The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1989, Page 5, Image 5
Students must demonstrate concern about education bill otuaents would be well-advised to become familiar with, and lobby vigorously for the eventual implem entation of, the LB247 Study Team issues recommendations to effec tively govern and coordinate Ne braska’s higher education system. Widmayer and Associates, on behalf of the LB247 Study Commit tee, convassed the state seeking input from all sectors regarding the current state of higher education. The con sultants wisely concluded that the primary frustration centered on the perceived lack of coordination be tween the education institutions, a condition stemming from a more general confusion concerning the tasks of coordination and govern ance. Consequently, the team’s recom mendations reflect a general goal to structurally separate these two exclu sive tasks, in hopes of increasing the cfliciency and effectiveness of each. A closer examination of these recom mendations suggests that their grad ual implementation would result in a number of benefits for Nebraska’s higher education system. First, the establishment of lay boards of trustees for each of the seven senior college and university campuses, including a student mem ber, would effectively minimize or eliminate many of the problems plaguing the current Board of Re gents structure, including conflicting interest decision-making, duplica tive review and approval functions, system offices overlap and a general lack of coordination. Moreover, such lay boards would return the governing power of each unique institution to those under whose authority instituluions of higher learning have historically flourished: the concerned members of the local and regional community. Second, a revised Board of Re gents, comprised of both elected and appointed members equally repre senting the interest of all seven senior institutions, would more effectively accomplish the coordination of our educational system. Equal standing on such a board would more appro priately address the questions raised I during such debates as the recent | Kearney State inclusion proposal, as ' well as facilitate the open communi- < cation necessary if Nebraska is to < achieve educational unity. Moreover, budgetary streamlin ing, avoidance of role and mission duplication, encouragement of coop erative academic programs and a consistent and unified voice to the governor and Legislature regarding educational priorities would most likely occur under such a board. Finally, a single state-level body composed of the major decision makers in the state would aptly serve to unify the various spheres of educa tional governance and coordination. \ far cry from the inherently weak Nebraska Coordinating Commission or Postsecondary Education, such a xxly, by virtue of its membership of irocess participants rather than ad visers, would more effectively ichieve the degree of political coop tation necessary for meeting cduca lion ends and means. Although Phase II of the study, concerning specific implementation and devclopmcm plans, is scheduled lor a November 1990 reporting date, it is essential that appropriate interest and concern be demonstrated to our stale legislators during the upcoming second session. Educational reform will be a tedious and lengthy process. However, procrastination and politi cal recalcitrance will result only in perpetuating a system devoid of any collective vision or program of edu cation aspirations for our state, to the detriment of our social, economic, cultural and political future. Colin Croft student lobbyist Association of Studenis of the Uni versity of Nebraska Readers address ‘New Age’ techniques, parking, Apel Use of New Age practices harmful It came as no surprise to read Chris Carroll’s column (DN, Dec. 5). Many people across the world are misled by current practices in our classrooms relating to the New Age. Not only do concerned parents call some of these imagery and relaxation exercises New Age, but actually people who are at the head of their promotion term it as such. Carroll says that these practices are harmless and are only helping kids to think out their problems or feelings. She also says that the reason for opposition is because it is new. Nothing could be further from the truth. New Age forms of Eastern Mystic Religions have been around for cen turies, and if you would examine these current practices with an open mind, you could realize that this is exactly what these exercises are, mystic religious practices. They appear to be the self-help answer to today’s problems, but in actuality, they only mislead and cover up the problem, in turn giving false images of the self, the key word being self. This is, in fact, leading to the demise of our counseling abilities today. It is interesting to note that several Fortune 500 companies send their executives to these very same types of imagery and relaxation seminars. It is not that these exercises are so good that there is no reason to abstain from them, but rather, uneducated people only see the apparent suc cesses of the programs; they don’t see the harm. As far as I’m concerned, teaching kids about how to deal and succeed in life is not for the classroom. I agree that parents need to evaluate what their kids are learning in school, and if that means not agreeing with some activities that are against their beliefs or better judgment, then they should have the same rights as anyone else, and should have a say in their chil dren’s education process. This is one person’s concerned view. Hopefully, more people will look into the real harm that the New Age problems present. Keelan Kaiser junior architecture Student suggests parking solutions “I’ve only got five minutes to get to class. Where am I going to park! ” This quote seems to sum up the present parking problem at the Uni versity of Nebraska-Lincoln. While the administration is thinking of ways to alleviate the problem, here are some workable solutions: Build new lots and improve old ones; sell only enough permits to fill a lot; and pro vide a twin-lot system for people having to drive between campuses. The problem with just saying, “build more lots” is that the state ment is too general. Let’s think more specifically. Why not make use of negative space? For instance, in the gravel lot that was just built over by the Cather Pound residence halls, a large amount of land on the east side has been planted with grass and trees. I will admit that the lot looks much more attractive to the eye, but that amount ol land could provide many parking spaces. Another example of negative space is the wide corridor left around parked cars. Simply cut ting these areas by a few feet would add more parking stalls. In addition, many people seem to think that riding the shuttle buses alleviates the need for a car. But at certain times of the day, the shuttle buses already are overcrowded and people who have to go to work di rectly after classes don’t have time to take the shuttle to their car. A good way to ease the difficulty of traveling between campuses is to have twin-lot parking available. For instance, when students apply for parking permits, the university should have them specify that they need a stall on both campuses, and which days they will need them so that they can assign slots to others on alternate days. These are steps that have to be taken for the parking situation to improve. Bryan Hibbs freshman agri-business Apel’s predictions often fail miserably Omaha World-Herald sports writer Mike Kelly must be Jeff Apel’s idol. Kelly often predicts NU athlet ics to do poorly in “the big game,” and A pel must think to be a good writer, he must do the same. Al though Apel does do a good job of criticizing NU sports, he docs not do a good job at his job ... writing. I’m sorry Jeff, but you don’t. Another thing you do extremely poor is predict outcomes of games, ratings, matches, etc. It was unbeliev able that you didn’t think the Corn husker football team, which has been in the Top 10 at the end of every season that 1 can recall, wouldn't even be rated in the top 20! And about your volleyball predic tions for the NCAA tournament, I got a good laugh. You said North Caro lina would make it not only to Hawaii and the Final Four, but to the champi onship match against who? Arizona!! Good one, Jeff! Well, N.C. got beat by volleyball powerhouse Texas Arlington, and Arizona will be play- i W' ' JL ing iheir final match this weekend. Iowa was another of your “Funny Final Four,” winning the Midwest Region (Nebraska’s region). Well, they tot) got beat in the first round by Ohio State. Pacific was the last of the Final Four and they will most likely lose to No. 1 Hawaii. I want to wish the Nebraska vol leyball team the best of luck this weekend, and in Hawaii in the Final lour. Go get ‘cm, Huskers, I know you will. Maybe you can send a post card or something from Hawaii to Jeff. Well, maybe not! Steve Lemon sophomore mathematics ; \/ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1989 CITY UNION: CENTENNIAL ROOM 8 P.M. 2.00 STUDENTS W/UNL I.D. 3.00 GENERAL ADMISSION FUN, PRIZES, AND MORE!!!!!!!