The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1990, Page 11, Image 11
Classified 472-2588 2 Appliances Window AC, 10,000 BTU. Used one summer-$375. Up right freezer-$100. Nancy - 423-1560. 3 Bicycles '66 Cannondale Mountain Bite, $450 obo, 469-7474 6 Computers FOR SALE: Apple lie 128K, internal disk drive, monitor, Imagewriter II printer, and Appleworks software. $750. 476-0674, leave message 10 Misc. For Sale ATTENTION - HIRINGI Government jobs- your area. $17,840 $69,485. Call 1 602 838 888^, EXT R4005 ATTENTION - GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES from $100. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1-602-838-8885 EXTA4005. _ Cliff’s for Imported and Domestic cigarettesl 140 N. 12tf St.__ Cliff's for Ushers and Wedding Gifts! 140 N. 12th. Cruise Ship Jobs Chefs/waitresses/waiters $15,000-$46,000 annually. 612-330-3985 ext. 50 Nintendo Game System, with Super Mario Bros., $55 obo. 466-6134 leave message. 16 Sportinu Goods Hexel Sundance II 185 snow skns, Salomon bindings, size 9 Dale Boots, and snorkling tins, call between 3 and 6 p.m. 477-6255. 20 Vehicles For Sale 1990 Blue Mitsubishi Eclipse GS Turbo, arc, cassette stereo, sun-root, 5-speed Call 477 1513. 1984 Pontiac Piero. New engine. A/C. Sunroof $4500. 489-6818 1983 red Honda Civic, new paint, a/c. no rust, $3500. 489-0057 22 Adoption Let us fulfill your dreams for your baby Loving profes sional couple praying to adopt a healthy newfcorne. call our attorneys Ravel Lach collect at 408-288-7100 Ref erence A263. Loving California couple and 14-month old daughter, Emily, wish to adopt newborn. Legal, confidential, ex penses paid. Call Kathy collect anytime at 213-643 5643.__ PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No lee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879.___ YOUR BABY 1ST IN OUR LIVES You are courageous and caring for choosing adoption. We would love and chereh your very special baby and provide all the advantages we can offer. We are a happily married, couple unable to have a child. We are well educated, have a beautiful, sunny home and are finan cially secure. Our vacations are spent at a family home in Hawaii Expenses paid. Please call Mary and Bob collect anytime-(212) 410-0609 40 Instruction PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced Lessons can include use of gunr. Zager Studio 423-2709. 60 Misc. Services NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES Million* availabe m financial aid. Computerized match ing. Call 475-2058 tor information. _ TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 62 Pregnancy PHK.NANT' BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call u* for appoint moot, 483-2609. 76 T ravel_ ITALY THIS SUMMER Join a UNL group and see Venice, Florence, Milan and«nc* its arts and cuHurel Mav 12-26 Earn credit or not Call 472-3264 or stop by Fight* A Study Tour*. 1237 R Street. Rm 102 lor details 80 Typing & Resumes “ AVIS PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING ~ Term papers/masters/doctorates, copier, dictaphones Near UNL campus 435 AVIS Carolyn's Typing Service, all typing needs, professional prompt 423-8791 HINZ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers, resumes, newslet ters, brochures, miss mailings and more. Copy service - reductions and enlargements. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $16 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call All-Types. 477-0445 110 Announcements 16DAYS Until Spring Break - Don't be left in Lincoln! Join UPC Mam Events m Panama Cttv Beach. Florida. Deadline for registration extended fo March 16. UPC Mam Events, 472-1879._ With It: State Boys Basketball will be a blast this weekend I Meet P.K. at The Coffee House, 1324 P, before Thurs day's first round. Same Place/Same Time Amnesty International Meeting Tonight 7:00 pm Union Write a letter, save a lifel AMS Administrative Management Society Meeting tonight 6:30. Union. Guest speaker: Dennis Stelzer from NBC, speaking on capital. New Members welcome1 Beet of America Participants: Good luck on your presentations! Don't forget to pick up packets in Rm 12 Administration. Thanks for all your helpl Candidates Filing forms for RHA are due March 12. Orientation for anyone seeking to run for RHA positions on March 12 at 8:00 PM and March 13-14 at 7:00 PM in RHA office, 334 Nebraska Union Please attend- Important information will be discussed. Call 472-1095 for more info. Debate! Sponsored by RHA. To be held at Reunion Food Court March 12, 5C0 to 7:30 PM._ ELECTORAL COMMISSION MEETING Wednesday, March 7 - 4:30pm 115 Nebraska Union - Jim Langenberg, director IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS ONE early registration meeting for ALL civil engineering students has been scheduled for Monday. March 12, 1990 at 5:30 PM. Upper class will meet in room W357 N.H., freshmen will meet in room W347 N.H. Presidential Debate 10:30pm Tonight Harry’s Wonder Bar Sponsored by MECA Professionalism-Gender Inapproprieienees. a research presentation by Pamela Weems, Northeast Missouri State. Friday. March 9,12:30 p.m.. 117 Nebraska Union. Sponsored by the Women's Resource Center Everyone is invited! UPC AMERICAN FILMS PRESENTS “REPO MAN’’ THIS THURS - • PM. FRI- 7 A 9 PM. SAT- 8 PM S2/S1 W/ID AT THE CITY UNION._ UPC Talks & Topics Presents SATANIC CULTS Former FBI Investigator and UNL Alumni. Ted Gunder son. will speak in tne Nebraska Union Ballroom Tuea. March 13, at 800 PM. Admission-' Free wilh UNL Stu dent ID ($1 lor non-students) Wanted Student Comedians I UPC and AMC Special Events Committees and NOOOLES COMEDY CLUB prasent: "A Night of Laughter" Student Comedy Night. Stop by the booth, March 5-8, ii-i2pm or Room 200 in the City Union, 8:00-5DO, to pick up an application Deadline • Thurs. March 8th Show runs Thursday March 15th. Prices lor al participants I Women are doing great things Women's Week 1990 lor more information cell WRC, 472-2597 QUESTIONS ABOUT THE GRE? UPO CAN HELP. TONIGHT 7:00 P.M. UNION 224. _ ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Friday 3/9: 8 and midnight Saturday 3/10: midnignt Nebraska Wesleyan Olin B _$2 admission_ The Publications Board will interview candidates for 1990-91 Daily Nebraskan editor in chief at 4:45 p.m.. Wednesday. March 7 in the Nebraska Union. All are invited to attend. TODAY Fiddelke - Vaaa - Scott UNL Weightlifting Club meeting Thursday 3-8-90,8:00 PM, 2nd floor lounge Rec Center. Security work. 120 Greek Affairs Congratulations Julie N. on getting your summer intern ship! We re proud of you! Love, your Alpha Xi sisters BDF 90 Better late than never A sincere thank-you to the men of Delta Tau Delta for a charming dinner exchange last Monday evening. Thanks again! The Ladies of Phi Mu Bob D. (Phi Delt), Are you ready for the PGA? Thanks for being the best partner around I Your KKG Golfer Congratulations to T. Jacobs for being selected Assis tant Hush Chairman and M. Rathgen as Athlete of the Year. The Men of AGS CONGRATULATIONS to Mark J.. Phil C.. Scott K., Eric W., and Marty H.. for making Greek Week committees. Awesome Job!! The brothers of Chi Phi Congratulations to Stacy Bratcher, Courtney Flanagan, and Jennifer Pepple for making Greek Week Commit tees. Love. Your Phi Mu Sisters Congratulations to Chapter D on a successful retreat. It was tunl Love, Your Phi Mu Sisters Congratulations Phi Mu on a successful Founders Day! Congratulations Pam S., Lee W., Deb F., and Chrsty S on making your Greek Week Committees I Love, your A^ha Xi Sisters Immigration Lawyer STANLEY A. KRIEGER 9290 West Dodge Suite 302 Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 392-1280 Member American Immigration Association of Lawyers Practice Limned to Immigration Law I Congratulations Stacie K. (AZD) and Don P. (Phi Delt) on your pinningl Love, Alpha Xi Delta Congratulations to Jim O.. Andy P., Russ E.. Brian D., Kurt M., Alec B., Dave S., and Dave F. on your Greek Week Committee appointments. The men of Sigma Phi Epsilon Congratulations to Cathi W. (Gamma Phi) on your intern ship with Congressman Bereuterl Love, your sisters Delta Sigma Pi Actives. We had a great time Monday night and an even better time after you found usl Your Pledges DG's Thank you so very much for joining us in a dinner exchange. The Men of TKE Midnight Madness '90 The team from hail will not win. Nor will the Bushwagon. the Battlewagon, the Ghetto Gang, or Kiesel-Stratbucker. There is. after all, only one schwa piloted vehicle. Phi Delt's, You are right on pari Let's do it again soonl Love, the Kappa's The Lambda Chi’s and AOH’s present CASINO NIGHT Friday, March 9 The Men of Theta Chi would like to welcome their National Officers to their Grand Chapter Meeting m Lincoln, March 8-10. To all Midnight Madness Participants: Although in the past we finished last, our Tri-Dell teammates will be of a higher class, the team of Kiesel Stratbucker will prevail, and the car from Hail will surely fail. To the men of Phi Psi Thanks for going skating; it was fun. What a grea' study break I The women of Gamma Ph 130 Student Government . i ASUN - Student Government Wednesday - March 7 NETV Studio 3 1800 No. 33 (East Campus) 6:30pm Senate will be discussing Fund B 140 Personals Girls from Table Rock, You were in a red car Friday. We lost you in traffic. Please call Mark 436-011A. To Jason, Wahoo will prevaill J Rhett, Super job at the swim meet last weekend I Your#1 Fan And right back at ya: DAVID S. Happy Twentieth Birthday Sonja (XO, a.k.a. Pookey) Happy 19th Birthday. What do you say to skipping class today? Love. Truk P.S. Leave my top shirt button alone. 145 Lost & Found[ FOUND: Men's gold wedding band in UNL East Campus parking lot. Inscription. CalI402-624-5155. Found: Two cash cards in the Union. Call 436-0010. Lost brown leather GUESS watch, grey SEIKO watch, and 7200 CASIO Scientific calculator. Call 436-0599. 148 Wanted Need mature Advanced Dungeons and Dragons players for weekend games. Call Mike (11-4) 423 7969 or Mark (evenings) 475-1976. 150 Child Care Needed Childhood Ed major interested in quality part-time care of infant in our home. Flexble hours. Enoeilentpay. 421 7670_ , Part time ohild oare in my home for 10 year old boy. Occasional evenings, weekends, and overnghts. You provide your own transportation, and I provide the reel. ; References. 466-2350. -1 I-L- -' Bring in this coupon for 1 FREE regular wash at Lincoln’s newest, largest, most entertaining Laundromat!!! We have exercise bikes, tanning beds (at 56th St.), big screen TV, 11 small screen TV’s, drop off laundry, dry cleaning, snack bar, pool tables, videos Limit 1 Coupon Per Visit and Per Address Some Restrictions Apply Every Wednesday is Cricket / Pitch Tournament Night $ 1.50 per person to Enter Games (100% payback) t 111*111 Individual or Team Cricket & 10 point Pitch, 4 point Pitch (if enough interest) Meet at 7:30....Competition Starts at 8:00 //w Jt The Watering Hole Basse** [JOYCES SUBS & PIZZA"/ a—Iff// ’iZ-UAYSPEOALg JOYCE’S TURKEY SUB SANDWICHX 6” Half Loaf-$1.25 | . 12” Whole Loaf - $2.50 V|\|ri'rKr Wednesday, March 7th lkNow Serving:^^^ .. * 7 . V X* Just 10 ^42^ through V ^ yogurt Sunday, March 18th jl; A k Two Lincoln Locations: 7wm\ 1320 “Q” Street ' THE REUNION FOOD COURT J.