4557._ NEW ENGLAND BROTHEFJSISTER CAMPS MASSACHUSETTS Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor positions for Program Specialists: AH Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Field Hockey, Softball, Soccer and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings, also Archery, Riflery, Weights/Fitness and Biking; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Newspaper, Photography, Cooking, Sewing, Rollerskating, Rocketry, Ropes and Camp Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming, Skiing. SaHing, Windsurfing, Canoe/Kayak mg). Inquire, Mah-Kee-Nac (Boys). 190 Linden Ave. Glen Ridge. NJ 07028. Danbee (Girls), 16 Florseneck Road, MontviHe NJ 07045. Please call 1-600-776-0520. The Country Club of Lincoln it now acoapting applica tions for lifeguard. Applications may be picked up at the Country Club of Lincoln, 3200 S. 24 Street, Lincoln, NF. 170 Roommates _ Female Roommates neededl $142 50/month + utilities. Townhouse w/1ireplace Call 467-3093 leave message. Femaie roommate wanted to share house. Private room, utilities paid. $180/month. 466-0609 Need 1 or 2 female roommates to find apartment. Non smoker. Call 421-2081. 180 Houses For Rent 135 North 26th Large 2 bedroom with dining and full basement, newer kitchen. $415. Zimmer Mgmt. 475-0180. 2311 U St. Five bedroom, two bath house. 5500 Phoenix Properties 489-0621. 3.4 A 5 bedrooms available April 1 through June 1, one year lease. 475-1579 or 468-0061. Reserve your summer OR FALL 3 to 16 now in UNL area. Great Landlords - "We Love Students! 423-1535. 190 Apartiiientg_EgLE^L_ ”$ SAVE % One bedroom or efficiency 2201 A St. $176,3179 R St. $190,3092 T St. $200. Two bedroom 1331 S. 14th. $250. Phoenix Properties 489 0321,___ 2301 A ST 1 bedroom with balcony $270, 475-7262._ 2310 S. 14th ST 1 bedroom with fireplace $276 476-7262 _ 2BR, 1 Bath. AC, Laundry, Otf-Street parking, Swimming pool, short walk to campus, call 477-6667. Leave mes sage. _____ 640 S. 20th 2 bedroom, balcony. $374. 475-7262 920 "D". Furnished efficiency, ail utilities paid, central A, C, parking at private entrance. Non-smokers and single^ only $226 plus security deposit. 476-7416 or 476 9660 evenings. ___ Close to Campuses Tired of the same old brown? See our newly decorated one-bedroom with new plush carpet, new ceramic txe, new counters, fan and accent paper. It's a dream come true at $315 heat paid I Cherry Hi* Management 489 3387._______ Efficiencies $169 per month. Close to campus Call 488 7368 or 435-3320. Efficiency MMlment. $300/month, all utilities paid. 1133 D St. 476-5275._ Large 1-2 bedroom *>artment, $285 ♦ eledrcity. Nice large 2 bedroom apartment, new kitchen, $396 i utilities. Both near UNUCspiWL Call Jeff at 477-4450. Near Campus Near new, 1 and 2 bedroom units. $275/$375. With baioonies. No pets 474-0483. Newer 2 Bedroom Minutes to University, security building, balcony, oeiling fan, microwave, no pets. $390 535 W. Saunders. 483 1130 or 483-6057.___ NICER STUDENT SPECIAL 2274 Orchard, 2 bedroom at $295. Parking, laundry, air, 488-6738. 194 Homes For Sale Townhouse, north Lincoln, large rooms, cathedral ceil ings, rmnt condSion. $48,500. Remax, 467-3000 or Norma Jean, 464-7437. I NEED CASH? I Highest $ paid for used records, cassettes ft compact discs! S 14th & 0 St. East Park Plaza fi 477-6061 _46418275__j| I Summer Editor In Chief The Daily Nebraskan is accepting applications for the 1990 summer editor in chief. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan and be a student at the University of Ne braska-Lincoln this spring, summer or fall. The editor in chief formu lates editorial policy, deter mines guidelines for the daily operation of the newsroom, hires the senior editorial staff, helps determine the content of the editorial page, prepares the editorial salary Duagct and re ports to the Publications Board. The Daily Nebraskan is f>ublishcd weekly during the wo five-week sessions plus two special issues: Flatwater Festival and New Student En rollment. Applications are available in the Daily Nebraskan office, until 5 p.m., March 9,1990. Ne^raSkan UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON The rooster stared back at me, his power and confidence almost overwhelming. Down below, a female paused warily at the coop’s entrance. I kept the camera running. They were beautiful, these "Chickens in the Mist." Accessories For all your wedding need*, stop at Special Moment* Wedding Shop. 4005 O Street Wedding accessories stationery, floral arrangement*, rental decor and more. 488-0767. Cakes Come see Conroy's for your wedding cake. Delicious cake, custom decorated, tree delivery m cty. 488-7349. Entertainment NEBRASKA BRASS Trump* »oto<*- Brass Quart*. Waddings and Recap lions. 489-8070.__ Compi*a Music DJ Service for dances. Cal 474-6604 to book.__ NEBRASKA JAZZ ORCHESTRA The area's fine* big band danca muse 486-1066 Flowers_ Creative Weddings A Floral Design. Vour one stop shop ping spot (or your wedding day. Call us al 488-6810. Photography BUTLER Photography A Video. Since 1872 pleas mg brides and grooms with style, selec tion. (lexMrty and quality Call 488 0008 ACROSS 2$ Acropolis site 1 Hunt for B°u,s bargains 31 Blackmore's 5 Took care of "Lorna-" 10 Hack 32 Soft drinks 13 Chaplin's widow 14 Boy Scout unit 35 Kind of bla/er 15 Ice-cream M Wilder ^ Fowjer container ._ * 1 . ... 37 Faux 10 Up day on Wall _ , , St^eet 38 Greece s largest island 1. Breed ol moth M Ga(b0 19 Milieu ol some «oTheses divers ^ t .1. u 9. * 42 Photographer s 20 Turkish chiefs stand 21 Pressed 43 Spunk 23 Mouse, to an owl 44 Mob scene 24 Fight with lances 45 Poorly made 47 Datum 48 Jan , Feb . etc 51"-lay me down 52 What fraidy-cats do 55 Sheltered at sea 58 River- bank landing 57 Peruvian Indian 58 -diem 58 Put forth effort 80 A memorable Bert DOWN 1 Cries out loud 2 Ex-Yankee manager 3 Sole 4 Chum 5 Produces a play 0 Display 7 Stir-fry vessels 8 -the mark 9 Elective 10 Advice to an insomniac 11 “-of the Thousand Days ' 12 Piece of wampum 15 Actress Glenn 17 ChSteau Thierry's river 22 Boring routines 23 Sties 24 Zsa Zsa s mom 25 Competent 26 Hebrew body of law 27 Strength or talent, informally 28 Layers of paint 2® Lone Ranger's sidekick 30 Place 32 Smallish stream 35 Toddler s vehicle 36 Sand 38 Repulsive guy 39 Young Seaver's receiver 41 Time-honored favorite 42 "That's the *4 Rick Mears, e g 45 Cinch 46 Perforation 47 High (gesture of triumph) 46 “-Lisa" 49 Cry heard on April 15 50 Have the lead 53 Jinx 54 Zilch Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE LN|A|THO|rfM8l|H P|o|t|i|cIa Npr lmb a l d