NelSfaskan Tuesday, November 21,1989 . r nr—TT-Tri-TTnir—r-nn i n i n n ■innr rafrrri-iwnrr—nofn" ■ umi in rmr'nn-TT ~fwwr~~fiiiTMiin nwgrTwro rriTnwTrwirT~TTTTTiniMri 11 i !■ hibiw Mia—mwi-i—rTmiwiMM ■inn 1 1 iittt immi in 111 Coach calls tournament location a plus »y uarran rowier Senior Reporter It may not be home but it’s the next best thing. The Nebraska volleyball team can claim the Omaha Civic Auditorium, the site of the Big Eight tournament, as its second home this weekend. Comhusker assistant volleyball coach John Cook said having the tournament in Omaha “most defi nitely” is to the Huskcrs’ advantage. Not so much because the location is more beneficial to Husker fans, but because at this point of the season the less time a team spends on the road the better, he said. “Last year in Salina (Kan.), we still had more people than any of the other schools,” he said. “I think having it in Omaha will be an advan tage because it is so close and the city of Omaha is so excited about having it. “Any time you save on travel time, missing classes and things like that it’s a real big advantage.” Nebraska, which is the No. 1 seed, and No. 4 seed Iowa State open the tournament at 6 p.m. Friday. That match will be followed by an 8 p.m. contest between No. 2 seed Colorado and No. 3 seed Oklahoma. The championship match will be at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Another advantage to playing in Omaha is that Husker players also have the chance to spend Thanksgiv ing with family and friends, some thing not possible in the past. The Huskers leave for Omaha Thursday night and will practice Fri day at 8 a.m. “We gel Thanksgiving Day off,” senior middle blocker Virginia Stahr said. “The coaches gave us a break this year.” But not too long of a break. “We’re at the point of the season where we’re not even thinking ol taking a break,” Stahr said. “Other times, in the past, we would be think ing that the season’s almost over. We don’t want that. We’re real focused right now.” Nebraska and Colorado met in lasl year’s conference final, which th( Huskers won in four games. Stahr expects another NU-CU title match-up this year. “That would be my guess,” she said. “I would be real surprised if it wasn’t. “I’ll tell you what, though. They can beat us if we don’t play well and we know that.” This year, Nebraska claimed its 14th-straight regular-season confer ence championship in finishing 12-0 in the Big Eight. The Huskers have won the tournament 12 of the 13 years its been held, losing to Okla homa in 1987. “We’re excited we went through the Big Eight undefeated. That’s important. That was one of our goals,” S«ahr said. “Last year we didn’t do that.” “We have a lot of pride in winning both the Big Eight conference and tournament. We also need to end up No. 1 going into rcgionals.” The winner of the conference tour nament receives an automatic bid into the NCAA’s 32-lcam touma : mcnl. Nebraska currently is the top ranked team in the Midcast Regional, and probably will receive an at-large bid if it loses. Because of the automatic bid, Colorado will have a lot of motiva tion to win the conference tourna ment, Cook said. “Nebraska has everything to lose and the other teams have a whole lot to gain,’’ he said. “Other teams can just cut loose. “Colorado should be the most motivated because they’re real close to getting in the NCAA. If we beat ISU, I think we’ll be playing in the finals against Colorado.’’ Colorado suffered losses to Texas and Colorado State over the week end, but Cook expects the Lady Buffs to be ready. “I know the players on that team and they’re competitors and they’ll fight,” he said. “If that’s who we play in the finals, they’ll play as hard as they can play with the type of kids they got. I mean they’ll battle.” “I think they play their best matches against Nebraska. There are a lot of individual rivals on both teams and that brings out the best in the competition.” Notes: • Reserved tournament tickets are $6 per day. A tournament pass, good for both days, is $10. General admis sion tickets are $4. Tickets are on sale at Civic Audi torium. • The Nebraska sports informa tion office announced that if the NU Coliseum is chosen as a site for a NCAA first-round volleyball match, tickets for that match will go on sale Nov. 27. Tournament sites will be an nounced at 7 p.m Nov. 26 If Nebraska is selected to play at home, tickets will go on sale at the South Stadium ticket office at 9 a.m. A total of 2,5(X) will be available, and will cost $5 for adults and S3 for children. University of Ncbraska-Lincoln students who present their student ID cards will not be admitted for free. The match, between Nebraska and another team from the Mideast Re gion,would be played at 2 p m. Dec. 2 . Nebraska basketball players to hunt Kangaroos during Thanksgiving break By Cory Golden Staff Reporter While normal hunters in the state will be looking for pheasant or quail, the Nebraska men’s basketball team will set its sights on gun ning down kanga roos. The Comhuskers will open their regu lar season Saturday against the Univer sity of Missouri Kansas City Kanga- Nee roos. The game begins at 7:35 p.m. at the Bob Dcvancy Sports Center. Nebraska coach Danny Nee said his team is ready to forego Thanks giving turkey for a Kangaroo shoot. “This will be a really long week,” he said. “We’re all anxious to start playing.’’ Nee said he doesn’t know what to expect from Missouri-Kansas City. The Kangaroos opened their season by posting a 109-73 exhibition vic tory against Windsor, Canada. “They’vegotalotof young talent and Lee Hunt’s a good coach,’’ Nee said. “He used to be an assistant at UCLA. “But, other than that, we don’t know a lot about them because we haven’t played them.” The Kangaroos return five letter men, including three starters, from last year’s 9-18 team. Two of those returning starters, center David Robinson and guard Frank Mulak, combined for 55 points in the win against Windsor. Nee declined to name a starting lineup for the Missouri-Kansas City contest. He said Nebraska will have a flexible lineup, depending on the situation. Nee said opponents’ defense will determine who starts at guard. He said sophomore Chris Crcsswcll will start when Nebraska needs a sharp shooting guard who serves as a /.one buster, while Keith Moody’s quick ness could be used against a pressure defense. Nee said Clifford Scales will be switched between point and off guard with Crcsswcll, and senior Ray Richardson could move from small forward if the Huskers need more ^ a -a height. “We want to use our versatility,” Nee said. ‘‘We plan on utilizing all our personnel. Starting is more im portant to the players than a coach.” In addition to depth, Nee said Nebraska’s other true strength is put ting points on the board. ‘ ‘We have the ability to be a good offensive ball club,” he said. “ I think that we have a lot of versatility there as well. We have a lot of guys who can do a lot of different things.” After reviewing tapes of his team’s play during its 104-90 exhibi tion win against the Athletes in Ac tion, Nee said the Huskers’ defense is their primary concern. “We have to work on transition defense,” Nee said. “Athletes in Action got too many easy baskets. We have to work on our individual defense on and off the ball, too.” Nee said Nebraska’s primary goal against Missouri-Kansas City is to record a victory. “We want to win - that’s the main objective,” Nee said. “We have to find a way to win.” McDermott says he will stay at jn u until Big Eights are won or longer By Paul Domeier Staff Reporter Nebraska men’s tennis coach Kerry McDermott said some Florida schools sent out feelers to him this summer about leaving Nebraska. But McDermott said he isn’t done at Nebraska. “When I got this job, I said I wanted to win a Big Eight champion ship,’’ he said. "I probably won’t leave ‘til I win a Big Eight title.’’ Even then, he said, he would likely stay with the Comhuskers. “I like Nebraska too much to leave,’’ McDermott said. “I like the change of seasons.’’ McDermott, a Grand Island na tive, is a former Nebraska No. 1 singles player. He became an assis tant to Coach Jim Poricr for one year, then look control of his alma mater in the fall of 1981. Since he became coach, his teams have improved to a bcst-cvcr second place finish in the Big Eight in 1989, and Husker player Steven Jung fin ished second in the NCAA singles tournament last spring. Jung returned to Lincoln last weekend, and dropped an exhibition match to Matthias Mueller. Mueller is Nebraska’s No. 1 singles player. McDermott said Jung’s perform ance and the nine individual Big Eight titles his players have won arc nice, but he is looking for more. ‘ ‘ I want the team to continue to do well and not just have a couple of players doing well,” he said. Some members of McDermott’s team will play at the Drake Invita tional, an optional singles tourna ment, that begins Wednesday. The tournament concludes Sunday. The Huskers who will compete include Scott Randolph, Karl Falkland, Joseph Rahmc, David Moyer and Andy Auch Moedy. The five Nebraska players will face a variety of competition, as anyone is allowed to compete. This meet is the last action the Huskers will sec as a team until Feb ruary 24, when the team plays Creighton. Until then, the squad has three months of practice, which McDermott said should help his team improve. ‘‘The boring stuff you do — the drills, the patterns — is what makes you a better player through repeti tion,” he said. The schedule remains so constant, he said, that when Jung went to prac • * * » lice Friday, he correctly predicted the agenda. McDermott credited assistant coach Scott Jacobson for his help with training the players. “Scott is my drill sergeant in prac tice,” McDermott said. “He’s better than I am at teaching technique. I think I’m better at the mental as pect.” And McDermott handles the re cruiting, the biggest part of any suc cessful collegiate program in any sport. From California, he recruited Ste ven and Stuart Jung. From Europe he recruited Robert Sjoholm and Mueller. From New York he re cruited Ken Fcucr. “These guys arc starting to have a lot of success nationally,” McDer mott said. McDermott said as the program advances, the team gets proven tennis players instead of untrained athletes. Then he and Jacobson can polish instead of teach. “We can take guys like Matthias Mueller and Ken Feucr and push them Turther,” McDermott said. “The top-20 programs arc only working with naturally talented kids.” '. 1/Zhul:. 4«l:. .. Al Schaben/Daily Nebraskan Nebraska’s Keith Moody leaps into the air while trying to defend against Athletes in Action’s Rod Foster. |ln Husker wrestler wins weight class Nebraska’s Jason Kelber de feated Chris Bollin in the finals of the 126-pound weight class to highlight the Comhusker wres tling team’s participation in the Sl Louis Open, Kelber won his decision against Bollin in overtime. In addition to Kelber, the other top Nebraska finishers were Dave Droegemueller, Paul Herrera, Scott Chcnowcth and Joe Malccek. Herrera finished second in the 150-pound weight class after dropping an U-3 decision to Oklahoma State’s Todd Chesbro, while Droegemueller, Che nowelh and Malecek all finished fourth. I Gymnasts to compete in Colorado I The Nebraska men’s gymnas tics team will not have rrfuch time to enjoy its Thanksgiving break ahis week, as it will travel to Colo rado Springs, Colo., to compete in the Rocky Mountain Open on Saturday.