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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1990)
19 Ticket Exchange WANTED: 1 or 2 tickets to Doc Seuerinson. (March 3, Lied Center) call Cindy 436-7716. 20 Vehicles For Sale '86 Subaru Justy. 4.300 miles, single owner, perfect condition, 435-1519. 1983 Mazda Pick-up, 5-sceeo. AM/FM. Fiberglas Shell 75,000 miles. $2450 offers. 1981 Toyota Celica GT Coup. Auto. Air. Clean. $2550 offers. 1979 Datson 210 Wagon. Auto. Air. Excellent throughout. $1350 offers. 1981 Datsun 210, 2-door. Auto, air, nice, $1850, offer. Baer's Automotive Sales, 1647 S Third. 477-6442. 22 Adoption ADOPTION California Doctor and Wife want very much to share their happy home with infant. We can give a child not only love and caring, but also a future bright with opportunity and financial security. Let us help you through this difficult time. Please give yourself, your baby and us a happier future Expenses paid. Totally legal, attorney involved. Call Sandi collect, 818-447-4115 THANKYOUI ADOPTION California couple with adopted son and lots of love to give desire to adopt newfccrn. Happily married, financially secure. Let us help you through this difficu# lime. Legal confidential. Call Janet coHeci anytime, (707)833-1230 ADOPTION. Open arme, loving heart and home. I'm hoping to share my life with a child. Let's help each other. Call Debbt anytime COLLECT at 215-752-3604 or 802-235-2312. Cora A Stephan, a loving nurse and college profes sor, long to give our hearts, our country home, and a bright future to your newborn. We re good listenera and would like to help. Please taka the first step and call collect (914)528-6045, expenses paid. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? E xplore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483 7879 36 Health & Fitness Body Flex Fitness A Tanning Centers Spring Break Special 4 weeks unlimited tanning S35. 1316 N St., 476-1482. 60 Misc. Services NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES Millions availabe in financial aid. Computerized match ing. Call 475-2058 lor information TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 62 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Free pregnancy test, please call us for appo nt ment. 483 2609 76 Travel ITALY THIS SUMMER Join a UNl group and tee Venice. Florence. Milan and Bologna . experience its arts and culuret May 12-26. Earn credit or not. Call 472-3264 or stop by Flights A Study Tours, 1237 R Street. Rm 102 for details HO Typing & Resumes America's Oldest and Largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing ' Printing Competitive Price - Students Discounts RESUMES 10% off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. 476-6738 3701 0 §t. #B-7 CAN'T TYPE -DON'T WANT TO- - NO TIMEU Wa can handle all your basic typing needs at: COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 476-TYPE 1630 QUE STREET HINZ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers, resumes, newslet ters, brochures, mass mailings and more. Copy service • reductions and enlargements. Resumes Profmutonaty typeeet or laser printed $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan baseman'ot the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing Resumes-Papers. Call Ali-Typee. 477 0445 _ Word processing papers and resumes. Reasonable prices Call Mary 403-4010 110 Announcements Crazy youl You didnl tell us about your trip to Oxford I Bnng your pictures to the Coffee House tonight. 1324 With It ASUN DEBATE TOMORROW! 3:00 - CITY UNION CRIB Make an educated vote on MARCH 14 Birds! Birds! Birds! March 10-11, 1990 Canoe the Platte River with Outdoor Adventures and see sandhill cranes and other migrating water fowl. SIGN-UP DEADLINE: February 27. 1990: Questions? Contact Donna at the Office ol Campus Recreation. Room 55. Campus Recreation Center. 472 3467 EXPEDITION UPC Explore Campus Involvement. Programming chairs and executives needed for the University Program Council. Pick up an application today at CAP Office, 200 City Union or 300 East Union. Concerned about how to Pay for your education? Come to the Government Liaison Committee Meeting on Tuesday the 27th You can learn to lobby for a Nation-wide Financial Aid policy See you at 6:15! Lesbian discussion group meets Wed, 7:30pm at the Women's Resource Center, Nebraska Union 117. NAA A merit as Site Visit _ Tues„ Feb. 27 4:30 Snowflake’s Ice Cream Parlor 611 N. 27th Now Openl Gourmet snow oones-70 flavors, malts, shakes. Two for one snow cones through Feb 28th. SPRING BREAK WITH OUTDOOR ADVENTURES March 23-April 1, 1990 Backcountry skiing in Wyoming--$245, or Canoeing the Rio Grande in Texas-$225. SIGN-UP TODAYII DEAD LINE: FEBRUARY 27. 1990 QUESTIONS? Call Bruce or Donna at Campus Recreation. 472-3467. The Publications Board will interview candidates tor 1990-91 Daily Nebraskan advertising manager at 4:45 p.m., Wednesday. February 28 in the Nebraska Union. All are invited to atlend. To all future professionals: Ever wanted beautiful nails for an important job inter view? Thanks to a technological breakthrough, your nails can be lone and beautiful naturally. For more information call 466-7683. _ _ Good luck, Wendy Today In celebration ot Black History Month, Dr. Joyce Joyce will do a presentation on Zora Neale Hurston. Everyone invitedl 12 p.m., 117 Nebraska Union, Women's Re source Center. UNL AMBASSADORS APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Pick up an application at the CAP offices. 124 Admini stration. or any residence hall desk Due March 2. Get invoked with the University! Win a Hawaiian Vacation or Big Sere-— T.V. pfue Ratee up to *1400 in Just 10 Dayattt Objective: Fund Raiser. Commitment: Minimal Money: Raise $1400 Cost: Zero Investment Campus Organizations, Clubs. Frats Sororities Cal OCMC: 1-800-932-0528/1 800-950-8472, Ed 10. 120 Greek Affairs Congratulations to Shan (XO) and Ted (TKE) on your pinning. Love. XO t<sten 130 Student Government Position open on the Human Rights Committee Applications and Info, avalable Student Government office 115 Nebr Union Deadline 400pm-Feb. 28 ■■■■■■■■■■—■Ml 140 Personals Rob: I missed youl You make my life incredibly greatl ____Love, Dee. Attractive, intelligent woman seeks nice looking, intelli gent. spontaneous non-Greek man in his mi<F20's for potential relationship. RVP Shy and Single 145 Lost & Found ~ FOUND: Gold bracelet in women's bathroom in the Un ion. 488-2851. Found: Pair of men s sunglasses at City Union. Call477 9227 to identify. 146 Wanted Experienced male bench pressers between 19-29 years old as subjects for a research project in the Human Performance Laboratory. Subjects must have been bench pressing for the last two years and be able to lift a minimum of 1.25 times their body weight. H interested Call Loree Wagner at 472-2571 or 475 0457 (leave message). Want to sublease 2 BR, ac, furnished apartment lor June and July. Want to pay $200-300 a month, 488-9595. 150 Child Care Needed Mother's helper needed for New Jersey family. Three children, close to NYC. Housekeeping, babysitting, 5 day or possible work-study arrangement. Call (201 )J79 7228, collect for details. Nanny-CT-NY Professional couple living in beautiful Connecti cut suburb with access to New York City seeks nanny to care for and teach our two enthusiastic 5 and 7 year olds (girl and boy) Seek energetic, intelligent, well-organized 18-28 year old with initiative, to live in for 1 -2 years, beginning June Must, not smoke. References required Highly competitive salary, own suite, car privi leges (good chance to see New England. New i York, travel with us). Call : 212/504 3554 (days). 203/622-1848 (weekends); or write. The Lanes, 17 Pheasant Ln. Greenwich. CT 06830 160 Help Wanted GET AHEAD BY LETTING THE GRASS GROW UNCEfc YOUR FEET As the leader m the $ 1 billion landscape service industry. ChemLawn results are visible all across America. Our talent for growth is exceptional-and that goes tor the people who work here too. With our in depth training and support programs. ChemLawn can otter you an opportu nity for a thriving career. The following opportunities are currently available CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE As a Customer Service Representative, your chief re sponsbility wilt be to identity and meet customer needs You'll handle incoming cafe and taka an active role in internal tracking and foHow-ups To quality, you ! need: * Prior experience in telephone sales or service * Problem-solving abiMws * A pleasant, tactful telephone manner TELESALES REPRESENTATIVE As a Tweeal*s Representative, you'll make telephone sales cals to acquire new customers and new business from current customers You'I also make service cal follow-up# and call-aheads to ensure customer satisfac tion. To quality you'll need: * A persuasive and tactful phone manner * Previous telephone sales experience * Experience m residential sales a plus Wn're a subsidiary of E colab. a Fortune 500 oompany, and offer oorrpetbve pay. flexible schedules, and an opportunity for advancement If the sounds ike the success you're mterested in, contact 402 466-9000. Let us hear how good you can sound. An equal opportunity employer CHEMLAWN We cere, and it (hows. r — — — — — — — — — — — 475-6363 500 off Any Pizza Name__ Address_ Limited delivery area Expires June 15,1990 — — — — — — — — —l — — ■* I I I I I I I 475-6363 i $1.00 off ! Any Pizza! 11a.m.-4p.m. i Name_ | Address__ I Limited deiivery area Expires June 15, 1990 — — — A ' —^ f Broke? "i r1 Need Extra Money? • i DONATE FOR DOLLARS! j This Coupon is worth I J $20.00 j on your 1st and 2nd donations (within 6 days or if you have not returned within 2 months). , Present this coupon-Earn Extra Cash! I For more information call the 1 \ "Friendliest Staff in Town." 474-2335 s ^ Lincoln Donor Center 126 N. 14th Suite #2 I I—I “Harris Provldam A Way To Maka My Contribution To Madlclna!” “Harris provides a great way for me to contribute to medi cal research while studying pre-medat the University” When meeting living expenses get tough, put your good health to work! If you are healthy and at least 19 years of age, join the thousands of people each year who help evalu ate various medications. These medications may be new or currently on the market. Some you may have used in your own home. EARN $200.00 to $2,400.00 Per Study! * Each study Includes a free physical. * Each study Is fully explained. * Each study is medically supervised. HARRIS LABORATORIES £r!ak “Striving To Improve The Quality Of Lite" SSB I aXffi 474-0627 WAlf 621 Rose Street e Lincoln, NE 68502 Check Our Currant Study Living's Ad In The Sun. A Wed. Journal/Star.