The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
served for its historical value and
aesthetic qualities. They also said
Lincoln can’t build on the land be
cause it doesn’t have the deed to it.
Police were waiting for protest
ers as they began to arrive Thurs
day at about 6:45 a.m. The con
struction site, a square section on
the northwest side of the park, was
sealed off by fences.
Protesters crawled under and
climbed over the fences. Police
chased them, knocking down a
female protester.
Later in the morning, construc
tion workers knocked over a tree
with a protester in it. The protester
appeared uninjured.
Rob Benford, assistant profes
sor of sociology at the University
of Ncbraska-Lincoln, said he was
“shocked” by the way police treated
He said police and the bulldozer
operator could have prevented the
toppling of a tree with a protester
in it.
“They could clearly see he was
in the tree,” Benford said. “The
police stood by with their hands in
their pockets.”
Wagner said police were mak
ing every effort to see that no one
got hurt. The worker who knocked
down the tree said he did not sec
the protester, Wagner said.
Anne Garwood, a senior human
services major at the College of St.
Mary’s in Omaha, said the protest
ers will file a complaint against the
police department and the operator
of the bulldozer.
Atabout 10:30a.m.,peoplcout
sidc the fence began to shout ob
scenities as a bulldozer began to
move toward a tree in which UNL
student and Ecology Now member
J Burger was perched.
Benford yelled at a nearby offi
cer to stop the bulldozer.
“It’s your job to do something,”
he yelled.
“Look. He’s backing away,”
the officer replied.
“Well, I watched you let one go
earlier that had a person in it.
“You fascist!” Benford yelled
as the police officer walked away.
Activists cheered and Burger
shook his fist with thumb up when
police waved off the bulldozer.
They shouted “no” and “mur
derers” as the bulldozer proceeded
to fell an unoccupied tree.
At about 12:45 p.m., firefight
ers removed the remaining protest
ers from the trees and police ar
rested them.
A group of about 30 people, in
cluding area residents, gathered
Thursday night in the park to plan
their next move.
The group decided to prepare a
I ist of grievances to take to Lincoln
Mayor Bill Harris after a Lancaster
County Court decision today re
garding placement of an injunction
on Land Construction Inc.
Jan Bush, Butch Ireland and Emily
Rosenbaum contributed to this story.
Butch Ireland'Daily Nebraskan
UNL law student Dave Regan is arrested by two Lincoln
police officers for obstruction of government opera
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Bereuter receives eighth Bulldog award
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Rep. Doug Bcrculcr of Nebraska
I received his eighth Bulldog Award on Wednesday for his 1989 efforts
to cut federal spending.
The award, by Watchdogs of the Treasury Inc., is presented to
members of Congress who vote to limit government spending on
selected issues.
This year, Bulldog Awards were presented to 220 members of
Congress — 184 representatives and 36 senators -- or 41 percent of
Continued from Page 1
incontinent diapers.
The amendment failed 9-20.
Sen. Sharon Beck of Omaha at
tempted an amendment to set aside
$200,000 of the fund for research on
lire waste.
Sen. Paul Hartncttof Bellevue said
enough research had been done and
technology exists to burn tires and
dispose of them safely.
“Wo don’t have to reinvent the
wheel,” he said.
Beck’s amendment failed and so
did Moore’s motion to have it recon
Attention UNL Students:
Due to construction at rjv/4
KriT? the University Health Center
mK we are asking students to Jp11?
temporarily use the east ‘xppi^
entrance off of 15th & U r1!1^!
Streets. iSp
Physically challenged Ljcjxp
students please use the PVVt
northwest entrance off of pjxp^
1)1 Vine Street. * * i
Thank you for your cjpp^i
cooperation. ffipji
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