Don’t forget the Holocaust uisputing tne Holocaust (DN, Nov. 17) was an article about one thing and one thing alone. It was the same subject as in the rest of those articles: racism. But how can you explain your racism? To you, and a lot of other people with short memories, not only did 6 million Jews die in the Holo caust, but 6 million others - political prisoners, Catholics, the handi capped — were exterminated also. That’s 12 million people. This makes the Holocaust a greater tragedy and belittles Mr. Weber even more. As for the pictures, those matter little to someone like Weber. He W f 1 wants written proof to this. I say “Look at the Nuremberg Trials, or Mein Kampf, you will see that Hitler had an extermination policy.” All of these arguments and you ask if our distinguished Mr. Weber has been to Israel. Well, what would a former member of a white suprema cist group want to do? Be surrounded by 3.5 million Jews and 2 million Palestinians? As for me, the Holocaust is some thing to never forget. Once people do, it could happen again. Dan Schlisscl sophomore electrical engineering •W • 1 Holocaust reality, not mytn Regarding Rory Larson’s letter (DN, Nov. 27): How dare you be so bloody condescending. Leuchter takes samples from five buildings in two concentration camps, and you’re ready to say, ‘ ‘Well, that settles it. No gas chambers. No Holocaust.” Mr. Larson, do you believe that the Holo caust existed? Do you believe that the Nazis were attempting to exterminate the Jewish people? By your tone, it appears that you don’t. You disgust me. Throughout your letter you smugly make use of the word ‘‘al leged.’’ You talk of “alleged homi cidal gas chambers” and “alleged extermination sites,” yet the only building with excessive amounts of cyanide was the “delousing cham ber ” Whv Hirin'! vnn nnl “allpoori” in front of that? The point of Leuch tcr’s study was to prove that these buildings are not necessarily what people claim them to be, so why not “alleged delousing chamber?” There arc too many people in this world who would like everyone to believe that the Holocaust was a myth. If you arc one of these people, then I am glad to never have met you. If you aren’t like that, then you arc even worse, because your letter did nothing but help support that view. I hope you read Amanda Lainof’s letter (DN, Nov. 27) that appeared before yours, and I hope it made you think. Have you ever spoken with a concentration camp victim. Mr. Lar son? I have. When I was 12, I was lucky enough lo have a teacher who cared very much about educating students about the Holocaust. He wished to make a lasting impression on his students, so he invited a survi vor ol the Holocaust to speak with our class. She definitely made an impres- * sion. The point, Mr. Larson, is that at a very early age, I learned a very im portant lesson. Never again. Rather than quibbling over the validity of empirical evidence, maybe you could educate yourself on this subject, and maybe you could learn that same lesson. Never again, Mr. Larson. Never again. Laurence Jones sophomore psychology There [ once was ^ | | ., I tow a young *° ™e that’s girl DN ?he where named went... h Lee... to report works... Who was an?to ALL DAY happy write... AND and ALL stressless NIGHT! and free.. IIMIIim'iIUf -,- I The spring Daily Nebraskan needs a managing editor, associate news editors, editorial page editor, wire editor, copy desk chief, sports editor, arts & entertainment editor, graphics editor, photo chief, night news editors, art director, senior reporters, columnists and editors for Diversions, The Sower and supplements. Apply and sign up for an interview at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, between 8 a.rn. and 5 p.m., Tuesday Nov. 28 to noon Monday, Dec. 4. Interviews will be Dec. 1-6. (Applicants must be UNL students during spring 1990 semester.) UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employ ment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to the same. 441 wasn’t rubbing it in-1 just wanted Eddie to know the score of last night’s game ” Go ahead and gloat. You can rub it in all the way to Chicago with Al&T Long Distance Service. Besides, your best friend Eddie was the one who said your team could never win three straight. So give him a call. It costs a lot less than you think to let him know who’s headed for the Playoffs. Reach out and touch someone.® If youd like to know more about AT&T products and services, like International Calling and the AT&T Card, call us at 1 800 222-0300. ■ ■ AW The right choice.