The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1990, Page 11, Image 11

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Continued from Page 9
for the Meat Puppets to get picked up
by a major label soon. Kirkwood’s
vocals are not particularly distinc
tive, but they are smooth and sort of
average-guy sounding. Kirkwood’s
voice attracts real people. And it sounds
honest live.
Brother Cris Kirkwood is more
intense, though less multi-faceted. He
peeks out from behind his hair when
he tosses his head up for ,ome back
ground harmony. His bass playing is
fast and vicious, even in ethereal songs
when Kurt softly picks his guitar.
Behind the brothers sits drummer
Derrick Bostrom, who drums stead
ily, sometimes harder, sometimes
softer. Bostrom is the background
guy, the quiet one. He sported a new
haircut for the crowd Saturday.
The Puppets rely more on music
than voice, though the Kirk woods’
harmonies are great, even Grateful
But the magic of the Meat Puppets
comes from their informality and love
of music. There was no opening act It
was cold outside. There really were
n’t too many people in the club.
Yet the Meat Puppets took the
stage in leaps and bounds, simply
tearing into their tunes, many from
their new release on SST, “Mon
The Meat Puppets have evolved
tremendously since their beginnings,
from the cathartic chaos of “Meat
Puppets” in 1982, to the prairie-punk
mosh of “Meat Puppets II” and fi
nally into a fusion of the two, which
evolved over a few more albums.
“Monsters” combines elements of
the old and the new. And behind it,
the album leaves a chameleon-like
collection of Meat Puppet creativity.
The instrumental power of “At
tacked By Monsters” raised the high
est level of appreciation from the
darkly-clad crowd, as Kirkwood
screamed to the point of physical
He pummeled his instrument, and
the typical reverberated, hollow dis
tortion that typifies the Puppets seemed
to gamer a few extra volts.
But the 1 1/2 hour set, though
powerful, sometimes became a trifle
monotonous when the Meat Puppets
played speed metal bluegrass time
and time again.
But this style is what they have
found most attractive during their
dabblings all these years. This is what
hard-core Meat freaks want. Meat
freaks are the people that chant “More
meat, more meat,” when they want
an encore, though the Puppets gladly
encored Saturday.
And, all in all, the Puppets’ thrashy
bluegrass is quite unique. Kirkwood’s
finger dexterity is simply incredible
to watch.
Dueling banjos, step aside for the
flaming Kirkwoods. They are an
NdSaskan Classified 472-2588
Monday, January 22,1990
aMHHMHHHHnBI 64 Printing
vo Religious
■BBBDMBflHH 72 Rentals
2 Appliances 74 Social Services
3 Bicycles 76 Travel
4 Books 78 Tutoring
5 Clothing 80 Typing A Resumes
6 Computers -
8 Furniture
9 Garage Sales -
10 Misc. For Sale 100 Rides
12 Musical Instruments 110 Announcements
14 Photo Equipment 120 Greek Affairs
16 Sporting Goods 130 Student Government
18 Stereos/TVs 135 Meeting Others
19 Ticket Exchange 140 Personals
20 Vehicles 145 Lost A Found
-148 Wanted
22 Adoption HHMU^B&SEESSiHnH
25 Automotive 150 Child Care Needed
28 Beauty Aids 160 Help Wanted
30 Bridal 162 Work Study Jobs
32 Counseling 164 Summer Jobs
34 Floral -
36 Health A Fitness
38 Insurance -
40 Instruction 170 Roommates
42 Job Placement 175 Rooms For Rent
44 Legal 180 Houses For Rent
60 Misc. Services R*n'
CO Dre«nan/Hi 1 Hom#t F<>f S#1#
62 Pregnancy 198 Vacatlon R*n!atj
$2 50 per day for 10 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$3 00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads
$ 15 each additional word.
$ 75 Pilling charge Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge
2 p m day before publication (Monday
through Friday)
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reservesthe right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper
The advertisers agree to assume liability for all
contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim
arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras
6 Computers
r For sale Macintosh computer plus disc drive One year
old. excellent condition, in original boxes. S1050. 436
7000. _ __
Stride 440. Motorola 68000 Hard disk, terminal. Soft
ware included $1000 472-2740 or 435 6967.
10 Misc. For Sale
6-year Mademoiselle Club Elite membershp. $600
o b o. Call 421-7193. leave message.
Cliff's tor Gilts. Free gift wrapping 140 N. 12th.
Cliffs tor Beer Steins' 140 N. 12th.
1920's to 1960 s vintage clothing, older jewelry, coats.
1920 s mohair couch set. railroad drafting table, Deco
wardrobe, prints. One week Monday 22nd, Tuesday
23rd, Thursday 25th. Friday 26th, Saturday 27th. 12-6.
1551 N Comer (Bethany) North corner, side entrance.
464 2264 afternoons.
Peavey Impact I Electric Guitar. Loaded Black First
offer over $200 489 6908 leave message
Old fashioned Coca-Cola 10 or bottle vending machine.
Also holds tong- necked beer bottles Great for dorm room
or frat Works Greah $225. Call436 0760 Ask for Matt.
Snow skies, 160,170, $40. Ski boots. 476-4368 or 421
Top quality stereo equpmente and compact refngerator.
18 Stereos/TVs
Pioneer cETtoyerTTemoTe control, cheap Call 466
20 Vehicles For Sale
1985"Ma/da RX7. fully loaded. Runs and looks great.
Must see. Will take best offer. 477-0950 _
1979 AMC Spmt. See to believelll $100 OBO. 464-0371
22 Adoption
Adopt-Young loving professional California couple with
home of their own unable to have children seeks to share
their life and happiness with newborn baby. Expenses
paid; fully legal Please call Freddie or Scott oollect at
818 981-8745 _
A loving, happily married oouple wishes to adopt your
newborn. We will love and cherish this child Let's help
each other. Expenses paid Legal and confidential.
Please call Linda & Myron collecl, 212-932-7544.
Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are
only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for c
confidential services. Contact:
Nebraska Children's Home Society
4600 Valley Road
We long to adopt newtoom to share our love and security.
Please call us. and together we can help each other
through this difficult time. Legal/confidential. Expenses
paid. Kathy and John collect, 516-433-0071.
60 Misc. Services_
323 North 13th Street
62 Pregnancy
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping
hand. Free pregnancy tec.: please call us for appoint
ment. 483-2609.
80 Typinu & Resumes
America a Oldest and Largest
* Consulting * Writing
* Typing * Printing
Competitive Price - Students Discounts
Lifetime nationwide updating.
475-6738 3701 O St. #B 7
can handle all your basic typing needs at:
Professionally typeset or laser punted $1041S plus tax
Daily Nebraskan
basement of the Nebraska Union
Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call
All-Typee. 477-0445.
110 Announcements ~
February 4. Call 423-7171. or 483-1384._
Are you concerned about the World $ its Environment?
Attend the
Monday, January 22 - 7:00-900pm
Bennett Martin Library
14th $ N_
Are you tired of Nebraska’ In only 61 days, you too could
be in Panama City Beach, Florida. Join UPC Main Events
for Spring Break 90 For more information stop by our
booth in City Union or call 472-1879.
Attention all Freshmen
and Sophomore
Business Majors
For fnends, fun and professionalism, we are Delta
Sigma Pi, a professional business fraternity now
recruiting. Come to our meeting Monday Jan 22 at
790 p.m. City Union^Hentage Hoorn or call Ron at
We Want You
Attn. Juniors
Innocent* Society Applications are available now. Pick
one up in CAP-City (20) NE Union), or CAP-East (300 NF.
East Union). Applications are due Friday, Feb 2.
CBA Student Advteory Board
Important meeting to start the year CBA 107. January
24th and 5:30.
College Republicans
Meeting: Jan. 23, 1999
Place: Regency Rm. ir the Union
Time: 7l0oprr\
Speakers: 3rd District Repub Candidate*
New Members Always Welcomel
Questions; Call Lori at 436 6161 or Kristina at 477
_5150 _
Cornhusker Debate Team looking for Policy Debaters.
Call Dr Ann Petlus, 472-6920. 413 Oldfather
1920 s to 1960's vintage clothing, older |ewelry, coats,
1920 s mohair couch set. railroad drafting table, Deco
wardrobe, print*. One week Monday 22nd, Tuesday
23rd Thursday 25th. Friday 26th. Saturday 27th. 124.
1551 N. Cotner (Bethany) North corner, side entrance.
464-2264 afternoons___
Honors Program Students
T Shirts and sweatshirts are here. S8 and $16. Pick them
up in the Honors Program Office Today._
Tuesday, January 23 is the entry deadline for the follow
ing activities: men's, women's, and co-rec snow softball
tournament; and men s, women's, and oo-rec table soc
cer doubles. 472-3467.
Male research subjects needed. Weightlifting training
study-10 week suporviseo program, if mte rested contact
Karen KnorU, morning & evenings at 483-4249 or after
noons at 4834709.
The National Association of Accountants is having an
informal informational meeting on Tuesday. January 23.
6:00, Nebraska Union. New Members Welcome.
Ok. I survived the weekendl Working, shopping, and
partying. What a life* Now for some serious studying and
eating, let s meet at The Coffee House, 1324 P, across
the street from the new parking lot.
Hungry As Always
The UNL colony of Phi Beta Chi National Sorority will be
conducting a spring rush beginning January 24 Inter
ested, full-time undergraduate women m good academic
standing are invited to a rush information session on
Wednesday, January 24 at 7:00pm at the Union (room
posted). If you are interested but unable to attend, stop
by the booth in the Union .January 22-23.
Shape up with Fitness Classes through the Office of
Campus Recreation. The first six-week session begins
January 29. There are a variety of times and types of
classes to choose from Register now at the Campus
Recreation Center, the East Campus Activities Building
or by mail. Call 472-3467 for additional information.
Soccer Club Practice 8-10 p m Tuesday and Thursday.
Cook Pavilion. New Members Welcome.
Student Alumni Association applications will be avail
able beginning January 22nd. Get yours at the Wick
Center or CAP otfice.
UNL Taekwonto Karate
Class Starts next Friday- 1/26/90. Information call 476
0788 or 423-4855 611 North 27th
We Want You!
Come find out why.
January 23. 1990 7:30 pm
Nebraska East Campus Union
U.S. Peace Corps
Welcome Back PALS/NHRI
Meeting Tuesday. January 23
5:30pm 501 Building
Win a Hawaiian Vacation or Big Screen T.V. plus
Raise up to $1400 in Juat 10 Days!!!
Objective: Fund Raiser.
Commitment: Minimal
Money: Raise $1400
Cost. Zero Investment
Campuc Organizations, Clubs. Frats. Sororities Call
OCMC: 1800-932 -0528/1-600-950-8472.Jxt 10
You won't want to miss
Tuesday at 6:15
, Nebraska Union
Young adult diabetes support group formng. January
24th. 7:30 p.m. in the Center for Health Enhancement in
the library. 50th and Sumner. Further information con
tact Bill Mmnick, 435-5547.
120 Greek Affairs
AXO Soon-to-be-New-lmtiates,
Are you excited for Initiation Week? You better
be...we sure arell
Love, The Actives
Best Fundraisers On Campus!
Is your fraternity, sorority or dub interested in earning
$1,000.00+ for a one-week, on-campus marketing proj
ect? You must be well-organized and hard working. Call
Corine or Myra at (800)592-2121.
Congratulations to the Newly Elected Officers of Beta
SigmaPsi: President -Mark J., First Vice President -Keith
K.. Second Vice President -Craig W., Secretary -Tod L.,
Treasurer -Teriy P , Activities -wade S., Social Chair
man -Terry P., Steward -Roy J„ Athletics Neal T„ Pub
licity -Dave A., IFC -Terry P., Corresponding Secretary *
Brad B., Alumni Relations -Chris M., Music -Kevin H.
Congratulations to the new executive officers of Chi
Omega: Amy B . President; Kara P.. Vice President;
Jennifer S , Secretary; Stacy M„ Treasure'; Dana
Pledge Trainer; Paige C.. Personnel; Lisa K.. Rush;
Carrie C., Panhellenc Delegate. Let's make this an
outstanding year!!
Congratulations to Keith Zeus" K. on his evnagement to
The Men of SAM
Congratulations to our new appointed officers, Cliff K.
Intramurals, Rick W - Scholarship, Steve T.-Asst. Treas..
Jeff H.-Alumni, Mark O.-Asst Social. Andy R.-Chapter
Editor. Phil G.-Judcial Board, Scott L.-Real Estate Dev.,
Joe K.-Favor Fund, Red I -Entertainment. Andy A.-Inter
nal Dev., Tim G.-Designated Dover Program. Matt M.
Public Relations.
The Men of Delta Upsilon
130 Student Government
ASUN Senate Vacancies
Represent your college constituents.
The following colleges have vacancies:
Ag. - Div. of General Studies
Home Ec. - Nursing - Graduate
Campus wide vacancies on the following committee:
Teaching Council
Deadline is Wednesday, Jan 31 at 4:00 p.m.
Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union.
140 Personals__
Sharon H.,
Congrats on your engagement to Toddl (Maybe it's
something in our water. )
Chad H„
Are you afraid of heights?
Your Fan Club
The first year was gieatl With many more to come.
Love Ya, Jac
150 Child Care Needed _
Childcare needed, my home. 1 evening a week. 14th &
Old Cheney area. Non-smoker & own transportation.
Join the only successful nanny network and experience
growth with a great family in a new location. For details
call Arlene Streisand Inc., 1-800-443-6428. Minimum
age 18. _
Wanted: Babysitter, Wednesday & Saturday evenings.
Holmes Lake area. S4/hr., own transportation. Call 488
160 Help Wanted ~
BUS DRIVERS lor Lincoln Public Schools. Substitutes
needed for split shift assignment. 7-9 a.m. and 2-4 p m.
excellent driving record required. Furnish current driving
record when making application. Salary: $7.57/hour.
Apply: Personnel ottice, 720 S. 22nd Street.
Grandmother's-70th & A is now hiring day waitery only.
Apply 2 4p m. Vonday-Friday Will Interview.
Due to a 50% increase in business, is now accepting
applications for all positions to help us stall our new store
I in East Lincoln triply in person, between 1 & 4p.m. daifv
at 132 South 13th Street. no phone calls please EOEj AA
- Now tvnng part-time kitchen & waitery positions toi
weekends, week nights A lunch hours. Please apply at
Taste of India, 12090 St. in Glass Menagerie, 475-1642
. Part-Time Computer Operator. Pay depends upon expe
rience H interested call Nets Inc.. 423-6333, ask for Jim,
Broke j need extra money
after the holidays?
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