The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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The UNL Independent Study program
offers a way to pick up needed
courses at any time during the year. You
can take a course when you need to, not
when the calendar dictates.
■ Take 12 months to complete if
■ Choose from more than 70
credit courses
■ Learn from UNL faculty
Call 472-1926 for details NOW!
UNL Independent Study CdlfStS
Division ot Continuing studies , «
Nebraska Center Room ?69 tlUlt lit VOUf
East Campus. 33rd & Hcldrege • J >
Lincoln. NE 68583-0900 SCfiedllK'
UNL is a nondtscnminalory institution
Spring Break
Hot tubs, pools, tennis
Welcome celebration
• Coed beach volleyball
High quality beachfront
accomodations for 7 nights,
full kitchens, living rooms, color
t.v. cable/HBO, tour guides for
your convenience.
$146 or $179 or
$239 $269
w/ transportation w/ transportation
one block Ocean front
off beach on beach
■ I
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pi No Appointment Necessary 7
gj 476-9466 q
I $700 on S
I Full Service Oil Change I
INow For $ J £95
Only IV (Itog. 23.95)1
W'e change oil, oil Tiller
I We lubricate the chassis ■
We check and fill: transmission fluid , battery ■
fluid, power steering fluid, washer fluid S
We check anti free/e, air niter, wiper blade, *
itirc pressure, vacuum interior, wash windows H
Beef Service In
I Just 10 Mlnutmm ■
All brands ol oil
Expires 5-31-90 I
| 99^
BK Broiler
with purchase of a BK Broiler
at regular price AFTER 4 P.M.
I Come into Burger King® to bite into our delicious
lew BK Broiler for ordy 990 when you purchase
a BK Broiler at regular price (only after 4 p.m.). |
Tender great-tasting all white meat chicken on an
oat bran bun. Flame-broiled. Topped with lettuce,
tomato and creamy ranch dressing. All at a price
that won’t ruffle your feathers.
Offer good for a limited time only.
Editor Amy Edwards Graphics Editor John Bruce
472-1766 Photo Chief Dave Hansen
Managing Editor Ryan Steeves Night News Editors Jana Pedersen
Assoc News Editors Lisa Donovan 5rn?on
Eric Planner Professional Adviser Don Walton
Editorial Page Editor Bob Nelson 473-7301
The Daily NebraskanfUSPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Ne
braska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE, Monday through Friday during the academic year;
weekly during summer sessions. _ „ .. .
Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by
phoning 472-1763 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has
access to the Publications Board. For information, contact Pam Hein, 472-2588.
Subscription price is $45 for one year. . _
Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 1400 R
St Lincoln NE 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln NE.
A Nebraska Company Serving The
University of Nebraska Students
In The Reunion
I Medium Single
Topping Pizzas
$8.99 p>us tax
(Save $2.51)
750 each additional topping
covers both pizzas-Save 250.
Free Delivery
477-6122 *
Offer good until March 4, 1990 • Not good with any other offer.
Student Health and Accident Insurance
Mid West National Life Insurance Company provides UNL students and
dependents with medical coverage designed specifically for them. All
undergraduate and graduate students who have paid their
University Health Center fees are eligible for coverage under this
plan. Their dependents are eligible for coverage, but must use
community medical resources.
Semi-annual coverage from 2/24/90 till 8/24/90, or quarterly coverage
from 2/24/90 till 5/24/90 and 5/24/90 till 8/24/90 is now available
Student Only. $ 71.00
Add for Spouse. 184.00
Add each Child. 80.00
Open enrollment will extend until April 9, 1990.
The insurance policy will pay 80% of the first $2500 or reasonable and
customary expenses after a deductible has been met, and 100% of the
expenses above $2500, up to a lifetime maximum of $50,000. For
treatment received at the UNL Health Center, the deductible is waived
and covered expenses are paid at 100%. Refer to your insurance
brochure for additional benefit* and covered expenses.
If you wish to be covered under this plan, you must fill out the enrollment
cards available by mail or from the Student I lcallh Center. Coverage
becomes effective on start date or when premium is received.
^ __ _n*