The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    NPl/VQ nicXPQt Associated Press
-L ^ V * f CJ JL^ X li|V ^ Edited by Brandon Loomis
Arrests in Haiti prompt fears of military dictatorship
prominent civic leader, considered
the father of Haiti’s constitution, was
forced into exile Sunday by the mili
tary regime a day after it imposed a
state of siege and arrested dozens of
Dr. Louis Roy, 74, founder of the
Haitian Red Cross, boarded a Miami
bound commercial flight. Saturday,
another government critic, conserva
tive leader Hubert de Ronceray, was
forced into exile after police and sol
diers rounded up dozens of opponents
in a city-wide sweep.
Roy was a co-author and major
inspirer of the 1987 constitution,
approved by 99 percent of voters in a
Critics said the arrests, beatings,
banishments and state of siege indi
cated Haitian ruler Lt. Gen. Prosper
Avril plans to turn his regime into a
dictatorship and renege on promises
to hold free elections this year.
The sweep followed the slaying
Friday night of an army colonel by
unidentified assailants. More arrests
were reported Sunday.
Max Bourjolly, second in com
mand of the Haitian Communist party,
was arrested at his home, according
to party leader Rene Theodore. He
said police phoned Bourjolly’s ser
vants and told them to prepare his
passport and belongings.
All appeared normal and quiet in
Port-au-Prince, the capital, Sunday.
Parishioners went to church, no army
patrols could be seen, and public trans
port functioned.
Dozens of political leaders and
militants were rounded up Saturday,
according to witnesses. About 10 were
released and said they had been se
verely beaten, including socialist leader
Serge Gilles.
Besides Bourjolly, at least two
political leaders -- Dr. Sylvain Jolibois
of the small radical Jean-Jacques
Dessalines Group and Abby Brun of
the center-left Congress of Demo
cratic Movements Party remained in
custody Sunday. About 30 militants
of the Congress of Democratic Move
ments Party also were in custody,
said Moyse Senatus, the party’s co
Sylvio Claude, the popular radical
leader of the Haitian Christian Demo
cratic Party, called The Associated
Press on Sunday to say police “had
come to get me” Saturday but he
escaped and was in hiding.
Tbe government announced the
state of siege Saturday night and said
that under it, a law forbidding the
forced exile of Haitian nationals was
being suspended.
It also renewed an entry visa re
quirement for Haitians reluming from
abroad “to prevent the infiltration of
terrorist agents.” The practice was
abolished shortly after dictator Jean
Claude Duvalier fled into exile in
France in 1986.
'Human rights activistJean-Claude
Bajeux said Sunday he believed Avril
used the killing Friday night of Col.
Andre Neptune as a pretext to round
up his critics and abort plans to hold
free elections scheduled for October.
Neptune, his wife and servant were
gunned down in suburban Fontamara,
100 yards from de Ronceray’s house.
The motive for the killing was not
Bajeux, who arrived in Puerto Rico
from Haiti on Friday, said he sus
pected either army rivals or the drug
mafia were behind the killings.
De Ronceray, who has urged Avril
to resign, also was a key leader of the
opposition to Duvalier.
Avril took power in a September
1988 soldiers’ revolt that ousted the
previous military leader, Henry
Namphy. He promised to hand over
power after elections this year.
Editor Amy Edwards Professional Adviser Don Walton
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Washington mayor says he needs help I
WASHINGTON - Mayor Marion
Barry, acknowledging that he needs
to heal his “body, mind and soul,”
but declining to mention drug abuse,
announced Sunday that he will seek
help following his arrest on a misde
meanor cocaine possession charge.
At times blinking back tears, the
mayor provided no further details on
what kind of assistance he will seek.
Barry, 53, was arrested Thursday
evening at a downtown hotel in an
FBI sling operation.
Herbert Reid Sr., one of the mayor’s
closest personal advisers, said he hoped
that from Barry’s travails “we can all
learn something about drug addic
Barry spokeswoman Lurma Rack
ley said: “The most serious problem
is alcoholism.”
Barry had been poised to announce
his bid for a fourth term as mayor on
Sunday, but his arrest has thrown
local politics into convulsions. Sev
eral advisers said Barry had agreed to
abandon his bid for re-election.
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