Arts & Entertainment 3i- -^31 __ \ The Precinct starting to detain bar-goers ■y Troy Falk |^atl Reporter I Some of you may have noticed the new bar next to P.O. Pears; some of *||>u may have not. hitr-— 1 Either way, you’re busted. '£ The Precinct, 226 S. 9th St., isn’t a c©p shop, but the name is quite appro priate; the Lincoln Police Department is located right behind it. I The bar, which is about two months old, is open from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Plans are in the works for extending the days to include Sunday. Lincolnites are just beginning to discover the bar, according to Laura Lay, a bartender. . “We’re busy on the weekends, but the weekdays fluctuate from busy to only a few customers,” she said. The bar’s staff has been working steadily to improve the newly-opened business., according to Becky Smith, co-owner. The other owners are Jody Luth and her brother Jerry Luth. 4 ‘Once the kitchen is up and going the hours will be extended to include a happy hour,” Smith said. . The Precinct attracts the “younger, professional crowd,” with a few col lege students mixed in among the customers, Smith said. The dress code -4 4 Lincoln needed a dance bar like this. Pritchard Customer -M requires a collar or dress shirt at the doorman’s discretion. The atmosphere of the bar is modem art deco. The colors range from black bar and table tops to blue-grey walls. Dark blue carpeting covers the entire See PRECINCT on 10 Melissa McReynolds/Daily Nebraskan Dancers enjoy the Precinct. New planetarium special bounds toward stars By Troy Falk Staff Reporter The stars are out in Lincoln. A new multi-media planetarium Jin£OllLi special, “Starbound,” is showing at tnc Ralph Mueller Planetarium, lo cated inside the Nebraska Stale Mu seum. Once a person finds the planetar ium in the labyrinth of a museum wider construction, “Starbound” proves to be worth the inconvenience. The program starts out with a live picture from a space shuttle. The lights dim and a narrator booms out, “A long time ago in a galaxy not so far from here a man looks up and ques tions. Now, here is the confusing part the more he learns, the less he knows; the more he finds, the more questions he asks.” The program then continues into a history of space exploration. “Star bound” chronicles the major events in actual space and in observatories. This is done with a flare and style that makes it entertaining, rather than feeling like a classroom lesson. One particularly entertaining piece is the collage of pictures surrounding the first landing and walk on the moon. The next scene shows the location and a brief history behind the more well-known constellations. The my thology behind these constellations proves to be interesting. The calendar constellations are then explained and their locations are pointed out on the imitation night sky, which is quite impressive. These constellations are shown to be in groupings of three, correspond ing to their season. “Starbound” also delves into the world of unmanned space probes — their history, as well as the early myths and ideas about our neighbor planets. The narrator then moves into the use of these probes in the future and how new ones arc being built to better stand the rigors of space. One type of satellite was designed to observe different types of high energy sources-. X-rays, ultraviolet rays and gamma rays. A new satellite is being designed to detect low en ergy outputs. “Starbound” was written and di rected by Jack Horkhcimcr, director of Miami’s Space Transit Planetar ium. Horkhcimer also is the host of the series “Star Hustler” on the Public Broadcasting Service. Overall, the program is quite inter esting, though it would have been more enchanting to focus on the stars and constellations than on the slide show. The mythologies and stories behind the constellations could have been expanded to give more informa tion. “Starbound” will be shown every weekend through February 4. Show lime is 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Admission is S2.50 for adults and $1.50 for students and children. Future shows will include “Mys tery of the UFO’s,” Feb. 10 - March 18and “Firstlighl,” March 24 - April 14. The planetarium’s scries of laser light shows will return Feb. 3 with a new schedule of shows to be an nounced. hood riddance to the oils, but. . . Music could become nauseating in the 1990s The ’80s are over. Kaput. Gone, flittered. With them went the Berlin Wall, teak dancing and Billy Beer. % Good riddiance! I Some say the ’80s produced some 4 the most innovative music since Mike Deeds Bob Dylan plugged a guitar wall, and everyone knows t the top albums of the decade e - at least they should. Every music critic in the world has Ikhed a4 ‘hest’’ or “most inuuen |>r “influentially most bestest” list showing everyone what lould have worshipped as THE of the ’80s. If you haven’t the albums, you may as well die d every list is the same, u know, a couple of biggies, say lel Jackson’s “Thriller” and $stccn’s “Bom in the USA.’’ i couple of groundbreaking, yet mably alternative releases like milhs’ debut or U2’s “War.” t wait... not one writer has red you for the the coming dcc Not one lousy journalist has cd the ethereal soundscapcs that lesmerize your soul, til now. Only in Nebraska could nd such cultural sophistication, re are the predictions, the al to watch for in the ’90s. I won’t say I told you so. 10, 9,8,7,6, 5,4, 3,2... 1. Madonna,‘‘Find a Virgin.” Mole Records) Our lucky starwill make thentovef into the porn industry under thegtfkj-t ance of manager Traci Lords, udK>sc| first album will be produced by the soundtrack to “Find t* ’ the block bus ter XXX flick featuring, yes, Madonna and Traci Lords. Ex-1 pec t a lot of synthesizers and a special ( scene with Dom Dcluisc. 2* U2812, “Sell Me Out, Sir.” (Fat Wallet Records) ui yeiiuivurc* events, Van Halcn will announce one more lineup change, tip time adding U2’s Bono as vocalist. Goodbye, Sammy. Poor Hagar laid The Edge will try desperately to make it as a sort or Simon and Garftmkel, but to no avail. However, Bono and Eddie Van Halcn will have a great time abandoning their original love of imarfc so they can sell more records. Wall i:ll you see the cover shot of Bono onstage atop Eddie's shoulders. 3. Guns *bT Roses, “Ucs” (Longf Needle Records) ppj^tjiiebaiul*, piny will reissue OwEP^Lies” In hopes of gaining a following once again. Axl Rost' will prepare for the band’s next album by having his vocal chords operated on for the sixth rime, this time implanting those of gejiefc| ous rocker Neil Young. Expecta huge front page Enquirer story when Slash admits he wears Gene Simmons’ old wig. 4. Tone Loc, “Stairway to Heaven” (Def Haro Recofd&K^ Our favorite rapper again will do a if they can crash through a wall in his video. \ 5. Metallica, “Bach’s Fifth Con certo in E Minor.’’ (Reptile Metal Dfeftth Records) Metallic^ will release a seven-LP set dedicated entirely to Johann Se bastian 0ech. Of course, while this takes them another step in proving they are “legitimate’ ’ musicians, the usual razor .chunk’distort ion will be there. James Hetfteld will deliver another round of socially aware lyrics in the hit single “None,” this time about a dead-but-sort-of-alive man who has arms and tegs, but no head or genitalia. 'W 6. Ktlla Manilla Vanilla, “List I,.-., •> cover-up years ago. Samantha will stun photographers by suddenly attempting to prove it, reminiscent of her Page Three days. 8. Death Donny, “Raining Blood.” (Osmond Assault Records) Donny Osmond will release a new record on his own private label after learning nobody really likes him. After getting a hair extension, he will hit the road with Death Donny, his new speed metal band, in support of Slayer’s tour. “Raining Blood” will go plati num after audiences learn the stage blood in his act is actually Marie’s. 9. Sting/Petcr Gabriel/Michacl Stipe/David Byrne, “OK, We Don’t Really Care." (CCCP 1 Records) The big voices of music will re lease a joint venture from a prison recording studio in Siberia. After ingesting song alter song aoout worm peace and environmental awareness, the American public will finally real ize these guys are filthy rich hypo crites. Consequently, the musicians will be deported. Bono will luck out and not have to go because of U2812’s Jhuge popularity. I' 10. Molorhead, “Motorhcad.” (Motorhcad Records) By 1999, Motorhcad, the all-time greatest metal band, will run com pletely out of songs to play. Vocalist and bass player Lemmy Kilmister, now becoming senile, will decide to rerecord every album the band ever made - except even louder. The world will explode. Deeds is it senior news-editorial major and the Dally Nebraskan arts and entertain ment editor.