The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1989, Page 15, Image 15
I-Time Assistant Youth Counselor. Teen Mother's ie. $5.53/hr. 25/hrs a week. Overnight/awake, rsday, 6-10p.m.: Friday. 9p.m.-6a.m.; Saturday, n -6a.m. Education/Work Experience in Human nces or Related Field with Parenting/Child Develop it Experience. Degree Preferred. Only-those wanting -Time need apply. Close December 22.4p.m. Youth lice System, 2202 South 11th, Room 154. EOE tOMMATES lale Roommate. Very near campus. Own bedroom i Bathroom. $187+1/2 Utilities. Call Katie, 477-8237. ise keep trying. ___ 1 student preferred, non-smoker, $160, call Ken 476 3; 475-1907._ 1, $180 ♦ 1/2 utilities. 2 bedroom with fireplace. 477 i/female to share 3 bedroom house, close to cam $200 month, all utilities paid ♦ washer/dryer. $100 >sit. 435-2983Dan.__ 4 male liberal minded roommate, nice 2 bedroom tment. $145+deposit. 476-1292 _ 4 Roommsissto share three bedroom with washet dryer. Call 474-5262._ ded female, non-smoker, $148 per month ♦ 1/3 es Nice apartment, close to campus, own bedroom. 477-2587. Need immediately!1 II-smoking male for 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. 6/month ♦ 1/3 electric. Washer/Dryer. Furnished spt your room. GREAT PLACE 'I Call 476-0016 Craig nted: nonsmoking male/temale ASAP. $100 month I 1/4 utilities 475-8559. POMS FORRENT^_= rooms for rent. Males, non-smokers, upperclass v'graduates. Near campus. $150 per room, utilities ♦ ,her/dryer provided. Available second semester 3342_ Utilities Paid I Free Cable. Kitchen. Lounge and ndry Facilities. Clean and Sharp! 1144 F. $150 5 477-5617.__ toms available in the UNL Residence Halls. Cost (per irson) for double room; 20 meals a wee!',, local tele one service and cable TV hookup is approximately 12 00 a month. For more information oontact 1006 laton Hall or call 472-3561. lare our family home near UNL beginning January 3. is one block. Huge bedroom, kitchen, laundry, private lone. $175, utilities included. 3510 Woods Ave. 435 '61 IQUSKS FOR RENT ~ bedroom duplex, real nice. $300. 1541 Whittier. 475 >79 or 466-1168 bedroom. 2 bath, furnished 2620 W Street $460 ♦ iposit. short-term leases. 435-5226-daytime. 488 II27-evening. Bedrooms. 2 Baths, Very Nice. $600. 1531 North 2nd 475-1579 and 466-1168 our bedroom, 2 baths. 873 N. 25 Very nice, near ampus, ideal for students. $550 475-1579. 466-1168. APARTMENTS FOR RENT SSUM&T 234 South 27th. Unturmshed One-Bedroom, Off-Street Parking $225. 477-4863. 2500 WStreet. Spacious, 3-Bedroom, Fireplace. Central Air. Available now S440/mo. 435-7780. 3 bed room, 2442 Vine St.. $375 month ♦ utilities. 476 9565. Close to UNL. Nice, 7 bedroom apartment. Central a/c, 3 baths. No pets 423-0389. Close to UNL. One bedroom apartment, no pets. 423 0389 East Campus Area. Large 2 bedroom, fireplace, all appli ances, laundry available. 4210 HUntington, $355 per month. 423-0902. Efficiency apartment*. $169/month, close to canvjus. Call 488-7368 or 435-3320 Furnished Apartment 134 South 17th. Small, Clean. 1 Bedroom, Just Painted. Only 6 blocks from Student Union. $225, Utilities Paid. Deposit. Washing. No pets. 435-1294. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Avenue Spacious 2 bedroom apartment available now. 100 0011 Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666. Move in Now- Pay Later. 877 North 26th. 1 Bedrooms, $235-5250 Heat Paid Call tor Details Joseph E. Kean Company. 474-1666 NEWER 2 BEDROOM Security system, microwave, ceiling fan, minutes to University. No pets. 535 W. Saunders. $360. 483-6057, 483-1130. MCE ONE BR Near Campus, Near New. $240 per month. No pels. 474-0483 or 477-0037 One bedroom-campus close, sand volleyball, barbecue, c/a, parking, low utilities, large closets. Only $250. Two bedroom-campus dose, neat balcony, nice. Call Keith at Phoenix Properties 489-0621. Unfurnished Apartment. 1844 D. Sunny, Clean, Very Quiet, 2-Bedroom. Whole main floor of a I me old home. 5450-r Electricity. Deposit. Washing. NoPets. CarPort. 435-1294. Vdorian charm: 2 bedroom, new cabinets and carpet S285. 489-1938. WILLOWHAVEN APTS. 1800 KNOX * Spacious 2 bedroom apartment, from $359-5389. ‘ Close to downtown ana campus. ‘ FIREPLACE, low utilities. 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 LOST & FOUND = FOUND: Pair of eye glasses in case. Identify at E ngineer ing Library, Nebraska Hall. Live music by Bobby Curious Drink Specials 754 Kamakazies 50<t Shots on the hour 254 Draws 9-11 PM Wednesday &Thursday nights only Big John's Come celebrate the holidays with us! Holiday Hours Christmas Eve 12PM-1AM Christmas Day 3PM-1AM New Year's Eve 12PM-1AM New Year's Day 6PM-1AM Regular Hours Mon.-Fri. 11AM-1AM Sat. & Sun. 12PM-1 AM Big John's Billiards 399 Sun Valley Blvd. ■_474-3545_ I——3T^—MM—1— -'-! I Call Us! 475-7672 611 N. 27th Main Campus Open 11 a.m. for lunch 476-0787 11th & Cornhusker @ Harper-Schramm-Smith i Two 10" i Cheese Pizzas | Additional Toppings $.95 Expires 12-31-89 ^rustax*" I Drivers Wauled $5-7 per Hour | ______' Lost keys on December 14 around Kinko's, UNL Admini stration or Library. Call 475-2317. LOST: One Ladies black shoe. North side, Nebraska Hall. 472-7072. _ Stolen: Wednesday morning from Encounter Room, University Museum. Grayish»brown leather purse with all I.D. cards, wallet and car license. Reward. 489-3539. HOMES FOR SALE ~ Why Pay Rent? When you could own your own charming bungalow...four blocks north of NU Stadium? For information call Har rington Associates, 483-4141 or Marilyn Piranio, 477 9942 or Earlene Barney, 423-1773. WANTED Paperback books used in English classes. Will pray 30% for most literaiure paperbacks. Page One Bookstore 206 N. 13 SOCIAL SERVICES == PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential hand. ^Free^pregnancy test, please call us for appoinf JEWELERY = cngagemenirweooing set. is Karat goio witn a . / Karat diamond, asking $50o/obo. Call after 5 p.m., 435-1390 and ask for Tammy. Must sell before January 1. Top SS paid for scrap gold & jewelry; custom designs; appraisals. Darokf's Jwtrs. Centrum 476-6262 HjOTOGRAPHY ~ Creative Professional Wedding Photography. Affordable prices!. Proofs & NEGATIVES can be yours to keeplll Wholesale reprints, payment plans available! THE CAMERA MAN, Toll free 1-800-873-2610 or (308)382 7204. non ! DUCKS ! ^Wednesday Special 7- 11 I (In the I [ upstairs” J Pitchers! ar.) j j Coupon good for { one 1/2 price drink. |Fri. 5-1 Sat. 7- 1| I (Pec. 22nd & 23rd) I I 826 "P" St. | 1 In the Haymarket * YOU AND YOUR GUESTS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND WEDDING > FAIR ’80 SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1990 11:00 A.M, TO 5:00 P.M. CORNHUSKER HOTEL BALLROOM DOOR PRIZES SHOW SPECIALS COMPARISON SHOP FREE SAMPLES AN EVENT FOR BOTH OUYS AND OALS L. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 0«lr«ut«d by Un««rM> Syn*catt V. yS I Jim’s Journal by Jim lol+y tk« bftftlr flore fcitk I h*^ to frfco 25" bmt of *tw baffr* <**<J fs)4 *th«m a* fbt shtlf. I \Ne o^rt price ’the WsMSice, which M«Vc Suppose 4 t# 4o, -tKeK pot stickers Of!• Te«*, ff»« / faw bo<J W< *vt4 ;«i4 *Ki price* were u*n»i*$. Wt oje4 ojViolet* If i* *4**4 df re+«;l price*. /We fhouM've knwo*. The prices <M seem low. we ho A to peel oil tM stickers ov\4 put new ones on. ACROSS 1 Annoyance 5 Expectant father 10 Trellis piece ' 14 Memorable Jordanian queen 15 Love greatly 16 La Douce” 17 Ovid s 951 18 It meets the Rh6ne at Lyon 19 Sheep s sound 20 "A secret is-M (start of a Howell quote) 23 Wood sorrel 24 “-Stoops to Conquer” 25 Lake Chad feeder 28 Appeasing gift 31 Fastener 35 tic-toe 36 Rodeo “neckties" 39 Franchot of old movies 40 Quote continued 43 Poetical A M 44 Dairymaid, e g 45 Farrow of films 46 Inasmuch as 48 Dem nominee in the 50's 49 A Ford 51 Int group since 1948 53 Springsteen's “Born in the 54 End of quote 63 Magazine for Parisiennes 64 Certain horses 65 Actor in “Shane" 66 Stamp of authority 67 Actress Ekberg 68 - European 69 Perry award, for short 70 Ancient Ethiopian capital 71 Bede or Smith Edited by Eugene T. Maleska down ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE lAHTBTsM^TornOMD|R|A[M] R 0 Q tBa r[dTE NMR I mi F E DU] i A J_ Cl I i yvk I [OUINI I 1 Covenant 2 Pollster Roper 3 Atlas's shelter 4 Alter to fit 5 Ristorante offering 6 Islamic law 7 Not friendly 8 Lake in Ireland 9 Helmsmen's hazards 10 Book for Previn 11 A Guthrie 12 Govt agent 13 Abominate 21 Hockey infraction 22 Cries of surprise 23 Watch parts 26 Capital on the Red River 27 Kind of squash 28 Capital of Bulgaria 29"-Mio" 30 What a hot coffee pot does 32 Goes hither and yon 33 Oakley or Rooney 34 Bicycle necessity 37 Electrical unit 38 Fr holy woman 41 Not attractive 42 Usurp 47-de parfum 50 Showy flower 52 Vamoose 53 Roman she-bears 54 Experiment 55 Table spread 56 Buck heroine 57 Whetstone 58 Exposition 59 Aware of a scheme 60 Sally or Ayn 61 Norse mythical poetry 62 Esau