The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1990, Page 3, Image 3
Conflict jntinued from Page 1 this case through the courts,” Landis said. Spire said Landis is not included in the lawsuit because he is not on the payroll of a state university. Doane and St. Mary’s are private colieges. Landis did not say he agreed or disagreed with Spire. He said if the result of the case is that he cannot accept money for teaching, he will not. Landis said he also will give up teaching at public schools if the court decides it violates the constitution. ‘‘I think very highly of Sen. Con way, and I believe people who have die qualities it takes to teach are needed in the Legislature,” Spire said. ‘‘But this case is an example of how the attorney general has the obligation to protect the constitution.” Conway said he will be disappointed if he is forced to give up teaching. ‘‘I think it is very valuable that I can share my experiences with my students,” he said. ‘‘I teach to my students about business, government ment and finance, and the informa tion I give to them firsthand they normally couldn’t get for three ye^rs until it was printed in a textbook.” Landis said, ‘‘Constitutional lan guage is not clear. It will be very helpful to get the kind of direction this case will provide.” Health Continued from Page 1 That will allow more stu dents to see a doctor, she said, and the fees students pay to keep physicians at UHC will not be going to waste. The UHC Dental Clinic has been charging $ 15 for no-shows for about a year, she said. Since then, missed appointments have been almost non-existent, Rizijs said. Patients are told of the new policy when they make appoint ments, Ri/.ijs said. UHC also has hung posters to inform students of the charges. qnori^~ Lied Center extends brick-selling to raise funds II he Lied Center for Performing Arts fund-raising group currently is selling engraved bricks, trees and benches for the new center. f The cost of a brick is a $50 tax deductible donation to the Friends of Lied, and donors become char ter members of the organization. IBnHaHBHBHI - anun For more information, call the Lied Center office 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. EUROPEAN T A M S P A Tanning Center Suite 216-2nd Level Gold’s Galleria 474-5355 Only for student American Express* Cardmcmbers. Apply for the American Express* Card. Then get ready to take off. In search of adventure, action-or just simply to escape. 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