WEATHER INDEX Thursday, cloudy and much colder, high in the Wou.c 0 mid- to upper-20s, north wind 10-15 miles per al.J hour. Thursday night, 30 percent chance of light Er"”: •.c snow, low 10-15. Friday, continued cloudiness .,! and ooki. 30 percent chance of snow, high in the c”sslfiMs„ ~ Vol. 89 No. ®ria Ayotte porter >raska legislators Wednesday adopted i amendment that would give the niversity of Nebraska $50,(XX) for tire ; research as part of a $1.5 million luction and recycling proposal, mendment, introduced by state Sen. /lorrissey of Tecumseh, was added to signed to reduce solid waste in Nc t would provide $50,000 to help ft* search for a lire-buming plant to gen ver for UNL. maining $1.45 million would go for a ensive Nebraska plan for waste reduc recycling to be administered by the ent of Environmental Control. Morrissey said the adoption of his amend ment by a 32-10 vote shows legislators are making waste reduction a priority. The Legislature now must act to finance a plan for waste reduction, Mor rissey said. If it doesn’t, the federal government eventually will close Nebraska’s unlicensed dumps, he said. The first priority in setting up a plan is to reduce sources of waste by encouraging the use of reusable containers and reducing the toxins in packaging materials, Morrissey said. “We must encourage our folks and the businesses in this stale to use products that arc recyclable,” he said. Sen. Dianna Schimck of Lincoln voiced support of the amendment. ‘‘This is not what you call a sexy issue,” Schimck said. “It’s not as hot as low-level radioactive waste, but it is an issue that is as important or more important than that issue.” Sen. George Coordsen of Hebron said he also supports the amendment because ‘‘it doesn’t single out a particular form of the problem” like the bill does. * The bill, LB 163, puts a $1 tax on tires and a fee on all businesses for a Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Fund which would grant money for improving waste-reduction and recycling practices. Sen. Rod Johnson of Sutton, the bill's spon sor, said he supports using lax money for the fund, but didn’t think the Legislature would approve it. The bill as amended would still include the fees on tires and businesses in addition to the $1.5 million. Some senators said they think Morrissey’s amendment should become the bill. LB 163 is now in the second round of debate. Amendments are pending to put a tax on dis posable diapers and to use a certain percentage of the tire tax specifically for reduction in tire waste. Senators also passed an amendment intro duced by Johnson that would prohibit giving the bill's grants to unlicensed landfills unless the grants were used to bring the landfills up to standards needed for licensing.