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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1989)
Employee defends UNL Food Service In response to Jim McNally (DN, Dec. 6), who wrote in about his complaints about the residence hall food services. I think it is important that you get your facts straight before you complain. First of all, no matter what anyone thinks, we do not use the same sauce for pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, or what ever else you may have imagined. I know this because I asked the person who does the ordering for us here at Selleck. Secondly, I know for a fact, at least here at Selleck, that the menus are posted a week in advance of the time that the food is served. If the students eatipg here choose not to read them, then we can’t do anything about that, but they can’t complain that we don ’ t post them. I don ’ t know about the hall you live in, Jim, but if they don’t post them, have you ever considered asking the manager of your dorm’s food service to do it, rather than ripping on all food serv ices on campus about it? Another fact that you raised that I lake issue with is the price of the iuvaio, 1UUUUVIUUM) IldVLII l IldU IU pay for too many of them, because you misquoted some of the prices. We have a policy, again, at least at Selleck, that after 8:30 a.m., we switch to a continental breakfast, which only costs $1.10. Lunch, for guests, is $3.40 and dinner is $4.75. Jim, it’s time you look around ai the real world. If you tried to go to a restaurant off campus and get an all you-can-eat dinner for less than $5, including drinks, salad bar, dcseri and choice of (usually) 4 to 6 entrees, you would probably be laughed off this planet. I realize that there are usually some things on the menu that aren’t always the most appetizing, but “slop?” I don’t think so. You’ve obviously never had to work in an environment where mass . quantities of food arc prepared, and seen the problems it can cause. We can’t season each piece of food to each person’s taste. Being a finance major Jim, you should realize the costs that would go along with some thing like that, costs that most people on campus would be unwilling, if not unable, to pay. I can understand where some of the complaints come from. I used to live in the dorms myself. But, I think, at times, the students that eat at the residence hall food services come in just looking for something to gripe about, and no matter how hard we try to please them, they always seem to find something. Ed Simpson senior criminal justice Selleck Food Service employee Reader praises DN writer Apel Alter attending this university for live years I feel I must make a stand for your fine sportswriter Jeff Apel, in response to the constant lambast ing he has taken over the years. I feel he doesn’t deserve these repeated negative letters I have read concern ing him, which must have numbered near the half-century mark over my years here, and in response to them he deserves equal time. The ‘‘experts” who criticize him do not realize that it is his tradition to leave Nebraska out of his preseason Top-20 football polls to show Ne braskans that not everyone thinks the Comhuskers are the focal point of the universe, much in the same style _TT • y-l <. vji uiv nuwaiu v^useil. Additionally, Apel has made some predictions over the years that are nothing less than a showing of a true prodigy. Foreseeing Oklahoma’s thrashing of Nebraska in 1987’s so called “Game of the Century II” and his last spring’s column predicting the force that has become the mighty Colorado Buffaloes are two excep tional football picks that stick out in my mind. Jeff Apcl, you may be a bit anti Nebraska, but to many you arc the great equalizer this university needs to fight the extreme biases of people who are so-called reporters (or radio announcers) like the “legendary” Kent Pavelka. Griffin Folley senior engineering Luck plays big role in drug addictions Cory Golden’s article (DN, Dec. 5) about Dexter Manley, the profes sional football player who was re cently suspended by the NFL as a consequence of a positive drug test, really annoyed me. The author’s general opinion seemed to be that Manley has disgraced himself by revealing some unconscionable per sonal weakness. In reply, I wish to state publicly that I am totally out of control where cocaine is concerned. The reason for this is that I am not addicted to cocaine. Thus, I am not overwhelmed by any powerful desire to use cocaine. As a consequence, I have no need to exert any control. Therefore, I am out of control - - every bit as out of control as the addict who yields to a compelling need. I am not more courageous than the addict who yields, because courage in the face of no trial isn’t really courage at all. I am not more virtuous than the addict who yields, because virtue consists of resisting tempta tion, and I am not tempted. If I am not in better control of myself, not more courageous and not more virtuous, then what is it that distinguishes me from the addict? I claim that it is just plain luck. I was lucky in not growing up in an environment where the use of drugs was considered normal. I was lucky in not having ready access to drugs like cocaine and amphetamines dur ing those times in my life when I might have been susceptible to their attractions. Most of all, I was lucky in not truly understanding what these drugs could do for me, before I was in a position to understand what they could do to me. With that kind of luck, anyone reading this could have been (and in fact, still could be) a cocaine addict. Anyone at all. In light of this, I believe that some compassion is called for. Prior to the present administration’s much vaunted “war on drugs,” it seemed that we were making some progress toward a compassionate position. We were beginning to think of drug ad diction as an illness, or at least as an insidious and involuntary trap, rather than as a manifestation of personal weakness. Now it seems that, as a society, wc are regressing in this re spect. I find that frightening. It promises a future in which the technology of drug testing is used to stigmatize and accuse, rather than to identify indi viduals who need help. Rebecca de la Motte graduate student biochemistry > ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADUATES The DEADLINE for the return of the yellow Commencement Attendance Form is: DECEMBER 11,1989 Return it to SERVICE COUNTER B 107 Administration Building ■ ■ — ~ _ The I Confidential's Friday, December 8 Saturday, December 9 I Twisters f 8 Super Low Prices on the Hottest New Releases 8 k, $5.97 $9.97 T]\ v {flya* Cassettes Compact Discs 8, I 9V "^A jjS 11 i aye -J VOURLIFE 11 a.m.-4 p.m. j Name_I EXPIRES DEC. 23, '989 $1.00 Off Any Pizzaj 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Name_j ^XPIREStea 23, 1989_ 50C C>7f I Any Pizza Name_I EXPIRES DEC. 23. 1989 focSf} J Any Pizza Name_| EXPIRES DEC. 23, 1989