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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1990)
164 Summer Jobs_ CAMP COUNSELORS. Mala/female. Outstanding Slim down camps: tennis, danoe, slimnastics, WSI, athletics, nutrition/dietetics Age: 20+. Seven weeks. CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massa chusetts. Pennsylvania, California. Contact: Michele Friedman. 947 Hewlett Drive, North Wood mere, NY 11581, 1-800-421-4321. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, spoils, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Aluo kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $900 or more plus RAB. Marc Seeger 1765 Maple, Northfield, IL 60093. 708-446-2444. CHALLENGING SUMMER JOBS WITH OUTDOOR FUN, SALARY AND ROOM/BOARO in camps for dis abled persons. Need male and female camp counselors, lifeguards and specialists in food service, crafts, canoe ing, and camping in beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains or near Eastern Shore. Great experience tor any future career! Training provided. Apply ASAP to CAMP EASTER SEAL. Box 5496. Roanoke, VA 24012 1-800 365-1656. NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS MASSACHUSETTS Mah-Kee Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls Counselor positions for Program Specialists. All Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Field Hockey, Softball, Soccer and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings; also Archery, Riflory. VVeights/Fitness and Biking; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Newspaper. Photography. Cooking. Sewing, Rollerskating, Rocketry, Ropes and Camp Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming, Skiing. Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoe/Kayaking). Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac (Boys), 190 Linden Ave. Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 Danbee (Girls), 16 Horseneck Road, Montville NJ 07045 Please call 1-800-776-0520. 170 Roommates Female Roommates needed' $142 50.month + utilities Townhouse w/hreplaoe. Call 467-3093 leave message ^,*LiVE TONITE* FEMALE DANCERS PETER MCCUES LOUNGE 815 "O” Doors Open at 5 p.m. ********** Sweep Left Sports Bar Live Rock-N-Roll Sandy Creek Band VE GOT W) CALL TODAY! I. BONY h/ANn , TO &£ STUCKim , ^ LINCOLN) J DAYTOHA BEACH ~ *129 * SOUTH PADRE ISLAHD 0„*129‘ STEAMBOAT *101 HMLAUDEBDAil 132* HILTON HEAD ISLAHD ^•127' CORPUS CHRIST!! MUSTAHC ISLAHD .*99* DONT WAIT TIL ITS TOO LATK CALL TOLL FREE TODAY 1-800-321-5911 •Depending on oreak dates and length of stay I. ... . . .. ,» Male, nonsmoker, 2-bedroom apartment. 1833 Wash ington. $155 «-deposit. 435-0528. Roommates needed. $225/month NO DEPOSIT. Cable, utilities paid. 475-7870. 180 Houses For Rent _ 1541 Whittier. Between campuses, like new, two bed room. Low utilities. off-street parking. $300/month. 475 1579,488-0061.__ 2311 U St. Five bedroom, two bath house. $500. Phoenix Properties 489-0621. 3.4 & 5 bedroom houses, near campus. 475-1579 or 488 0061._ ALREADY GOING FAST! Reserve your summer OR FALL 3 to 6 bedroom home now in UNL area. Great Landlords - "We Love Students!' 423-1535. Four bedroom, newly remodeled, close to campus. 1549 N. 23rd. $550. 475-1579 or 488^061 190 Apartments For Rent Close to Campuses Tired o( the same old brown? See our newly decorated one-bedroom with new plush carpet, new ceramic tile, new counters, fan and accent paper. It's a dream come rue at $315 heat paidl Cherry HiU Management 489 3387. Effiaency apartment. $300/month, all utilities paid. 1133 D St. 475-5275. I-1 ★★ FXTRA CASH ★★ FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WITH THIS AD NEW DONORS RECEIVE $25 00!! RETURN DONORS RECEIVE $25 00!! your first time back In over 2 months when you bring a new donor with you Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure (□onuses subject to change) (Mon • Sat) Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bloselence, Inc. 1442 “O" St. Lincoln 475-8645 TOMSELLECK AN INNOCENT MAN I THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Dog restaurants Near Campus Near new, 1 and 2 bedroom units. $',75/$375. With balconies. No pets. 474-04S3. Near new apartment. Occupancy immediately. 335 N. 8th (downtown). Electric stove. Refrigerator, microwave, dish washer, disposal. $273/month plus utilities. Excel lent bargain. 435-2847. NEWER 1 and 2 BEDROOM Security system, microwave, ceiling fan, minutes to University. No pets. 515 and 535 W. Saunders, $300 390. 483-6057 or 483-1130. _ NICER STUDENT SPECIALS 2274 Orchard, 2 bedroom at $295. 2740 “R", 1 bedroom at $210. Parking, laundry, air, 488-6738. _ One bedroom, low utilities, close to UNL, 2424 W St.- 2nd floor, $210. 475-1579. 488-0061. CLOSE TO EAST CAMPUS HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. Spacious, affordable 1 bedroom available NOW with Balcony, Vertical Blinds, and morel 466-8611 Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 Large 1 -2 bedroom apartment, $285 ♦ electricity. Nee large 2 bedroom apartment, new kitchen. $395 + utilities. Both near UNL/Capitol. Call Jeff at 477 4450. $ SAVE $ One bedroom or efficiency 2201 A St. $175, 3179 R St. $190, 3092 T St. $200. Phoenix Properties 489-0621._ 640 S. 20th 2 bedroom, balcony, $374. 475-7262. _ 920 "D", Furnished efficiency, all utilities paid. oentralA C. parking at private entrance. Non-smokers and singles omy!$225 plus security deposit. 476-7416 or 475-9860 evenings. One bedroom tarnished. 1645 E, $250. Heal, water paid. Short term. 435-8252. __ Two bedroom efficiency, close to campus. Non-smoking, neat student. $275, negotiable. 435-0883 or 798-7639. 194 Homes For Sale Townhouse, north Lincoln, large rooms, calhedralce11' inos, mint condition. $48,500. Remax, 467-3000 or Norma Jean, 464-7437. WOW!!! Rates As Low As $25.00 Per Person Per Night. PARTY HEADQUARTERS! T ~ I-800-1W-7JO* | Sfidng Radical 4 * Belly Hop Contest » Tan Line Contest * volleyball * Water Volleyball * Raft Races * Water Hoops » Mr & Ms Spring Break * Watermelon Eatmg Contest fh O <qi 0^0 f* Hotels • Suites • Condominiums . Shake & Bake • Tug-of-War . Beach Olympics » Crab Races * Coed Events * °vef 40 * Fraternity Events Ma»°' » Sorority Events Corporate a Pnzes Galore Spo™“*\ Win Win Win All Day & All Night • Win Thousands & Thousands ot Dollars Worth ot Prizes & Products 'IWie Register To Win A 1990 Plymouth Laser!!! ♦SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY Campus Notes J _I by Brian Shellito ACROSS 1 Hermit e g 5 Michaelma daisy 10 canto 13 Rochester s love 14 Isabel e g 15 Actor Richard from Philadelphia 16 F rustrating scene for a pyromamac in An? ? 19 To eat. m Erfurt 20 Punctures 21 Fruit drinks 24 Naturalist Fossey 25 U S A award 28 Moslem rehuious lead'-i 10 Farm' 34 /eta follower 35 Ticks off 37 Anklebones 38 Wedding mishap at Yosemite7 42 Manolete s adversary 43 Weasel s km 44 Vietnamese New Year 45 Mutations 48 Mens sana m cor pore-“ 49 Articles 50 Baseballs Connie 52 Level 54 Long-finned tuna 58 "Maria 40 s pop hit 62 What George s riding master told him in N H *> 65 Formerly formerly 66 More feeble 67 A party to 68 Marshal of France 1804 15 69 Streamlined 70 Zola heroine DOWN 1 Edible mushroom 2 These may be seeded 3 Letters partner i 4 Ky college 5 Sound from Sandy • Kind of whale 7 Bound 8 "Our revels now are-Shak 0 Basketry fiber 10 Mangel-wurzel 11 Gaelic 12 "'-Make Love," Monroe film 15 Italian flavored ice 17 Jawaharlal's daughter 18 Buck heroine 22 Actor Jannmgs 23 Round of fire 25 Obligations 26 Rope sling for cargo 27 "Five Graves to -1943 film 29 Track events 31 Valletta is its capital 32 Fred or Steve 33 Where knights tilted 36 Shankar's instrument 39 Torpid 40 Yakutsk s river 41 Like 15 Down 46 Diplomats asset 47 Glowers 51 S African native village 53 British Museum's marbles 64 Egyptian deity 55 Scholar's acquisition 56 Body or work preceder 57 Salinger girl 59 Sicilian menace 60 Koestler s "Darkness at 61 Joyce's Livia Plurabelle 63 Haw's companion 64 Bother waited by Eugene 1. 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