The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUPPORT from Page 1
of Students for the Right to Vote,
said the organization is waiting lor
clarification of the student trus
tees’ voting status before taking
any action.
Wickless, also the president of
the Residence Hall Association,
said students should have a vote in
decisions concerning them.
“Education of students is the
primary concern (of governing
bodies), and they should have a say
in their education,” he said.
Russ Johnson, chairman of Stu
dents for the Right to Vote, said he
is in favor of the proposal because
decentralizing higher education
government would benefit stu
Johnson said he believes “the
decentralized governing body will
be able to react more directly to
students’ needs.”
The proposal will be either
widely accepted or rejected, he
said, and student response will
have an impact on the outcome of
the proposal.
Students for the Right to Vote
has a network jf student leaders
and will be concentrating on gen
erating student enthusiasm for the
proposal, Johnson said.
He said the organization plans
to write a letter in support of the
recommendation, signed by vari
ous student leaders, and send it to
Nebraska newspapers.
Fiddelke said she expects
ASUN to present a bill supporting
the consulting firm’s recommen
ASUN also will urge support
for the proposal by other govern
ing bodies, Bohling said.
Wickless said he hopes similar
legislation will be introduced in
the RHA senate.
Because officials in the consult
ing firm are experts in education,
Johnson said, the report is de
signed to provide the state with a
more efficient education system.
“Students will get a better edu
cation in the long run,” he said.
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