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Raymond Mahlbcrg, who began working as a security guard at Love Library in January 1987, is suing Edward Mentzer and the NU Board of Regents for attorneys’ fees and at least $750,000 in damages. According to the suit, Mahlbcrg was working in Love Library in May 1987 when he discovered that a door in the library that had been forcibly opened. Mahlbcrg then notified the UNL Police Department, which dis patched Mentzer to investigate the incident, the suit alleges. Mentzer then concluded “without probable cause,” according to the suit, that Mahlbcrg had himself com mitted the break-in. Mentzer brought Mahlbcrg to UNL police headquarters where he was interrogated for more than two hours, the suit alleges. Mahlbcrg was not notified of his rights and Mentzer refused to allow him to contact an attorney, the suit alleges. Alter Mahlbcrg notified Mentzer that he would either have to be ar rested or he was leaving, Mahlbcrg left police headquarters, according to the suit. The Lancaster County Attorney’s office later informed Mentzer that no action would be taken against Mahlbcrg, and Mcnlzcr began under taking an independent investigation into Mahlbcrg’s background, includ ing accessing his academic and per sonnel records at UNL, the suit al leges. Mahlbcrg contends, according to the suit, that he was fired as a security guard because of statements that Mentzer made to his supervisor. During his investigation, Mcnlzcr allegedly contacted some of Mahlbcrg’s friends, classmates and co-workers to solicit evidence of possible wrongdoing that Mahlbcrg committed, the suit says. Mentzer later had a search warrant issued so he could search Mahlbcrg’s home for a specific floppy disc or discs, the suit alleges, although Mentzer should have known that “the facts set forth in his affidavit in support of the search were false.’’ The suit also says that Mentzer and a UNL police officer searched Mahlbcrg’s house for three hours, removing about 180 floppy disks, computer program manuals, text books and personal notebooks. Mentzer also checked serial num bers of Mahlbcrg’s computer, televi sion, stereo, guns, tools and camera equipment during the search, the suit alleges. Upon ending the search, Mentzer arrested Mahlbcrg without probable cause and took him to UNL police headquarters where he was locked in a closet for about an hour, the suit alleges. Mahlbcrg later was taken to the Lincoln Police Department where Mentzer caused him to be charged with felony theft by receiving stolen property, the suit alleges. Mahlbcrg also contends in his suit that Mentzer contacted a supervisor at a later job he held at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in formed the supervisor of a criminal investigation into Mahlberg’s activi ties, which he alleges led to his subse quent firing. The suit also contends that Mentzer conducted a search of Mahlbcrg’s office without a warrant and retrieved documents that Mahlbcrg had printed on his office computer. Later that summer, Mentzer alleg edly contacted the executive director of the Nebraska Association of Farm workers, and notified her that Mahlbcrg had been arrested for a crime, the suit contends. Mahlbcrg was then a member of NAF’s Board of Directors, but be cause of Mentzer’s contacts with the executive director, he was asked to resign, the suit alleges. On Feb. 10, 1988, a district court ruled in favor of Mahlbcrg’s motion to suppress the evidence seized dur See SUIT on 3 Temporary maintenance department employees Mar* Sterkel and Brent Weissert move sideline benches off Memo* rial Stadium’s playing surface and into storage Monday. Chinese student criticizes Bush s motives By Jana Pedersen Senior Reporter The Bush administration, which is at tempting to block the passage of a bill that would make it easier for Chinese students to become U.S. citizens, is playing “geological politics,” according to one Uni versity of Ncbraska-Lincoln Chinese student. Ding Liu, chairman of the UNL Chinese Students and Scholars Association, said recent attempts by the Bush administration and some members of Congress to block the passage of the bill arc politically motivated. “The Bush administration wants to sacri fice these 40,000 Chinese students for geologi cal politics,” said Ding, a physics graduate student. A White House spokesperson issued a state ment condemning the bill last weekend before it was passed by both Congress, Ding said. The bill must still be signed by President Bush. The bill would waive the two-year wailing period usually required after visa expiration before Chinese students can apply for U.S. citizenship. Students arc required to return to China during that time. Ding said the bill is necessary to protect Chinese students from facing retaliation for pro-democracy actions when they return to China. Ding said about 40,000 Chinese students currently studying in the United Slates would be affected by the bill, Ding said similar legis lation already has been passed in Canada and Australia. The Bush administration is afraid that if the bill is adopted, it may harm relations with the Chinese government, Ding said. Bush believes that “China has an important position in the Far East, and a good relationship between China and America is important to benefit the U.S.,” Ding said. “But the Chinese government doesn’t like the bill.” If Bush signs the bill, he said, it will be a “heavy blow” to China. Ding said that approval of the bill would send a message to Chinese officials that “whenever you do things like they did this year, you will lose something, you will suf fer.” “It would make the Chinese government pay for what they did in June," he said. In June, Chinese demonstrators, mostly university students, were attacked by Chinese government troops in Tiannanmen Square in Beijing. If garnering U.S. citizenship was easier for Chinese students, Ding said, they wouldn’t have to return to China and face potential hostility. Students whoarc forced to return when their visas expire will be afraid to participate in any further pro-dcmocracv actions while they are in the United Stales, hurling the pro-dcmoc racy movement here, he said. “If the bill is killed, you can no longer expect Chinese students to do anything anti government because they will have no protec tion,” he said. Fear already has practically slopped the pro democracy movement in China, he said. “It’s almost impossible to raise a voice of democracy on political and economic reform in China now,” he said. After Ding wrote a letter to his family that contained anti-government comments in June, he said, he received only a brief response that they had received the letter. Before writing that letter, he received about one letter a month from his family, he said. But now his family is too afraid of the government to write him back, he said. “You know it’s a poor situation ... when a family member is afraid to dare to write his son or brother,” Ding said. Because the movement can’t be continued in China, he said, Chinese students abroad, the majority of whom arc in the United Slates, must be allowed to continue it. But they will be loo afraid to continue the protest if Bush signs it, he said. “They won’t hurl themselves,’’ he said. The control of communications in China is another reason the movement has suffered there and another reason students in the United Slates should be allowed to stay. Ding said. Because the government controls the amount and type of information allowed into China, he said, many Chinese citizens don’t know how bad the situation is. Having a line of communication open with the world outside of China will help keep democratic feelings alive there, he said. “If 40,000 students stay abroad, it will be more difficult for the Chinese government to cut oi l the information flow,” he said. “They can’t prevent letter exchange between family members.” See CHINA on 3 Parking policies debated By Amie DeFrain Staff Reporter he Parking Advisory Com mittee Monday discussed ways to stop holders of reserved stalls from parking in other stalls, and to allow others to park in empty reserved stalls dur ing off hours. The plan would create a Mon day-Friday, eight-hour reserved parking permit, in addition to the 24-hour, scvcn-days-a-wcck re served permit. Many committee members agreed that the first reserved per mits were being “misused” by faculty, students and staff mem bers. Ron Fuller, staff assistant to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Deparunent, said many holders arc not using reserved stalls during the day because they find other stalls closer to campus. Fran/. Blaha, faculty represen tative to the committee, said he would agree to having the new reserved stalls reserved during “business hours” and open after ward to all other permit holders. The committee decided to dis cuss the matter more in the future. A motion to convert “part of” Memorial Mall, the grass-covered area cast of the Memorial Stadium, into a faculty parking lot failed. See PARKING on 3 Officials say minimum wage increase to have little impact on UNL salaries By Diane Brayton Staff Reporter Some UNL officials agree lhal a minimum wage increase would have a limited impact on the university because many jobs associated with the university al ready pay close to the proposed amount. The minimum wage increase from $3.35 to $4.25 by April 1991, along with a proposed lower wage for teen agers with less than six months work experience, has passed the U.S. House of Representatives and is ex pected to pass the Senate before Thanksgiving. Under this proposal, the minimum wage will increase to S3.SO April 1, 1990, and to $4.25 by April 1991. Doug Zaicchka, director of hous ing, said wages in housing and other UNI. departments “are already above that (1990) minimum.” “(Those wages) will continue to go up, UH>,” he said. By the tunc the possible S4.25 wage is installed, “the hourly rale (on campus) will probably be above and beyond the minimum wage,” Zai cchka said. Zaicchka said competition for good student workers with the com mercial market and other UNL of fices is responsible for the present highcr-than-minimum wages. Although a federal minimum wage increase would not directly result in higher costs for students, the resulting higher wages that offices must offer to stay competitive after 1991 could, he said. “That means students will pay more money for housing and tuition because that money will have to cover the increased cost,” he said. Daryl Swanson, director of Ne braska Unions, said the first mini mum wage increase won’t have a big effect on student employees because present wages arc at or close to $3.SO now. “The greater effect is going to be a year later,” Swanson said. ‘‘That See WAGES on 3