Classified 472-2588 LIGHTWEIGHT BASKETBALL WEIGH-INS Weigh-ins for individuals attempting to certify for the Intramural Lightweight League will be conducted in the men’s locker room at the Campus Recreation Center (Coliseum) on Thursday, 12/7 from 4-6 p.m. Those unable to attend this weigh-in will have another opportu nity to weigh-in on Thursday, January 18 from 4-6 p.m. Students weighing-in must bring their current UNL photo ID or their UNL non-photo ID and their driver's license or passport. 472-3467. National Recognition Opportunities Available! ‘Glamour’s "Top 10 College Women" Competition ‘Maybelline's "In View Awards" ‘General Motors "Volunteer Spirit Awards" ‘TIME Magazine and Volkswagens "Time College Achievement Awards" Award applications are available NOW in the CAP City Office. 200 Nebraska Union. 472-2454. Need • Study Break? Come watch the 2nd Annual Win, Lose, or Draw" toi. nament on Wednesday at 7:30pm in the City Union. Sponsored by the Nebraska Union Board. NOW HIRING Earn S7.50-S15 per lecture taking notes for Jon's Notes. Now hiring notetakers for Spring semester in the follow ing subjects: Anthropolgy Art History Astronomy Biology Zoology Anatomy Physiology Classics 180 Geography Geology History Modern Languages Philosophy Political Science Psychology Notetakers need to be junior*, seniors, TA't, or gradual* students. Must take comprehensive and accurate notes To apply, stop by Jon's Notes, upstairs in Nebraska Bookstore. 1300 a Street or call 476-8006. PI SIGMA ALPHA Requests the pleasure of its members' company for an evening of sport and debauchery commencing at 8:45 on Thursday the fourteenth of December at Madsen's Bowl ing and Billiard Center. Limousine service to and Irom the affair is available upon request. R.S.V.P. to Monty (475-6259) by Friday, December 8, to oonfirm your reser vation. TAKE A BREAK! With SAA All Freshmen Study Break Dec. 6 7:00-8 00p.m. at the Wick Center The publications board will meet at 4:45 p.m.. Wednes day. Daoember 6, in the Nebraska Union io discuss Daily Nebraskan policies Those interested in speaking to the Board can participate in the Open Forum at the beginning of tho meeting. Thursday December 7 STREET LEGAL 9 12:30 p m Pla-Mor Ballroom, 6600 Wost O Street TUG-OF-WAR The intramural tug-of-war contests will be held Wednes day. 12/6 in Cook Pavilion beginning at approximately 6 30 p m. Team# should arrive no later than 6:15 p m. Weigh-ins tor the !60“b and under competition (men only) and the I35lb and under competition (woman only) will begin at 6:15-6:45 p m. Competition is available for men's, women s, and oo-rec teams. Eight participants pull at one time (except tor the I60lb and 135b competi tion which have six pullers). No fees. Enter on site. 472 3467 * U S PEACE CORPS Video and information session. December 7 at 4 p.m.. Nebraska Union. Undergraduate Sociology Association Meeting Thurs at 9:00pm 2nd Floor Union Last Meeting of Semester UNL Weightlifting Club Meeting, Thursday, 700 December 7. Second floor lounge, Campus Recreation Building Concerning Con cert, T Shirts and Bench Meet VINTAGE JEWELRY SALE Today, Student Union, Centennial Room- 9 5p.m. Silvar, Bakelite, Rhineetone and Ac cesaoriee. What does the future look like for WOMEN in the workforce?? Pleasejoin us with our guest speaker: Geri Cotter Career Planning & Placement Center tor a brown bag discussion on Women's Employment In tho 90'a Thursday, Doc. 7 at 12:00pm Women's Resource Center, 117 City Union Women In Perspective program Win, Looe, or Orawt Come |oin the in the fun. Cheer on your lavorite team at the 2nd Annual "Win, Lose or Draw" tournament on Wednesday at 7:30pm in the City Union. Sponsored by the Nebraska Union Board. GREEK AFFAIRS Ag Men Little Sisters Important meeting tonightl Everyone meet at 8:00pm. " Remember to bring your checkbook! Please be there. Attention SAE little sisters—You’ve waited, you’ve won dered! Important little sister meeting Wednesday, De cember 6, 6:15 p.m. See you there. __ Thanks, Curt and Noel ATTN. YEARBOOK STAFFERS , Everyone be at the meeting 7:00 Wednesday- we re f taking pictures. Questions- call Laurie at 436-6199. Congratulations to the new chairmens of Sigma Alpha Mu: Social:Craig R., Rush: Paul C., IFC: Jason A., Song Lee M., Philanthropy: Jeff R„ Intramurals: Terry 1C, House Manager: Sylvester J., Marshall: Lee M. and Little Sister: Mike Z. The Men of SAM ^ Congratulations to the new Council of Sigma Alpha Mu: v Prior: Jim C„ Vice Prior: Mike Z., Ex Chequer: Phil W Recorder: Mark B. The Men of SAM p Congratulations to the New Officers of: THETA X! A President- J. Brooks, V.P.- S. Gat*, Secretary- 8. Lichter, , Treasurer- J. Howe, Scholarship- M. Arsenault, House L Manager- G. Lundell, Pledge Education- D. Syverson, [] P R - J Scott, Social- L. Denker, Sgt. of Arms- T. Miller v Liven up your Buddy or Sweetheart’s Day- Send them a , Carnation during Dead Week. They’ll be sold in the Union Booth, December 6 4 7, 9:15-4:15 and delivered c during Dead Week. Sponsored by the AOII Pledge ' Class v * Sigma Nu Little Sisters We will have a fun packed meeting on December 6 at 5 a p.m. See you thenll •---a Tracy L., *' Congratulations on being elected Vice-President of IFCI In Hoc. the Brothers of Sigma Chi STUDENTGOVERNMElW ^ STUDENT REPRESENTATION POSITIONS OPEN FOR General Studies Senator Engineering College Senator DAILY NEBRASKAN - Publications Bd. Student Court of ASUN Central Planning / Teaching Council \ Parking Appeals Comm. More mformation and applications are available at 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline F riday. December 6.4:00pm. UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT 6:30PM TONIGHT NEBRASKA UNION - CITY CAMPUS ROOM TO BE POSTED / INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE l 115 NEBRASKA UNION ' PERSONALS Brock, Six people to paradiselll Mow about a honeymoon in Hawaii? Love. Stacy Hey TO HaKyl You're so attraaactive NOW that you're 211 Sc let's go ride the beaveri Beware of drummers with that gutteral twang-but what if the seat is taken? Tonight will be ladies' night out for a change so why are you telling us this? Happy Birthdayl Love, the other 4 original love shack babes Happy 1 month. Yee, I'm digging your scene. (You ^ knowl musing you for another, now don't you?)) Hee Hee. I love you I Sexy Babe Dearest Skittle, Some thoughts lor you on my long day I love you for what you are and look forward to many wonderful times | together. I am positive t hat everything will oome together lor you You deserve every happiness in this worTd and | know that together we will make it so. Love, Mushball the Wonder Puppy I CHILDCARE ( Individual w/vehicle to stay with two youth (12 & 14). M F. 3:30-6CO. 486 6814. I NANNY OPPORTUNITIES SALARIES $160 S400/WEEK Join the only successful nanny network and experience | growth with a great family in a new location. For details call Arlene Streisand Inc., 1 -800-443-6428 Minimum i age 18. I NANNY WASHINGTON, D C. Family with 1 girl, 5 1/2, In a safe ideal family neighborhood seeks live-in nanny to replace departing Nebraska Alumn." Must be responsible, enthusiastic, anergetic, love kids, and want to help them grow. Some light housework snd cooking For mors information and local interview - call Terri at 489-8140, or leave meeasge. Needed: Daytime Sitter for 1 Child 22 months old in my home Own transportation needed Call 488 8242, after 6pm. HELP WANTED = DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY MUSIC AND HAVE FUN AT THE SAME TIME? .ooking for musicians interested in starting an outra jeous polka band Must have crazy attitude maybe 1 light a week If interested call 474-DUCK Limit 1 Coupon Per Visit And Per Addrest Some Restrictions Apply THINK $100!!! EVERY WEEKEND TIL CHRISTMAS!!! LaunDry Land will be giving away $100 every weekend from NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Come into LaunDry Land on Saturdays or Sundays and enter our drawings. We will select a $100 winner every Monday. * $100 SIGNING BONUS * PART TIME HOURS /ATS Marketing group Outbound Division is now hiring liemarketing sales representatives. HOURS AVAILABLE Monday through Friday, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is an ideal job for students. You work 4 out of G lays/you select the days. $5.25 per hour guaranteed lus sales bonuses. Apply M-F 8:30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. or call 466-8211 for more information. WATS Marketing Group Outbound Division 6100 0 St. SW corner of Gateway Shopping Center. EOE M/F/H/V ashiers wanted for service station/convenience store vernight hours, week nights, and weekends Apply at foods Park Amoco, 33rd and O. No phone calls please. Dietary Aid art-time position $4.81/hourly Late Afternoon to Early vemng hours. Excellent benefit package. Apply at ancaster Manor, 1001 South Street, Lincoln, NE. EOE/ A ocal non-oomm photog hiring part-time femaie glamour lodel, start January, $15 p/h, send bio A photo- ART /ORKS Box 30352, Lincoln 68503. _ PART-TIME DISTRICT MANAGER his position requires a mature individual with good ommumcaton skills who can motivate newspaper car ers and work with parents and customers This is an xcellent opportunity for a university student and re uses being available by 2:30pm daily, 9a.m. Saturday nd some Sunday mornings This position requires pproximately 35 hours per week Your own vehicle is squired with mileage paid Applications will be accepted t the Journal/Star Personnel Office, 926 P Street, 8a.m. > 4p.m. through Friday, December 8th EOE/AA ^zk For final exams... ^ ** Buy single lectures or full subscriptions Located in LI Nebraska Bookstore 13th & "Q" < Jon's Notes hours 9:30-4:30 M-F Call 476-8006 Get ready for 2nd semesterl University of Nebraska Foundation is taking applications for phone-a-thon. Call for an appointment between 6-Bpm, 472-6990. Nursing Assistants Certification Classes Now accepting applications for classes starting January 8, 1990. Classes include classroom and on-the-job learning. Will work with student schedules. Competitive salary/benefit/PTB. We offer shift, holiday, weekend dif ferential and weekend compensation. Ask about our promotional incentives. Apply soon to interview before the Christmas break and the January 3 deadline. Apply: Personnel. MADONNA CENTERS. 2200 S. 52nd, Lin coln. NE 68506 483-9551. EOE Part Time Delivery 2-5pm, Monday-Friday. Apply ir Person, Danter Dental Lab, 125 South 9th. Part-time draftsperson. Flexible schedule. Must have completed Production Drawing or equivalent Apply Lincoln Lumber Company, 932 N 23rd. ★★ EXTRA CASH FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WITH THIS AD NEW DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! RETURN DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! your first time back in over 2 months when you bring a new donor with you. Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to change.) (Mon. - Sat.) Free parking at any Park & Shop. University Plasma Center Associated Blosclence, Inc. 1442 “O" St. Lincoln 475-8645 We accept all ads from competitors. Wednesday (It's all downhill from here.) 75